67. Groceries

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The afternoon was nice. They first headed to a small café where they had a light lunch and then strolled through some of the small shops. Scott picked up two notebooks, one to journal and one for songwriting. They were homemade and unique and just beautiful. He also laughed at Avi getting not one but three notebooks.

Afterwards, they got ice cream and sat down on a bench, watching the sea.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Avi spoke up after a while of them being silent.

“Hmm?” Scott hummed and looked at Avi.

“You’ve been so lost in your thoughts, Scott. What are you thinking about?” Avi asked.

“I…” Scott shrugged his shoulders.

“Us, mainly.”

Avi furrowed his brows. “Why’s that? Do you want to talk about it?”

“Yeah… I’m just wondering where we stand, Avi. We’re going out, we’re holding hands. Yet, we don’t really kiss? Except for this morning. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m just feeling so insecure right now, Avi. I mean if kissing all the time isn’t your thing, I’m fine with that. Just… let me know, please? I… damn it’s probably my fault, after all, I broke all this and we only talked about it last night. I-”

“No need to be nervous, Scott” Avi said softly, interrupting Scott’s rambling. “Can I talk?"

Scott nodded.

"I am still trying to figure this all out. I want to give you the space you need to heal, before and especially after our break. I guess I am rather insecure, too" Avi replied patiently. “But I love kissing you, Scott. I love having you close.”

Scott smiled slightly. “Good to know” he said. “Because I love it as well.” He leaned closer and kissed Avi’s lips softly. “So much.”
Avi returned the kiss and put his arms around Scott’s neck, pulling him in.

They parted after a while, smiling at one another. “Way better” Scott said softly.

“I’m glad” Avi said. “I feel like we need to work on our communication, hmm?”

Scott nodded. “Yeah” he said and pulled the bearded man into his arms so his head was resting comfortably against his shoulder.

“I called you my boyfriend today for the first time” Avi said after a while. “When the receptionist was asking who I was waiting for.”

“You never did before?” Scott returned.

“No. I always said that we were seeing each other. But I felt like it this time. It felt so good to say it” Avi said. “It feels good to have you as my boyfriend.”

“Mmhm” Scott hummed. “I kinda said the same when I talked about you? But when I told Rose, I said that we were in a relationship. I mean it’s still fresh and everything, but it feels good” he said.

Avi smiled. “It does,” he said and put an arm around Scott’s waist, wanting to be even closer to him.

Scott smiled at this gesture, he was glad that his doubts were unfounded and that Avi, his boyfriend, wanted him close as well.

“You’re doing it again” he heard Avi’s voice after a while. “Drifting off, thinking so hard…”

“But this time it’s happy thoughts” Scott returned. “Really.”

Avi smiled at him. “That’s good” he said and turned his head to press a chaste kiss onto Scott’s jawline.

“Do you have any other plans for today or can I convince you to come home with me for dinner?”

Scott chuckled. “Well if your have good arguments?”

“Hmm… let me think” he said with a grin on his face. “Homemade tacos for dinner out in the evening sun? A comfortable sofa to cuddle up afterwards with a drink and a movie or music…”

Scott grinned. “You’re cooking for me again? I might have to return the favour, soon. After all it was a tie on our minigolf date…”

Avi bit his lower lip in thought for a moment. “Well you said that you’d be up for making breakfast after our next sleepover…” he said.

Scott understood immediately. He smiled and nodded at the brunette. “So I am in charge of breakfast tomorrow?”

Avi shrugged his shoulders slightly. “If you want to?”

Scott nodded. “Sure” he said and then leaned down to capture Avi’s lips in a soft kiss. “I’d love to.”

“Good” Avi returned once they had parted. “We might need to stop at the store, though, I need to pick up a few things for the tacos.”

“I don’t mind” Scott said. “But maybe we should get going, otherwise we might get a very later dinner?”



On the way back to Avi’s place they stopped at a grocery store and got everyting they needed for a nice date at home.

After Avi had paid for their lunch and ice cream, Scott insisted to pay for the groceries, but Avi was the one to swipe his card at the checkout.

“It’s only fair that I pay as well, Avi” the blonde argued as they walked away from the checkout, each carrying a bag with their shopping. “I don’t feel comfortable having you pay for everything.”

“Yeah, but it’s not like I’m poor or anything” Avi grumbled.

“Neither am I” Scott said. They walked back to the car in silence.

“Are you really giving me the silent treatment because I paid for groceries right now?” Avi asked once they were sitting in the car. “Scott that’s ridiculous. I don’t mind paying, after all I invited you.

Scott sighed. “No, sorry. It’s just…” he shrugged his shoulders. “Not important. Let’s just go home.”

But Avi didn’t start the car. Instead he turned to Scott and put a hand on top of the blonde’s. “If it is bothering you it is important.”

“It’s just that I was in the position where I paid for everything and...“ Scott sighed. “It’s stupid, now I am starting to compare myself to him.”

“It’s not stupid, Scott” Avi said calmly. “Maybe it is just a little illogical because you’re nothing like him, but it is what it is.”

Scott nodded. “Yeah. Sorry for being such a handful today” he said and looked down onto his hands.

"I really don't mind, Scott" Avi returned. "I can be, too. Remember how we found out that we're both very insecure? I tend to overthink and eventually you'll be annoyed with me, too."

Scott hummed. "And you tend to put yourself second, hmm? That might be a problem, because I hate seeing the people I love doing this."

Avi chuckled softly. "Well it seems as if it's not going to get boring with the two of us, hmm?" He kissed Scott softly.

The blonde smiled back at him. "As long as you keep kissing me like this, I don't mind" he said and leaned I for another kiss.


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