84. Too Early

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After Avi had left, Scott went back into the kitchen. He felt unwell, but he didn't think that he had done something wrong. He wasn't angry with Avi. Not at all. He just couldn't bear seeing his boyfriend like this, always giving up everything for him, he didn't want to be the reason for Avi to drop everything and come to him. He didn't know why but he felt that he wouldn't be any better than Nick. And besides that, Scott wanted to focus on the hearing for the time being.

So he finished his dinner, the vegetables were a bit overcooked, but it was still good. After dinner, he tidied up and went upstairs. It was only 9, but he didn't know what else to do with the evening.

Once he was showered and lying in bed, searching for a sleep story on his phone, a new message from Mitch popped up:

"How are you holding up, Scott?"

"Fine. Just got into bed."

"Bed already?"

"Yeah. I'm over this day. I just want to sleep and be over with the hearing."

"I get that. Sleep tight, Scotty. Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?"

Scott sighed. Mitch knew about the fallout between him and Avi, there was no doubt about it. But the blonde appreciated that he didn't mention it. All he wanted to do was to close his eyes and stop thinking.

"Would be wonderful. Thank you. See you tomorrow!"

"You're welcome, take care and just in case you need someone, I'm ready to help."

"Thank you, Mitch, good night."

"Good night."

Scott searched for a story to listen to and then closed his eyes, hoping that he would fall asleep quickly.


To his own surprise, Scott managed to sleep relatively well. But since he went to sleep early, he was awake shortly after 6 in the morning, way too early for his hearing which would be at 12.

Still, he got up, took a shower and then prepared himself a quick breakfast and once he was done with that, he changed into the clothes he had prepared for the day. Then he sat down on the sofa with another cup of coffee and realised that he was almost hours early. Mitch would pick him up at 11 and they planned to arrive at the court with more than enough time to spare.

Scott looked at his phone every minute, hoping that the time would pass quicker, but it just didn't. And with every passing minute, he got more nervous. He got the folder with everything he needed for the hearing and looked through the papers.

At first, he made sure that the hearing definitely was at 12 on that day and that he had the right address. Then he read the notes he had made during his meetings with both the lawyer and Rose. In writing, it looked so easy. Scott knew how the hearing would go when he had to talk and what he should and shouldn't say and what evidence the lawyer had prepared.

Rose had given him a few pointers and breathing techniques just in case something unexpected happened. And of course, she would give her statement as well.

On the last page, he had the additional notes from the day before. There was everything about the incident at the beach. And on the side, underlines, he had noted: Statement from Avi?!

Somehow this tugged at Scott's heartstrings. He had sent Avi away for his own good, but still, he missed him. He knew that if Avi was with him, he would try and distract him from his nerves. And Scott wanted this, but at the same time, he didn't want it, because it would mean even more stress for Avi and more of him demanding his boyfriend's attention.

Of course, he knew that his thoughts were irrational, but after thinking about his own relationship with Nick he just didn't want to even come close to treating Avi the way Nick had treated him. And since he hoped that he would be done with everything regarding Nick after the trial he was ready to go back to Avi afterwards.

But would Avi come and make his statement? A part of Scott didn't want him to do so, but then again Avi's statement was needed to prove that Nick had violated the restraining order on that day.

Scott was wondering whether he should text or call him, but it was still so early and he didn't want to wake him up. Maybe he would text him later. At ten maybe. Avi liked to sleep in on his days off. For the time being, Scott had to do his very best to stay calm.

A while later, Scott had gotten himself a cup of tea and an apple, his phone beeped, announcing a new message from Mitch:

"Good Morning, Scott. Already up?"

"Up, showered, dressed."

"Jesus, already? It's just 8. We need to leave at 11 or did I miss anything?"

"No, 11 is right. Wanted to be ready in time."

"Do you want me to come over? I have a feeling that you're nervous and stressed out?"

"Yeah, kinda... I don't know. Just want the day to be over."

"I get that. I'll come over now. Be there in 20."

Scott sighed. He was glad that Mitch was coming. Not only would this mean that he had company, but he also had something to do to pass the time. He prepared two fresh cups of coffee just in time for his best friend to arrive. Scott heard the doorbell but he knew that Mitch would let himself in. He usually did, especially in such situations.



Mitch joined Scott and greeted him with a tight hug. "Hey, how are you?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know," he said. "Tense, nervous, insecure. Just ready to get through the day. But it's still so early and it sucks. "

"Yeah, I'm all for a lay-in, but I would have preferred an early hearing" Mitch explained. He took one of the cups and went into the living room followed by Scott.

"Thank you," Scott said.

Mitch hummed. He sighed when he saw Scott's notes lying on the table. "Still unsure?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "I just wanted to make sure I got everything."

"I know," Mitch said. "But you got this. You're strong, you've got an amazing support group and he did something wrong, not you."

"I know..." Scott shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the sheets again, his eyes fell on Avi's name immediately. "Do you think he will come?"

Mitch furrowed his brows. "Who?"

"Avi. He might have to make a statement and if he doesn't come..."

"Why would he miss your hearing?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders again. "I sent him away last night."

"I'm aware" Mitch replied. "And even though he didn't understand I feel like it's because you don't want to ask too much of him?"

Scott nodded. "Yeah..."

Mitch sighed. "Even though we talked about it the other night and we established that you're nothing like Nick?"

"It's stupid."

"That's not what I said, Scott" Mitch replied. "All I want to say that maybe you should call Avi and ask him? All this man wants right now is to help you through this day. And you'll make him feel worse when you shut him out."

"You think so?" Scott asked.

Mitch nodded. "Definitely. Give him a call."


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