Just Friends- Part 3

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You guys wanted a part 3, so here we go!

1 year later

Davina's POV

I leave the store, not wanting to face him. Not again. Why couldnt he just leave me alone? He's the one who messed everything up. He's the one who ruined us. He may of started it, but I finished it. I'm just now getting back to being me, and I'm not gonna come crawlimg back to him now. Not like this. I quickly get in my car, seeing I have a message from my best friend Lydia. She moved here a couple months ago, and we decided to move in together. Bonnie and Enzo live together now. We still keep in touch, but she's busy a lot so we don't talk often anymore. I unlock my phone, reading the message.

Headed out for a shopping spree. If im not home, you know why

I text a suddle, 'ok' back, and start the car. I smile, knowing Lydia kept up to her promise. 2 weeks ago, she got black out drunk, and didnt tell anyone. A guy with a weird name took her home and cared for her, but I didn't know about this. So, like a good friend, I ended up calling the cops the next day, and the poor guy was held in custody until Lydia woke up and explained what she remembered. After that, I made her promise to tell me if she's leaving the house. I'm kinda like her mom in a weird friendship way?

I get to the house, and see a car parked outside my house. I frown, not recognizing it. Soon, someone gets out of the car, and I frown. "Kai? What are you doing here?" I ask him and he smiles a wicked smile. "Well, I was gonna come here and have tea, but a friend of mine is having some issues with his ex." He says, and I immediately roll my eyes, walking towards my apartment, but Kai follows. "Well tell your friend to get a life." I say, and he sighs, "You won't even hear him out? I mean, there's a valid reason why he did what he did-" "Stop right there. For a whole 12 months I have had to deal with people defending that jackass, telling me I'm over reacting, and I should give him another chance." I say, as we stand in my living room.

"Why won't you? I mean, you said it your self. It's been 12 months, and he's still after you." I sigh, not caring. "Because Kai. You don't know what it's like, waiting at a dinner table, waiting for someone to show up, anyone but no one comes. What it's like to stand in the pouring rain for hours, for an explanation that never comes. Waiting at a bus stop for the man who was never coming back-to be forgotten! By someone who claimed to love you, just to leave you like everyone else, so no Kai! I will not be giving Kol Mikaelson another chance. Not now, and not ever!" "Your right. I don't know how that feels, because I prefer women, but of were being serious. You didn't even hear him out. His side of the story. Why don't you?" He asks me, and I sigh. "Please just go." I say, and he shakes his head. "Not until you agree to hear him out." He says, and I roll my eyes, "Kai. Out." I say, raising my voice a little. "Hear him out." He says, and I groan. "If I listen to what he has to say, will you leave?" I ask him, and he nods frantically. I sigh, rolling my eyes again. "Tomorrow morning. Coffee at mystic grill. If he's late-" "He won't be!" Kai chimes in. "If he's late. Tell him to never, speak to me, again. Got it?" I ask him. And he nods, walking out the door. I sit on the couch, sighing. Not looking forward to tomorrow at all...

The next morning

Kol's POV

I arrive at mystic grill, seeing Davina sitting in a booth looking absolutely radiant. I approach the booth, sitting across from her. "Thank you for, agreeing to this." I say, andshe nods, sipping her coffee, not once looking me in the eyes. It was silent. I looked at her, realizing what was different. Only a year, and she cut her hair. Shoulder length. She looked more mature, even though she was fresh out of high school. I realised I was staring, and cleared my throat. "Davina, I-" "Look, before you talk, you need to know that, whatever you say, do t expect me to forgive you right after." She says, and I nod.

"That night, it was valentine's day. We were supposed to go out for dinner, and you never showed." She starts, "Then, you told me you would explain to me why you didn't show up. You told me to meet you in the woods behind the Lockwood mansion. It started raining, and again, you didn't show. At that point, it felt like you were playing a game with me." She looks down, and I feel horrible regret. "2 weeks later, we had to leave for college. You told me to meet you at the bus stop, and guess who didnt show, again." I look in her eyes, to see tears swelling, but I know she wouldn't dare let them slip. "Davina, I am so, so sorry, for putting you through that embarrassment." I say, and she shakes her head. "I didn't care about what other people thought. The embarrassment was nothing compared to the whole in my heart, thinking you forgot me. Thinking you used me, it was worse then torture."

Now tears were in my eyes. All those times I tried to explain the truth to her, I got held up. I chuckle, and she frowns. "Seriously?-you know what this was a stupid idea-" She is about to get up from the booth, but I stop laughing, grabbing her hand across the table. "Davina, just listen." I say, and she rolls her eyes, sitting back down. "I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at me." She frowns, confusion evident on her face. "Here I was, coming here for your forgiveness. Expecting us to start again, but I realized how wrong that is." I start, "So your saying we were wrong?" She asks, and I immediately shake my head. "I'm saying I don't expect your forgiveness. I put everything before you. Family being that everything, and you still waited. You had no idea what was going on, but you waited, trusting me enough thinking I would show. I was planning on showing, I swear. And I'm wish I could explain why I wasn't there but, in the end, it all comes back to the truth. That I love you." I say, a tear falling down my flushed cheek. She looks shocked, tears daring to spill, and one made it threw.

"I love you so much Davina. That I'm willing to let you go..." I say, and she frowns, another tear escaping after another. "I know what I did is no excuse. But I do know that I will stop. Stop trying to get your attention, stop bothering you. I'll give you space." I pause again, standing up, out of my booth. "Just know, I-I'm sorry." At this, I walk away...

I wipe my tears with my forearm, walking out of the shop, until I here the bell ding, and my name being called. "Kol!" I look back, seeing Davina. She runs up to me, and before I know it, her lips are on mine. The kiss is passionate, slow, and shorter then I wanted it to be. I missed this feeling. We pull back, slowly. "I can't say that I forgive you yet, because what you did, it really hurt me but, I can't say I don't love you. That I'm not in love with you, because I am. And I don't think I ever will stop." She says, and I smile, a genuine sad/happy smile. I kiss her again, picking her up, feeling happy once again, now that I have my Davina back.

This was cute, and I loved this. Any requests on what I should do next? Lmk.

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