66. Waiting

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Scott joined Mitch in the car a few minutes later, smiling at him. "Sorry to make you wait," he said.

Mitch grinned back at his best friend. "Oh, I don't mind. I just hope it was worth it?"

Scott blushed and nodded. "It was."

"Good" Mitch returned as he started the car and drove out on the street. "I have to say that I was surprised to see Avi's car in the driveway this morning."

"Yeah... I just had to text him last night, I couldn't take it anymore. And he came over right away. We talked a bit and I apologised and he accepted. And I think we're good?"

"You think?" Mitch wanted to know.

Scott nodded. "Yeah. I mean we're still rather careful around one another. And it's okay for now, but I hope that eventually, we'll be able to live a normal relationship? If you know what I mean?"

"I know. Or at least I think I know" Mitch returned. "Maybe you should address this once more? Talk to him if you feel like he is too careful with you? I think he just means well."

"Or he is careful because of himself? I wouldn't hold it against him if he'd keep his distance until he knew I was sure about all this" Scott returned.

"That's possible. But you won't know unless you talk to him" Mitch said. "It will be good for both of you to talk more about your feelings and about what you want or need. Maybe he is careful because he doesn't know what you're ready for?"

Scott nodded. "Maybe..." he said and shrugged his shoulders. "Anyway, Mitch. Any news on Francis? He probably hates me, because I keep you from finally going on a date."

Mitch chuckled. "No. He doesn't hate you. He understands that you need me more right now. He had a phase where he stayed with his best friend because her ex was abusing her physically. Of course, I didn't tell him about the whole thing, he just knows that you're going through a rough break-up. So he understands. But we'll finally go out tonight and I'm excited."

Scott smiled at his best friend. "That's wonderful news," he said. "You deserve a good man."


Avi left at the same time as Scott and Mitch did. He felt elated after Scott had kissed him. He was happy and looking forward to seeing Scott again after his therapy session.

So the brunette made his way home, took a quick shower and got dressed in one of the shirts Scott had picked out for him. Then he called Kirstie real quick and updated her on what had happened the night before while having another cup of tea.

He arrived at the therapist's office with ten minutes to spare and decided to wait in the lobby, so Scott wouldn't miss him on his way out.

He waited. Ten minutes. Fifteen. Twenty.

After twenty-five minutes the receptionist came up to him. "Hi, you've been sitting here for quite some time, Sir. Are you waiting for a doctor or are you picking someone up?"

"I'm picking up my... boyfriend. He had an appointment, but he should've been out fifteen minutes ago" Avi explained.

"Okay? That's unusual. Do you have a name for me so I can check for you?"

Avi got up and joined her at her desk. "It's Scott Hoying. I don't know his therapist's name, though."

"That's fine. So we have Mr Hoying here and he should've been out fifteen minutes ago, you're right" the receptionist said.

"Weird. And there is no way he could've left the building through another door?"

"No. But don't worry. Maybe something came up and they're talking longer" the receptionist returned. "Do you want to drink something while you're waiting?"

Avi accepted a glass of water and sat back down in the waiting area.

It was ten minutes later when Scott came into the lobby together with a young woman. They were talking quietly until Scott saw that Avi was sitting there. "That's him," he said. "Hi, Avi."

Avi took this as his cue to get up and join them, especially because the woman was looking at him with an open smile.

"Hello, Avi. Nice to meet you" she said. "I'm Rose, Scott's new therapist. I had a free spot so we decided to start right away. I'm sorry if we made you wait."

Avi shook his head. "That's fine," he said. "It's nice to meet you too, Doctor Rose."

"Good. Well, I will leave you to it. Scott, I'll see you on Friday and don't forget to get a journal, okay?"

Scott nodded. "I'll make sure to get one as soon as possible. Thank you for taking over, Rose."

"You're welcome," the therapist said. "Have a good day. Bye," she said before she turned to the receptionist and started talking to her.

Scott took Avi's hand and led him out of the building into the warm sun. "Sorry that it took longer, but my old therapist realised ten minutes into the session that I had trust issues and referred me to Rose and since she had an open spot, I took it right away" he explained to the bearded man. "I hope you don't mind?"

Avi shook his head. "Not at all," he said. "I'm glad that you got a new therapist. She's nice."

Scott nodded. "She is. Of course, I mainly talked about my issues with Nick so she knows what's up, but I also told her about you."

"And? What does she think?"

"Well, she is all for it. She said that Doctor Moore, my old therapist has a point when he says that a new relationship could hinder therapy and everything, but that it is first and foremost about my wellbeing and happiness. When I shared my journal entries with her she was surprised about the good influence you have on me" Scott explained as they walked to the car.

Avi smiled. "Good," he said. "And she said something about getting a journal?"

Scott nodded. "Yeah. She wants me to continue journaling, but try to do it on paper. So I need to get a notebook or something."

"That's awesome. Would you like to get it today? I know just the store and I could go for a new notebook for songwriting anyway..." Avi offered.

"You probably have a dozen notebooks. I always see you with a different one" Scott joked.

Avi chuckled. "That's not wrong. I tend to leave them everywhere, but I definitely need a new one" he replied. He was glad that Scott was so happy after his therapy session, contrary to how he had been in the past times. "So..." he started after a moment.

"I'm all for heading to the store. Is there a nice café nearby? We could have lunch together?" Scott asked.

Avi nodded. "Sure. I don't know about cafés, but it's not that far from the sea, so we'll find something."

Scott smiled. "A walk along the seaside would be nice as well."

"You got it. And I know a nice ice-cream place, so dessert is safe" Avi said as he started the car.

"How do you always know an ice-cream place?" Scott asked and turned the music down enough so they were able to talk comfortably.

"Because good ice cream is delicious and not easy to find?" Avi replied. "And you don't seem to mind..."

Scott smiled and shook his head. "I don't mind at all..." He leaned back and looked out of the window while Avi drove them through the city.


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