65. Breakfast for 3

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When Scott woke up the next morning, it was with a start. He looked up and smiled when he saw Avi looking at him. "Morning," the bearded man said. "Did you sleep well?"

Scott nodded slowly. "Yeah. Really good. How about you?"

Avi smiled. "Same. Are you up for some meditation?"

Scott nodded. "Sure. Give me just one more minute" he returned and closed his eyes. "Comfy..."

Avi chuckled. "Just don't fall asleep again."

"Noo... have to get ready for my appointment..." Scott mumbled. He sighed. "I don't want to go. I want to stay here in my happy bubble."

"I know that you do, Scott and I understand it. But we both know that this won't make you happy in the long run, hmm?" Avi said carefully.

Scott opened his eyes again and looked at the bearded man. "I know and I am determined to go through therapy. But maybe I need a different therapist?"

"Maybe you really do" Avi replied. "Mitch told me that he asked his therapist about your situation."

Scott nodded. "He told me. And she also said that it is not uncommon to change a therapist and that no one will take it personally. I just don't know if I can trust my therapist after the last session we had. I mean his advice clearly flopped and made me and you miserable."

"Why don't you talk to him once more today and see if you're able to find a solution and if it doesn't work out request a different therapist? I don't know if this is how it works, but it's worth a try, hmm?" Avi offered.

Scott smiled. "I will do that. He stretched out his arms and then sighed. "Now... meditation?"

"Sure" Avi replied and got up. "On the balcony?"

"Mmhm" Scott hummed and got up as well. He put on a bathrobe while Avi took the shirt and shorts he had worn the day before and together they spent ten minutes in the peaceful morning sun, meditating.

"This was nice," Scott said when he opened his eyes again.

Avi smiled. "It sure was," he said as he slowly got up again. "When is your appointment today?"

"At ten. I need to take a shower though..." Scott said.

"No worries, I'll make breakfast meanwhile. Do you want me to drop you off later? I can head home to change while you're having therapy and then pick you up again?"

"Mitch is coming over again" Scott explained. "He can drive me there. But I'd love to spend time with you afterwards... I'm sure Mitch won't mind, he's been doing so much for me the past days."

Avi chuckled. "For both you and me. And even though he probably doesn't mind, he'll probably be happy."

"Definitely. I can be a handful" Scott said and scratched his head. "Anyway, I'll see you in a bit. I should have some eggs and fruits in the fridge and..."

"I'll figure something out, Scott," Avi said and smiled as Scott nodded at him and then went to the bathroom.

The bearded man went downstairs and started by cleaning up the remainings of the dinner Scott and Mitch had. Then he rummaged through the fridge and found everything he needed for some pancakes and some fruit salads. He had already mixed the batter when he heard the doorbell.

"I'll get it" he called just in case Scott had heard it as well and then opened the door. He wasn't surprised to see Mitch grinning at him.

"Good morning, Avi. I'm surprised to see you here, but then again I'm not" the brunette said. "How is everything?"

Avi let him in and they went into the kitchen. "Fine, I guess," Avi said. "He texted last night and I rushed here. Then we talked and made up. I stayed the night and I just started on breakfast while he is taking a shower."

"Oh wow," Mitch said and sat down on one of the stools at the kitchen counter. "That's a lot. How are you feeling about it?"

"I'm glad, Mitch. Happy that he decided against the advice he got from his therapist. He told me that he looked through his journal and realised that he was happier with me. And I was happier with him. So it's a win-win situation" Avi explained while he cut up some bananas.

Mitch nodded. "I get that. I just hope that this situation won't harm your relationship in the long run..."

Avi sighed. "I know what you mean, Mitch. But I promised myself that I wouldn't hold it against him. Yes, he hurt me, but he did it because he was, once again, influenced by someone. But he is determined to get better and the fact that he realised that he made a wrong decision he apologised. No one knows how things will be tomorrow or in five years, but I will give my all for this relationship and I know that Scott will do the same" he explained calmly.

"He will, Avi. I'm sure of it." Mitch sighed and looked at his phone. "Meanwhile I am trying to date again..."

"Oh, you are?" Avi said. "How are you getting along? Found anyone?"

Mitch smiled. "Yeah. And I really hope he's a catch. Francis, 29, veterinarian" he explained. "He knows who I am, but he isn't that much into a capella. But he is very open, we facetimed a few times and we talked for hours. No dates, yet. I had to cancel once because I was here and he was so understanding. We might meet tonight unless Scott needs me."

Avi chuckled. "Well enjoy your date, Mitch. Scott asked me to spend time with him and I didn't think you'd mind..."

Mitch chuckled. "You're right. I don't mind" he returned.

"Mmhm..." Avi just hummed and then stirred the pancake batter once more. "Are you having breakfast with us? I think I made too much batter anyway..."

Mitch nodded. "Sure. I can take care of the coffee."


Breakfast was a quick and quiet affair. Mitch was impressed to see his best friend eating and looking a lot happier than when he had left him the night before.

"Do you still want me to pick you up from therapy?" Avi asked softly once they were getting ready to leave.

Scott nodded. "Yes, please. If you don't mind? I don't know how I'll be feeling, but maybe we can do something fun?"

Avi nodded. "Sure. I'll think of something" he returned and smiled slightly. "I can't wait."

"Yeah..." Scott said and fidgeted with his fingers. "Me neither."

"Good" Avi returned. "I should get going, hmm? Want to look nice and presentable..."

Scott chuckled. "You're looking nice, but you know how much I love seeing you in one of your new button-ups..."

It was an awkward situation and while Mitch didn't understand why he still made a quick decision. "I'll wait in the car" he mumbled and walked past the two men, to give them some space.

"So..." Avi said. "I hope it will be okay at therapy today."

"I think so. I wrote down in my journal what I want and need to continue with my therapy" he returned. "And if it doesn't work out with him, I'll find a new therapist."

"Good." Avi nodded and smiled at the blonde.

"Mmhm... I should get going, though, Mitch is waiting..." He turned away and was startled when Avi put his hand on his shoulder.


"Yeah?" The taller man turned back around and furrowed his brows when Avi didn't say anything. "Avi?"

"May I kiss you?" Avi asked softly. They hadn't kissed the night before and somehow Avi felt like it would be appropriate to ask.

But instead of giving an answer, Scott leaned in and connected his lips to Avi's in a soft kiss.


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