74. First Time

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Scott felt himself get more and more nervous when they were on their way back home. They didn't rush, Avi still had to lick his ice cream after all. Scott, on the other hand, was glad to have his iced coffee, he would probably have spilt the whole ice cream if he had a cone as well.

"Living room first?" Avi asked when he opened the front door.

Scott nodded. "Yeah..."

Avi smiled. "Good," he said and led Scott there, sat down on the sofa with him.

Scott drank from his coffee first, then put it on the table. "I wanted to talk to you..."

Avi nodded. "I know. And I have an idea what it's about. But why don't you start us off, Love?"

"Yeah," Scott said. He needed a moment to collect his thoughts. "Can I be blunt?"


"I miss being intimate with you. I mean I understand why we stopped and for a while, I didn't feel comfortable asking, my head was so full of other things, but now..." Scott stopped and looked up into his boyfriend's eyes. "I want you, Avi."

"That's good, Scott, because I want you, too" the bearded man returned. "And I am glad that you decided to speak up, I wasn't sure whether I should..."

Scott shook his head. "Doesn't matter now though, does it?"

Avi chuckled. "No, not at all..." He smiled at his boyfriend. "So..."

"I think we should go upstairs. I'd like to make a little detour into the bathroom and then I'll be all yours" Scott said and kissed his boyfriend softly.

Avi hummed and put his arms around his boyfriend. He pulled him in and kissed him more passionately until the blonde loosened the kiss.

"I don't mind the sofa, but I feel like we'll be more comfortable in your bed, Love" Scott replied.

Avi hummed. "Yeah," he said and then got up, pulling Scott with him. He turned off all the lights and locked the front door while Scott was already upstairs in the bathroom.

The bearded man went into his bedroom afterwards, closed the curtains, turned on soft lights and some music to set the mood, then checked his bedside table for lube and condoms and then undressed.


Avi looked up and smiled when he saw his boyfriend come into the room, wearing nothing but boxer briefs. "Hi" he replied breathlessly and took his hands.

Scott looked down at their intertwined fingers and smiled. "You set the mood beautifully," he said.

Avi chuckled. "Not too cheesy?"

"Not at all. Soft lighting, soft acoustic music? I love that" he said and then leaned closer to finally kiss his boyfriend.

The two men kissed and touched one another just the way they had done so many times before. It was something they were, by then, used to and still, it felt different and new.

Scott ended up on his back on the bed with Avi hovering over him, still kissing him. The blonde already knew what his boyfriend was able to do with his hands and lips (and beard), but he still was overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure he felt. But this time Avi stopped way too soon for Scott's liking.

"Mmhm, don't stop," Scott said and opened his eyes.

Avi chuckled softly. "Wasn't planning on stopping. Just changing the pace" he said and grabbed the lube from the bedside table. "Okay?"

Scott looked at the bottle and then back at his boyfriend. "Yeah, please..."

Avi leaned down and kissed Scott's lips again. "Good. Just needed to make sure..." he said and then urged Scott to spread his legs. Using a lot of lube, he prepared his boyfriend, always making sure that he was being careful.

Scott enjoyed feeling his boyfriend and almost melted into the mattress, urging the bearded man on with soft moans and sighs.

"You're good?" Avi asked after a while.

"Mmhm" Scott hummed. "Ready..." He hissed when Avi pulled out his fingers and then looked up at the bearded man. He was kneeling beside him, his dick hard and definitely ready, too. His eyes were clouded with lust and still radiating so much love. "You're so fucking gorgeous right now."

Avi just smiled. "You are, too," he said and leaned over his boyfriend to grab the condoms.

But Scott was faster. "Let me," he said and sat up. He rolled the condom over Avi's erection and then coated it with lube.

"Oh yessss" Avi sighed when he felt Scott linger for a moment before he let go of him and laid back down.

When Avi didn't move for a moment, Scott stretched out his hand. "Come here?" He asked and pouted.

Avi smiled. "Sorry, I was just admiring" he returned and leaned back over his boyfriend. "Comfy?" he asked when he was lining his erection up.

"Very much. Please?"

Avi smiled and leaned down to kiss his boyfriend while he slowly pushed in, swallowing Scott's moans.


"How are you so good at that?" Scott asked. He was still lying on his back, but Avi was, as per usual at night, cuddled up to him with his head on his chest.

Avi chuckled softly. "I don't know? Am I?"

"Mmhm" Scott hummed. "Very good. I'm officially hooked."

Avi smiled. "Good, because so am I."

"Was it okay for you, though? To top?" Scott asked.

"I wouldn't have done it otherwise, Scott." He looked up to his boyfriend. "Was it okay for you, too? I just went with what you wanted..."

Scott smiled. "It definitely was. But I am not opposed to switching."

Avi hummed. "Neither am I."

Scott leaned down and kissed Avi's head. "Good." He sighed.

Avi smiled up at him and then settled back down. They fell silent for a moment. "Do you still want to jot down some things for your journal?"

Scott chuckled. "Not really. And I don't think I'll forget anything about this day. It was wonderful. I finally got the restraining order, worked with Mitch and then went out with you. What more could I want?"

Avi shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know? Just wanted to check-in."

"That's good. I appreciate it." He fell silent for a moment. "I'm just glad that after the hearing, I will be done with him forever."

"Me too. You deserve to have your peace" Avi replied.

"So do you. You've been doing so much for me. Don't think I didn't notice" Scott said.

Avi just shrugged. "I don't mind, Love."

"Avi..." Scott began, but Avi reached up and put his finger onto his boyfriend's lips.

"Don't. You know that's how I am. Let's not argue, tonight was too good and I am getting tired..." Avi said.

"Mmmhm" Scott said. "Do we need to get up tomorrow?"

Avi laughed. "We should get up eventually. But we're only meeting up at noon, so we could make it a lazy morning?"

Scott smiled. "Yes, please."


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