51. Arriving

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"I can't believe that we're going home today," Avi said softly. He was standing inside Scott's arms on Filopappou Hill watching the sunrise together. A bit further away were Kirstie and Ben, also close to one another.

Scott put his head onto Avi's shoulder and sighed softly. "I'm not ready to leave Greece," he said and shrugged his shoulders. He carefully placed a kiss onto Avi's neck and pulled him closer.

"Me neither," Avi said and leaned back into the blonde's embrace. "But it has been a wonderful vacation."

"That's true" Scott replied. "It changed a lot."

"It did. And we'll take all of the happy memories back with us. And you get to visit your family. Are you excited to head back to Texas?" Avi wanted to know.

"Of course" Scott returned. "I'm always happy to go back home. And I think that right now I really need a week with my parents and the rest of my family."

"Mmhm, I get that" Avi returned. "I cannot wait to go back home either."

"Do you know what else I am looking forward to? Spending more time with you" Scott said. "I am happy that we're taking it slow, but still I want to be with you. I like spending time with you, Avi."

The bearded man smiled and turned around within the blonde's embrace. "That's good" he replied. "Because I like spending time with you as well."


It was just after seven in the evening when the uber dropped the four people off at Scott's place. Of course, the blonde told them that they didn't need to stay, but Kirstie insisted and Ben agreed immediately while Avi just glared at him.

And maybe it was for the better because they all immediately noticed the foreign car in the driveway. It was Nick's which Scott knew and told his friends.

"That's not a surprise, though" Ben returned.

Scott looked down. "I had hoped that he would accept it at last," he said and shrugged his shoulders. "Guess I was wrong."

Avi put his arms around the blonde and pulled him in. "It's hard for you, Scott and I get it. And if you don't want to do this tonight you can definitely stay at my place, but I think you should sort this out once and for all" he said softly. "We're all with you, okay? And if something goes downhill or if he just doesn't want to leave we will call the cops immediately."

Scott nodded. "Yes. Thank you." He sighed softly. "Let's do this."

"That's the spirit," Kirstie said with a smile on his face. "Do you want us to go with you? Like, stay in the background?"

Scott nodded. "Yes," he replied. Reluctantly, he walked towards the front door, glad that he wasn't alone. "Just put your stuff here," Scott said quietly, once he had opened the door. "I'll go and see where he is."

"We're right here," Avi said when he noticed how unsure Scott seemed to be. "He can't do anything to you."

Scott just nodded and advanced further into the house. He looked around carefully, wondering where he would find Nick. What he noticed immediately was the huge bouquet of roses on the dining table. The lights were on as well which meant that Nick was there.

"Scott? Is that you?"

Scott felt himself flinch when he heard his ex-boyfriend's voice from upstairs. "Y-yes." He waited at the dining table and turned around to see that his friends were still in the kitchen, not too close but perfectly able to step in if needed. He waited until Nick entered the room and looked at him, waited for him to say something, but he didn't. So Scott cleared his throat. "What are you doing here?"

"I am waiting for you? I would've had dinner ready or something, but you didn't text me and I wasn't able to contact you because you decided to block me for whatever reason" Nick said. "So I thought we could order in and... I don't know, talk it out?"

Scott didn't believe his ears when he heard these words. For a long moment, he wasn't able to reply, because he was so shocked. "No" he finally said. "There is nothing left to talk about. I told you, more than once, that I want you out of here by the time I got back from Greece. Now I am back from Greece and you're still here. Why?"

"Because I want to be with you, Scott" Nick returned. "I know that I was a bit too much. I shouldn't have taken your phone. I didn't think. But I only did it for us."

Scott scoffed. "You did it for yourself, Nick. Not for me and not for us. You wanted to control me, wanted me all to yourself and for a while, I fell for it. But this is over now. We are over. I don't want you in my life any longer."

"I never wanted to control you, Scott. You were always free to do whatever you wanted. It's not like I locked you up" Nick argued.

"You did lock me up with your actions. Stealing my phone so I couldn't contact my friends, telling me you weren't feeling well on more than one occasion to keep me from going out. Using sex to keep me at home and, what is the worst of all, you faked your Grandma's death just to keep me from going to Greece. Nothing of what you said or did is okay" Scott explained.

"Scott, I... I'm sorry. I try to be better. Let's talk it out, okay? Don't let a hasty decision ruin what we had" Nick tried again, but Scott just shook his head.

"I was away from you for almost two weeks now and I haven't felt this good in months. I am better off without you" the blonde returned.

"I doubt that" Nick replied. "I mean you can try to tell yourself that you're happy but you won't be without me."


Scott would've betted that Avi would step in first, but it was Kirstie who stepped up beside him.

"Excuse me? This is something between Scott and me" Nick shot at Kirstie.

"It may be, but since you do not understand him, I should break it down for you: He broke up with you weeks ago. Told you time and time again that he wanted you out of the house by today. And you're still here. So let's cut the crap. Get out, Nick. You're not wanted here anymore. You have no right to be in this house anymore. So either you go now or we will call the police and have you kicked out" Kirstie said calmly, but firm enough to show Nick that it was serious.

"You can't do this" Nick said. "This is my home, too."

"No. It was your home because I let you stay here. But your name isn't in the papers and you never paid anything for it. No rent, no utilities, nothing" Scott said. "Get your things and leave."

"I haven't packed my stuff, Scott" Nick tried again. "I thought you would come to your senses."

"Then grab an overnight bag, we will arrange a time during which you can pick up the rest," Kirstie said. "Go. We'll wait here." She glared at Nick, but he didn't move.

"I'm not leaving."

"Ben? Call the cops" Kirstie simply said.

This threat helped. "No. I'll go," Nick said and left the kitchen headed upstairs.

Once Nick was gone, Scott felt cold. "Are you okay, Scott?" Scott felt the warmth of Avi's hand on his arm and leaned into the embrace the brunette offered him.

"Yeah... I..."

"You don't need to talk, Scott. It's okay. And I'm sorry that I didn't step in, but I would've said something wrong" Avi said.

Scott needed a moment but then he was able to answer. "Kirstie really kicked his ass," he said with a slight smile on his face.

Kirstie chuckled softly. "And I will do it again until his ass is out of your door."


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