81. Tension

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Avi didn't know what to expect from the evening. Usually, after being confronted with anything related to Nick, Scott would be quiet and lost in his thoughts. And while Avi understood and accepted this, he didn't like seeing him like this.

So he was surprised that Scott was happy and excited to spend the evening with him. They cooked together and ate outside on the patio.

"So this was very healthy," Scott said once he was done. "And delicious as well."

Avi chuckled. "That it was."

"Mmhm and I've been thinking... Do you still have some room? Because I could go for some ice cream" Scott said. "My treat?"

Avi chuckled. "Sure. Maybe I was waiting for you to ask because I feel a day like this screams for ice cream."

Scott nodded slowly. "Yeah. It was a great day. I mean I could've gone without seeing him, but I guess I have to get used to it eventually."

"Yeah, probably. But then again you have the restraining order to help you" Avi said.

"I know" Scott returned. "But I am also trying to not let his words get to me. And I've been wondering... if I say during the hearing that he approached us and what he said, do you think that it could be good for me?"

"I'm not a lawyer, but I guess so? I mean he is not allowed to come near you. Today you could have called the cops on him because he violated the order" Avi explained.

"True," Scott said. "But I am glad that we solved this so easily."

"Me too, because you don't deserve his psycho terror," Avi said.

"That's right. I deserve to be happy" Scott replied.

"Mmhm, and what do you need to be happy?" Avi asked.

"A walk hand in hand with my wonderful boyfriend and ice cream," Scott said and got up slowly.

Avi smiled. "I think we can manage both" he replied and got up as well.


"So he talked to you? That's against the order. You know that you could have called the cops?"

Scott nodded. It was Saturday and he was sitting in Rose's office. "I know. But I thought it was easier to just go, you know?" He sighed softly. "But do you think that it might help us in court?"

"Oh for sure. Are you meeting up with your lawyer before the hearing?" Rose wanted to know.

"Yeah" Scott replied. "On Thursday. We still wanted to talk through everything once more. I definitely want to mention it to him. Avi was there as well, so he can testify."

"Good. That's very good" Rose said. "How have you been after seeing Nick again? The last time you had some issues."

"I had a breakdown over burnt bechamel" Scott returned. "But yeah, this time it was different. Perhaps because Avi was with me, I don't know. I just thought to myself that I didn't want another ruined date night with him and that I didn't want him to influence my life anymore" Scott explained.

"That's the spirit. Still, you should know that it is valid to not feel good at all times, especially after meeting him" Rose said.

"I know, Rose. But this time it was easy to just let myself go. I cooked dinner with Avi, we took a nice walk and then went to bed together" Scott said and smiled slightly at the memory of the night.

"That's really good," Rose said.

They continued talking about the past days and the upcoming hearing and when Scott left the building he felt good and ready for it. Rose helped him to see the hearing as the last bit he had to do to get rid of Nick for good and Scott was more than ready to get it done.


The following days were rather easy on Scott. He spent most of it with Avi and Mitch. A planned double date they wanted to do on Sunday had to be rescheduled because Francis had an emergency in the clinic and so they spent the afternoon without him. On Monday they were back in the studio, working extra hard to make up for the days they had missed and would still be missing because of the hearing.

On Monday and Tuesday, they had long days after which Avi went home with Scott, glad to be comfortable within half an hour. Since they had worked hard, the two of them only got dinner, watched a movie and went to bed, before heading to the studio after a nice breakfast.

"Francis is asking if we want to go out tonight," Mitch said during their break on Wednesday. "Just for some dinner, he really was looking forward to checking out your favourite place, Avi."

Avi looked up. He shrugged his shoulders and looked at Scott. "What do you say, Scott?"

"Sure, if you want to?"

"Yeah, let's do it," Avi said and looked at Mitch. "We're coming. I need to make a call to book a table in the restaurant real quick. If you want to go there? To Jones'? Scott?"

"Yeah, I mean that was the original plan, right?" Scott returned. "No need to ask me."

Avi shrugged his shoulders, "Just wanted to make sure you're alright with it."

"I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Scott smiled at his boyfriend and then left the room after announcing he would need a toilet break.

The rehearsal dragged on for another few hours. It was fun, but also a lot of work they had to get done on that day.

"I thought we'd never get out of here," Mitch said as they were leaving the studio. Kevin and Kirstie had already left.

"Me too" Avi replied. He looked at the clock. "Okay, not that much time. Scott? Shall we head to my place immediately? I washed and ironed the clothes you left behind, so you can change."

Scott, who had been chugging a bottle of water, looked at his boyfriend. "What if I want to go to my place to shower and change?"

Avi furrowed his brows. "I mean we could stop there if you want to" he returned. "I should have something to wear at your place, too?"

Scott sighed. "You're doing it again, Avi."

"What?" Avi asked, furrowing his brows.

"Putting my opinions and wishes before yours. It would be stupid to stop at my place first. You have a shower I could use and I've got clothes there" Scott replied.

"So you don't want to stop at your place?" Avi asked, completely confused.

"No, of course not" Scott returned. He wanted to say more, confront his boyfriend about the unnerving habit he had, but decided to stay quiet, mainly because he didn't want to fight. He sighed. "Let's go to your place," he said and walked over to Avi's car.

Mitch, who had parked next to them, followed and smiled at them before he got into his own car. "I'll see you late then, boys," he said and looked at Scott before adding: "No fighting."

Scott rolled his eyes at Mitch when he was sure that Avi couldn't see it, but the smaller man just grinned as he got into the car and drove off.

"So my place?" Avi asked as they were both buckling up.

"Yep," Scott returned and turned on the radio as soon as Avi had started the engine.


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