14. Ache

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"I have to say, Scott, this was a wonderful idea. I didn't think you'd go with something as simple as renting out a little pedal boat but with the picnic and everything I really enjoyed myself" Nick said when they got back to the hotel after their date in Hamburg.

Scott chuckled. "It's definitely one of the more creative dates I've planned so far, but I have to admit that I stole the idea from Kirstie. She did the same with Ben on our last European tour and she said that it was wonderful" he explained as he dropped down on the bed. "Now I am ready for a nap, though. We're meeting up with the others at 7.30, so we should maybe set an alarm for 6.45?"

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea..." Nick said.

Scott noticed that he didn't sound that excited, but he decided not to comment. After another lengthy discussion in the morning, Scott had convinced him that there wasn't any argument against going out to the funfair and Nick had agreed. Now Scott was set on showing his boyfriend that a night out with his friends would be a lot of fun.

"Yeah... I just can't wait to eat some greasy funfair food. I mean we're in Germany, they probably have good sausages! And then we'll go on the ferris wheel, watch the fireworks, maybe ride a wonky rollercoaster. It will be amazing" he explained while he got out of his pants and shirt and got comfortable in bed. "Shall we put on a movie or just nap?"

Nick got comfortable next to him and pulled Scott close. "Nap..." he said and pressed a soft kiss onto Scott's cheek.

Scott beamed. Usually, Nick wasn't one to cuddle him in bed, so he appreciated the embrace a lot and found himself drift off slowly. "Love you" he mumbled.


Scott woke up to noise coming from the bathroom. He rubbed his eyes and looked on the clock. It was only 6.15, so he settled back down and waited for his boyfriend to come back from the bathroom, hoping for some cuddles or even a quickie before they had to get ready. But he was taken back when Nick came back into the room, with slumped shoulders.

"Are you okay, Nick?"

The brunette shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, must've eaten something wrong."

"Oh no," Scott said immediately. "Diarrhoea?"

Nick grimaced. "No... it went the other way," he said.

Within seconds, Scott was on his feet. "I'll text the others, someone will have some medicine. What are your symptoms?"

"Scott, it's fine, I just need to sleep..." Nick said already lying down in bed.

Scott sighed. "Yeah and you need to be ready to travel on Sunday morning," he said. "Now get comfortable, I'll get you some meds. Do you need some water?"

"Yeah, maybe," Nick said. "I'm just done with the day."

Scott smiled sadly. "I get that. I feel you, Nick" he said and looked at his phone. "Avi is in the hotel, he has something for you. "I'll be back in a moment."

"Mmhm..." Nick just hummed and closed his eyes while Scott went out of the room to find Avi's room.

"Hey Scott, come on in" Avi greeted the blonde two minutes later. "What happened to Nick?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. We went out on a date and then decided to lie down and take a nap before going out. I woke up to him coming out of the bathroom looking like shit" he explained. "He said he threw up and was feeling unwell."

Avi nodded. "Okay. I have some meds for you, got them in Amsterdam when I was feeling off" he said and handed Scott a little package. "Here. So you'll stay with him tonight?"

Scott sighed. "I think so. I'd love to go out with you, but I don't want to leave him alone, after all, we're in a hotel room in a foreign city and it would be an asshole move to leave" he explained.

Avi nodded "Bummer... but you're right. You should stay with him. Are you sure that it's not contagious? We cannot have you get sick as well."

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, Avi, but even if it was contagious, we've been on a date. We cuddled, kissed, fed each other with snacks. So if it's contagious I already caught it."

Avi nodded. "Got it. Anyway, you take care of your man. Shall I tell everyone that you're not joining?"

Scott sighed and nodded. "Please do. Mitch will be so annoyed when he finds out and I cannot deal with it today."

"He's your best friend, he only wants what's best for you" Avi stated.

Scott sighed. "I know. But Nick is good for me" he said. "Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow? Can you text me when you know when we're going to be picked up?"

Avi nodded. "Got it," he said and slightly waved when Scott left the room.


"He what? Why is Scott staying with him anyway? There's not much he can do besides watching him sleep and if it's just something he ate, it should be out of his system by tonight" Mitch ranted. He was standing in the lobby with Avi, they were waiting for the rest of the group to join.

Avi sighed. "Mitch, I know that you don't like Nick, but this time Scott is right. I wouldn't leave my partner unless I really had to. Like if it was a show day, he would need to come, but this is just leisure and after all, Scott is still able to decide himself what he wants to do with his free time. And if it's staying with his sick man, so be it" he explained patiently.

"Still, there's something wrong and I don't like it at all," Mitch said and crossed his arms. "How can you be so calm?"

"I'm not, Mitch," the bearded man said. "You don't know how much I despise Nick for being at Scott's side alone, because..."

Mitch was suddenly aware of the fact that he had hit a nerve. "Yeah?" he asked carefully.

"I'm in love with him," Avi said, unaware that at this moment Kirstie and Kevin were approaching them from behind. 


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