3. Car Ride

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"Nick? Nick, wait" Scott called and followed his boyfriend, but the brunette shut the front door before he could get to him and drove off.

Scott sighed and went back inside the house. He wanted to do something, even thought about following him, but he knew that it wouldn't help with anything. So he put on his shoes, grabbed his bag and dragged himself over to his car and got on his way to pick up Mitch for another long day of rehearsal.

"Oh wow, you're on time! That's something else" Mitch said when he sat down in the passenger's seat. "Oh and Kirstie is bringing coffee today, so we don't need to stop!"

"Awesome!" Scott nodded. "Well, setting a second alarm worked," he said and feigned a smile.

Mitch smiled back at him. "Good," he said cheerfully but then faltered. "Are you okay?"

Scott nodded. "I am. Just a little... no I am okay." The blonde decided against telling his best friend about the misunderstanding he had with his boyfriend.

"Are you sure? You don't seem like you're okay, Scott" Mitch probed further.

The blonde sighed. "We had a little misunderstanding, Nick and I. Nothing major but still, it sucks" he finally confessed.

"Oh." Mitch didn't know what to say. Scott knew that Nick wasn't his favourite, but then again he would never express any dislike for the man his best friend chose to love. "What was it all about?"

"I don't even know. It just happened. Like... we talked about Europe last night and he wanted to take some time off to join us for the whole leg, but I didn't want that. And I told him. We decided to put this aside and enjoyed a wonderful evening together. This morning over breakfast he said that he decided to only join for a few days. From Amsterdam to Berlin roughly" Scott explained. "And I was fine with it, I encouraged him to do so and told him that I would talk to Esther about this. then he said that he felt like I wouldn't want him there which is not true. and I told him and apologised. I also explained that even if I always want him around me, I feel like it's a strain on me and my ability to focus on the tour which is more important in this case." Scott shrugged his shoulders as he drove down to the studio.

"Yeah, but you have a point there, Scott. We always love to have partners and other friends around, but sometimes it's too much" Mitch replied. "But you solved that misunderstanding, right?"

Scott grimaced. "Kind of? I don't know. We both stated our cases and then l had to leave" he explained. "I think we'll sit down tonight and talk it through. I mean it was nothing major, just a little misunderstanding. maybe I chose my words wrong and really made him feel like he shouldn't come along."

Mitch raised an eyebrow. "Do you want him to come along?"

Scott stopped at a red light and looked at his best friend. "Are you kidding me? he's my boyfriend, of course, I want him with me!"

Mitch shrugged his shoulders. "Just because he's your boyfriend doesn't mean that you need to be comfortable with him on tour. Sometimes touring with a partner doesn't work out. Remember that I had these issues with Luca? I mean there were a lot of issues, but he never travelled with us because it didn't work out" he explained patiently.

Scott sighed. "I know," he said. "But I think we'll try it this time and it will be okay. And if it doesn't work out we'll have to amend for the next tour."

Mitch smiled at him. "Don't worry too much about the argument, Scott. I know your mind is racing because you're trying to come up with ways to make it right, but you'll see tonight it will be alright. You both will apologise and it will be okay."

Scott smiled slightly. "I hope so. And thank you for listening. I know you don't like him that much..."

"Well, but I like my best friend happy and in love, so I accept him by your side. Plus, I am always trying to make amends and you know it. It's just that he's kinds distant, too" Mitch said.

Scott nodded. "He is. I figured that maybe the trip to Mykonos might make things better..."

"Oh yeah, definitely," Mitch said happily, but then stopped when he saw the grimace on his best friends face. "What is wrong with Mykonos?"

"We haven't made a decision, yet, but Nick is leaning more towards a couple trip instead of going with a bunch of people?" The blonde confessed.

Mitch took an audible breath. "So you're telling me that you're out?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, yet..."

"What do you want, Scott?"


"Do you want to go to Mykonos with us?" Mitch asked again.

"Of course I do. But if Nick doesn't want to. And he has a point, we'll be together on the tour..."

Mitch rolled his eyes. "Well we might be, but our vacations are so much more fun! And if it's about spending time together, you'll have a bedroom for yourselves, you can go on cute dates on yourselves. But we'll also have a lot of fun as a group. I heard Avi will be joining us as well! It will be so much fun! And it's only a week, so you can go on a second vacation afterwards..." he brunette explained. "And I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to hang out some more. I really want to get along with Nick and so do the other ones."

Scott smiled slightly. "I'll talk to him, okay?" He promised as he parked the car in front of the studio.

Mitch nodded. "Good. Because it wouldn't be as much fun as it is without you."

"Same" Scott replied and took his phone, sighing when he saw that Nick hadn't texted.

"It will all turn out fine," Mitch said when he noticed what his best friend was doing.

Scott nodded. "I hope so," he said and put his phone away. "Come on, let's head inside."

He looked at his phone once more while everyone was mingling and talking before the rehearsal and then decided to text his boyfriend real quick: "Hey, Nick. Just wanted to say I'm sorry. I am looking forward to exploring Germany with you if you still want to? Esther's not here today, but please think about it, so I can tell her tomorrow. Xx Scott"

It was a long rehearsal and they only took small breaks. Scott checked his phone every time but it was only in the afternoon when Nick had texted him back: "Hey, Scott. It's okay, I shouldn't have reacted that way. And yes, I will definitely join you. Are you up for dinner tonight? I'm leaving work now and I will get groceries and cook something nice?"

Scott smiled slightly. "Yes, please! Dinner would be lovely. Can't wait.Xx"

"Okay, let me know when you leave!"

"I will. Xx"

"So I guess everything is fine? I saw that smile on your face" Mitch said as they were getting ready to leave an hour later.

Scott nodded. "Everything is fine. He's cooking dinner tonight."

Mitch chuckled. "Damn I hope that fight was bad enough for some good make-up sex" he joked.

"Sex with him is always good" Scott commented and winked at his best friend.

"Oh you will get the room farthest away from the others on Mykonos," Mitch said.

Scott joined the laughter, but he also felt his stomach sink thinking about the fact that he still had to talk about this with Nick.


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