32. Sunset

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The afternoon at the pool was relaxing. After a dip in the pool, Scott and Avi got comfortable on the deck chairs. They didn't talk much and eventually, they even fell asleep. Since they were right under a parasol and the sun wasn't shining directly on their terrace anymore they were rather safe.

"This was so relaxing," Scott said and stretched his arms over his head after he had got up to get ready for dinner.

"Mmhm, I'm definitely not opposed to action during our vacation, but it was a perfect first afternoon" Avi agreed and then waved when the blonde went inside and upstairs.

He, too, got up, emptied his bottle of water and then went back into the house where he met Mitch who was just coming out of his room. "Hi, did you have a good nap?"

But Mitch shook his head. "Not really," he said. "I probably go right back to bed after dinner. I'm developing a headache and it's just a bad day..."

Avi pouted. "On no," he said. "Do you need anything?"

Mitch shook his head. "No, I'll be fine. I blame the long journey and the jetlag. If I go to bed early tonight, I'll be good in the morning" he explained as he opened a fresh bottle of water and swallowed a pill down.

"Good," Avi said, smiling softly.

"I would skip dinner as well, but I think food will help and I also want to socialise a bit with my travel group" Mitch explained. "Anyway, I gotta take my shower now. I'll see you in a bit."


Dinner was a fun affair. They were sitting outside on the terrace of the restaurant and had a wonderful three-course meal.

They had talked about what they wanted to do on their vacation and even made a loose schedule for things they all wanted to experience. They had also found a hotel and flights for their detour to Athens in between the main course and dessert.

"So, since Mitch isn't feeling good, are you going back to your rooms as well or are you up to a sunset walk?" Kirstie asked. "Ben and I are going down to the beach."

"I'm in," Scott said. "Looking forward actually. I love sunsets."

"I'll come as well. Even though I am more of a sunrise kind of guy" Avi returned. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Sunrise? But that's like... super early" Scott said.

"And?" Avi chuckled. "It really is a wonderful time of day, though. You should give it a try eventually. I bet the sunrise over the sea is marvellous."

Scott chuckled. "Maybe, but so is the sunset" he returned.

"I think that sunset is just very cliché romantic while sunrise is clear and crisp, helps you get your mind all set up for the day" Kirstie spoke up. "Did you ever do a sunrise hike? Once you get out of your bed and are outside, you'll feel invincible."

"Yeah, and if you're back from the hike and got your breakfast you can go right back to bed and sleep until noon" Ben commented, ducking his head when his girlfriend glared at him.

Scott chuckled. "Maybe I should try it eventually..."

"We should definitely do a sunrise hike while we're here! Nothing too big, just a place from where we can watch the sunrise" Kirstie offered.

"Sure why not," Mitch said. "If you say that sunrise is worth getting up for, I'll come." He then stifled a yawn. "Sorry. Maybe we should get back to our rooms so I can get comfy in bed and you can get on your way. Otherwise, the sun will be all set before you're at the beach."

"True" Kirstie emptied her glass of wine. "And you're sure that you'll be alright on your own?"

"Kirstie, I live alone. But if you're up to watching me sleep, you're cordially invited. I don't know if it will be much fun, though..." Mitch returned. "It's just a headache and I'm going to bed early so it doesn't turn into a full-on migraine..."

"I don't think Avi would mind watching you sleep" Scott spoke up. "He has a tendency..."

"Scott!" Avi exclaimed. "I was only exploring our balcony. I wasn't watching you."


Fifteen minutes later, Mitch was in his bedroom while the other four were walking down to the beach. Once they got there, they took off their shoes and walked through the water. It was chilly yet really pleasant. They were talking about this and that while enjoying the water and the evening air.

When the sun started to set they stopped and watched from the shore. Kirstie found herself in her boyfriend's arm while Scott and Avi stood next to one another a bit away from the couple.

They watched the sky in silence, but Scott found himself looking over to the couple. He thought about what it would have been like to be here with Nick. If he would have held him the way Ben was holding Kirstie.

"Penny for your thoughts, Scott?"

Avi's voice pulled Scott out of his thoughts. He sighed. "I..."

"Do you want to walk a bit more? I think those two are in their own world..."

Scott nodded. "Sure." They walked away from the couple.

"What's got you thinking so hard, Scott?" Avi asked after a while of silence. "If you want to tell me that is."

"I..." Scott began. "I was just watching Kirstie and Ben and I thought about being with him. Here. If I would be happy..."

"And?" Avi asked patiently.

"I think I wouldn't be. I... he would never hold me like this. Like Ben is doing. Or allow me to hold him" Scott said. "Still, I miss him in a way, even though I am glad that I broke up."

"You miss having someone at your side, Scott" Avi said. "You don't miss Nick, you just miss the feeling of being with him."

Scott sighed. "I... I think so" he said. "It's just... so confusing."

Avi smiled slightly. "If talking helps, I'm here to listen."

Scott took a deep breath. He wasn't sure if he wanted to burden Avi with the mess in his mind. "You don't mind?" He therefore asked. "It's a lot."

"Of course I don't Scott. You're my friend and I want to help you" Avi said. "But maybe we should head back to our balcony? The sun is almost down and it'll be dark..."

Scott nodded. "Yeah... that's probably better," he said. "What about Kirstie and Ben?"

"They'll find their way back," Avi said. He noticed that Scott was fidgeting with his hands as they were walking back towards the hotel. "Don't be nervous, Scott. It's just me, Avi."

Scott smiled at the bearded man. "I know... I guess I'm still a bit on edge. I thought I could just leave him and everything concerning him in America and have fun here."

"You will have a lot of fun here. But sometimes you need some downtime and either distraction or someone to talk to and we're all here for you, okay?" Avi made sure.

Scott nodded. "Yes, thank you."

Avi smiled brightly. "You're welcome, Scott."


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