24. Mall

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"I swear to God, Scott if I don't hear from you within the next hour, I'll come to your house. Seriously. Your phone is off, you're not posting on Instagram or Twitter. I am worried. Call me asap!"

"Do you think something has happened?" Kirstie asked once Mitch had put down his phone. They were out together for a coffee after getting manicures and Mitch had told her that he still hadn't been able to reach his best friend.

Mitch sighed. "I don't think so. I mean I don't trust Nick, but I don't think he's holding Scott hostage in their basement. Still, this is not like Scott. If I don't hear from him, I'll stop there on my way home. I even brought their key, so I could let myself in if needed..."

"Good. Do you need any help?"

"You have plans, Kirstie. Go meet your friends. I'll take care of Scott. I don't think it's something major anyway. If something had happened, Nick would've told someone" Mitch said. "At least I hope so..."

"He's not a monster, Mitch. He's difficult and I don't like him, but he's not a monster" Kirstie said.

Mitch sighed. "I hope you're right," he said. "I just want Scott to be far away from him..."

Kirstie chuckled lowly. "You and me both, Mitchy," she said and emptied her cup of coffee. "Do you think that Scott and Avi could work out? Honestly, I am kinda impressed that Avi just keeps quiet and endures everything..."

"I don't know, Kirstie. You went to him after the kiss happened, right? Did he say anything?" Mitch wanted to know.

"Not much," Kirstie said. "I mean when I went there, I didn't know about the kiss. Avi just asked us to take care of him and so I did. I sat him down and asked him what had happened and then he just said that he kissed Avi, but that was it. I didn't ask more, because he was clearly done with everything. But you don't kiss someone without having at least some kind of feelings for them? In such a situation, I mean..."

"I hope so. In any case, we need to take care of Avi when we're in Mykonos. He always tells me that everything is fine, but I just know that he's hurting..." Mitch replied, as he finished his coffee.

Kirstie nodded. "Will do. Ben and he get along quite well, so maybe I'll tell him to do some things with him while I hang out with you" she said. "Don't want him to feel like the fifth wheel..."

Mitch smiled. "Good. Anyway, I should get going. I'll see you on Tuesday, bright and early at the airport."

Kirstie grinned. "We'll be there. Can't wait! And please text me once you've heard from Scott, okay?"

"I will" Mitch replied.

The two friends hugged in front of the café and then Mitch got into his car. He checked his messages once more but there hadn't been anything from Scott, so he knew that he'd be stopping by.

When Mitch arrived at his best friend's place, he was glad that Nick's car wasn't parked in their driveway. So he took the spot and walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell once and then again. It had always been their sign to ring twice. He waited for two minutes, ringing once more after a while and was just searching for his spare key when the door was opened and his best friend stood there wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a nice button-up.

"Oh hey, Mitchy, what's up?"

"What's up?" Mitch completely ignored Scott's awkward outfit. "I tell you what's up: I've been worried about you. I haven't heard a single sign from you since we've been out for lunch. Yesterday morning I texted you, called you, nothing. Not even on Twitter or Instagram you've been active!"

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