36. Texts

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"Ouzo tasting? I'm intrigued" Mitch said when Scott told him about their plans later on.

"Thank you," Scott said. "Kirstie and Ben aren't up to it, but maybe they want to go on on a date." He shrugged his shoulders. "But I don't mind. Avi is coming, too and the three of us will have a blast.

"And a massive hangover" Avi intervened.

"Wouldn't be the first" Scott replied. "I head to the reception later and asked them if they can help us book something."

"Wonderful" Mitch said and clapped his hands when Ben and Kirstie came from the bar with a round of drinks for them. "Cocktails" he cheered when he took his glass.

"Of course," Kirstie said and raised her glass. "To a wonderful vacation with wonderful friends."

The beach day was amazing. They all took several dips in the sea, relaxed and talked a lot. Scott was very happy because he was able to think about something else than his ex. He knew that he would be able to talk to any of his friends if he needed it, but he also knew that they wouldn't ask him. And after the two talks with Avi and one with Mitch he was in a good state of mind.

It was only in the late afternoon after they had retired to their rooms to shower and get ready for the evening that his mood changed. After he had showered and got dressed he wanted to head to the reception to ask about the Ouzo tasting. He took his phone and opened the calendar where he had put in the plans they had already made, like the day they would spend on a little yacht and the sunrise hike. But then he saw a notification. A new message from Nick:

"Hello, Scott. I thought you would at least let me know if and when you arrived safely. I think you owe me after you left me alone."

Scott felt anger and unease rise up in his stomach, especially when he saw that Nick was still typing:

"The AC broke and it is unbearable right now. I slept on a recliner in the garden, because that was halfway acceptable. But I don't know who I should call to fix this. After all, it's your house and your AC."

Scott groaned and threw his phone to the side. He didn't want to deal with this problem, not after he just had a wonderful day with his friends.

So he pocketed his phone and walked downstairs, planning to at least wait a few hours before answering.

"Are you okay, Scott?" Mitch was lounging on the sofa with a bottle of water in his hand. "You look stressed."

Scott dropped down next to him and nodded. "A bit. He texted. Said my AC was broken and asked me which service he should call."

"This is probably just a scheme to contact you," Mitch said. "Did you text back?"

Scott shook his head. "No. Not yet. My mood is already down and I really don't want to deal with him..."

"Maybe you should text back, ask him if there is any visible damage," Mitch said.

"And then?"

Mitch sighed. "Phone?"

Scott handed his best friend his phone after unlocking it and Mitch immediately typed away:

"Do you know what is broken? Is there any visible damage? Any leakage of some sort?"

"Well hello to you too."

Scott could literally hear Nick's snarky voice saying these words and it caused him to feel a shiver running down his spine.

"So I checked it earlier. No leakage the thing is just off. Maybe an electric failure, I don't know."

"Alright. Then you don't need to call anyone as it doesn't seem urgent. I'll take care of it once I'm back home."

Mitch showed the message to Scott.

"That's..." Scott said and smiled. "Brilliant."

"Good" Mitch replied and sent it off before handing the phone back to the blonde. "I thought this might motivate him to pack his shit up and leave. I can take care of the AC on the days I'm home so you'll be set once you get home."

"Thank you," Scott said and sighed when he saw that Nick had replied.

"Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea how fucking hot it is? You can't leave me with a broken AC when there are fucking 100 degrees in the bedroom."

Mitch read the message and immediately took the phone again, knowing that Scott didn't want to deal with his ex from the look on his face.

"I am not kidding, Nick. It is my house and my AC. You should spend your time packing up your things and go somewhere where you can have your AC. I don't care. Just leave me alone."

"Thank you" Scott replied. "I wouldn't know what to say or do."

Mitch smiled. "I know. It's easier for me because I don't like him" he said, trying to joke to lighten Scott's mood.

But Scott just sighed when he saw another message.

"Scott, I'm sorry. There's a lot I shouldn't have done. But let's sit down and talk once you're back home? Maybe go to Guadalupe and figure it out together? Please don't throw our relationship away for one stupid mistake I've made. I love you, Scott."

Tears were welling up in Scott's eyes after he had read the text. "He... he's trying to manipulate me again," he said and wiped his eyes. "He only tells me that he loves me when something went wrong. Like after a fight or so."

Mitch took his best friend's hand in his own. "Yes, he is doing it again, Scott," he said softly. "But this time you know it and you won't fall for it." He pulled his best friend into a hug and held him for a moment.

"You're right. I won't" Scott said. "Can I reply?"

Mitch nodded. "Sure. It's your fight."

"No. Guadalupe is cancelled Nick and our relationship is over. I don't care if you think that I am throwing anything away, because I am happy and comfortable with my decision. So please stop texting me. Don't even reply to this text because I won't read it."

He sent it off and then put his phone away and laid back. "My whole mood is ruined," the blonde said. "I hate it. Sorry..."

"Don't be sorry, Scott. I knew that this vacation would feature a lot of ups and downs and we're here for all of them. But why don't you turn off that phone and leave it here? You won't need it at the bar and this way there won't be any unwelcome distractions, hmm?"

Scott nodded. "Good idea," he said and wanted to add something when he heard Avi coming down the stairs.

"Hey" the bearded man greeted and then frowned. "What happened here?"

Mitch didn't say anything, because it was Scott's decision to let him know or not.

"He texted" Scott spoke up while he turned his phone off. "And it riled me up, but Mitch was there and helped me and it's settled now. My mood is dampened a bit, but that's nothing good food, my friends and a few more of these lovely cocktails won't fix."


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