76. Envelope

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A week later, Scott and Avi came home late at night after a long session at the studio. Avi's original plans to go back to his own house were soon replaced by the thought of being in a bed half an hour earlier because Scott's place was way closer.

So he left his car at the studio and drove with Scott, eager to get comfortable.

"Are you still hungry or thirsty or do you want to head straight to bed?" Scott asked as he opened the front door.

"Tea would be nice" Avi replied. "My ears are still ringing from singing and listening so much, I definitely need something to calm down."

"Alright" Scott returned and went into the kitchen. He noticed immediately the envelope which was lying on the table.

He knew that Lilli had been there in the afternoon. He had hired her after he moved in and she cleaned the whole house for him once a week. Of course, he didn't mind cleaning himself, but it was just convenient, plus he couldn't bear ending the contract with Lilli anyway. She was kind, hard-working and, most of all, he trusted her.

He took the letter and read the return address. "It's from the court," he said to Avi.

"Open it. It's probably the date for the hearing" the bearded man replied.

"Yeah..." Scott replied and then opened the envelope hesitantly. He read the letter. "Next Friday already."

"That's quick," Avi said. "Ten days. Better than waiting for a month, hmm?" He looked at his boyfriend, noticed how nervous he was. "Love?"

"I don't know, Avi. I just want it to be over, but then again I'm kinda scared? Like I don't want to go to the hearing at all" the blonde explained.

"I get that, Scott. Really. But remember that you're not alone. Your lawyer will be there, Rose, too. I will be near as well. And remember how the lawyer said that the hearing is a mere formality in your case" Avi explained patiently.

"You're right..." Scott said. He put the letter back into the envelope and pinned it to his fridge so he wouldn't forget about it. "I just hope that it will be quick and simple."

"I think we all do, Scott" Avi returned with a smile on his face. He turned away from his boyfriend and filled the electric kettle with water. He knew his way around Scott's kitchen and since the blonde seemed to be in deep thought, he decided to take over. He poured two mugs of herbal tea and took them over to the living room. Scott followed him and immediately picked up his journal which was lying on the table.

"Do you mind if I..." Scott asked.

"Not at all" Avi replied. He knew that Scott would feel better after writing down whatever was stuck in his head. He took his cup of tea and laid back, closed his eyes and enjoyed that it was quiet, except for the sound of Scott's pen on the paper.

When he was done with journaling, Scott settled back down and drank his tea in silence.

"Ready for bed?" Avi asked after he had watched Scott staring at the wall for almost fifteen minutes.

"Hmm?" Scott looked at him. "What did you just say? Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts."

Avi smiled. "I noticed" he replied. "I wanted to know if you wanted to go to bed."

"Sure" he returned and got up. He took both cups and brought them over to the kitchen without saying anything and then went upstairs.

Avi stayed in the living room, now lost in his thoughts himself. He didn't know what to make of Scott's behaviour. He had expected him to be glad about the appointment for the hearing because that meant that the issues with Nick would be over once and for all. But Scott didn't seem happy and Avi definitely wanted to find out what it was all about because he wanted to help his boyfriend.

Fifteen minutes later, the bearded man joined Scott in bed, turned to him as usual and wanted to snuggle up to him but Scott turned away.

"Good night," he said and turned off the lights.

"Good night" Avi returned softly. He was taken aback by Scott not wanting him close, but he pushed the negative thoughts away and tried to sleep.

But instead of sleeping, he stayed awake and listened to Scott's breathing. He knew that the blonde was lying awake and Avi wondered whether he should speak up. He stretched out his arm after a while and softly touched his shoulder.

Scott flinched when he felt the touch but then relaxed instantly.

"You can't sleep, hmm?" Avi said softly, but he didn't get any reply. "If you want to, I can turn on one of the stories? We could cuddle, too, if you want to, it's your call, Love."

"Story, please?" Scott's voice was soft and quiet, but Avi understood him anyway.

"Sure," he said and grabbed his phone to turn on the story. Since Scott hadn't replied to the question regarding the cuddles, he stayed on his side of the bed and tried to shift his focus away from Scott and to the story. It was only when he felt Scott shift a while later that he opened his eyes again.

The blonde was now lying on his back and had his arms open as if he was silently asking him to come closer.

Avi did so and laid his head on top of Scott's chest. He was glad that he allowed him close again. "Is that okay?" he asked nevertheless.

"Yeah, thanks" Scott replied.

"You're welcome" Avi whispered back and then fell silent. Like so many nights before, he focused on Scott's breathing and waited for him to fall asleep before he was able to sleep himself.

He knew that after all this mess, he would be dead tired the next day, after a rough day like this he usually needed a good full night's sleep, but Scott was more important.

Avi made a mental note to try and find out how he was feeling the next morning just seconds before he fell asleep as well.


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