9. River

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"What's wrong, Scott?"


The two men were still sitting on the bench at the river. Scott had put his phone away when Avi advised him to not reply to Nick's text and was looking out onto the river.

"I can see that you're not alright right now, Scott. What's on your mind?" Avi asked. "If you want to talk, that is. We don't need to, I just want you to know that I am ready to listen in case you need me to."

"I love him, Avi. I really do. And I think that the relationship is something I really want to hold on to. I just don't get why he is acting like this. I would never do anything to harm him. I'm just having a fun night out and that's it" Scott said.

"Maybe he's insecure, Scott? I mean I don't know him that well but you're gone and doing all these things and he's either worried about you or he is scared to loose you" Avi explained.

"I get that, but I told him that I was out with you, not with anyone he doesn't know. So unless he expects me to cheat on him with you?" Scott mused. "I mean you're a very attractive guy, Avi, but you're also one of my best friends and he should know that, right?"

Avi felt his cheeks heating up when he heard the compliment and he was glad that it was dark and Scott couldn't see it. "I don't know, Scott, but I remember Mitch's ex breaking up with him because he saw you as a threat. So maybe you should call him some time tomorrow and talk to him?"

"True..." Scott just said. He sighed. "You lived together with a partner before, didn't you?"

Avi nodded. "Yeah. Twice. Once in college with Nate, you won't remember him, and then with Beth, why are you asking?"

"Is it always so hard to get used to it? I feel like ever since we moved in together it's been kind of a rough patch for us. We're arguing more and it's just so difficult" Scott explained.

"It's a different situation for sure" Avi began. "Nate moved in with me because his parents had thrown him out when they found out about us. I only had my one-room apartment and it was too small, but we made it work until he decided to cheat on me and yeah... long story. Beth on the other hand moved in after we've been dating for two years. And I remember having a lot of conflicts with her, too. Mainly about how we do laundry, how we clean... it was difficult, but then again I learned so much about her during this time. I feel like when you're not living together, you only see a small part of the other person, because you get to go home. You have your own flat and then you don't. Your partner is always there and while this is amazing it is also hard at some times. Especially at the beginning."

"I didn't know about Nate cheating. I only know him as your boyfriend from college..." Scott said.

Avi grimaced. "Yeah... I never really told anyone. But he cheated. For two months with my best friend behind my back. Back then I lost both my boyfriend and my best friend right before my final exams. It was a nightmare. But it also means that I would never ever cheat or knowingly be with someone who hs a partner."

Scott noticed that whatever had happened back then, it still had an impact on Avi. So he scooted over and put an arm around his shoulders. "I am sorry that you had to experience this, Avi. I've never cheated and never been cheated on, so I don't know what it feels like. But I've been thinking... Nick never talks about his ex. Maybe there's something?"

Avi nodded. "That would make sense" he said. "But then you need to show him that you'd never cheat on him. I don't know, maybe I could talk to him when he comes over? Like get to know him a little bit and I don't know help you show him that I am no threat? Maybe if he knows me he feels better?"

Scott nodded. "That sounds like a plan. And maybe I should text him? That we're back in the hotel? Just so he doesn't worry?"

"But if you texted that now you'd be lying, Scott. I know why you want to do this but it's not healthy. Wait until tomorrow, call him, talk to him and just make sure that he knows how important he is to you" Avi replied.

Scott nodded. "True. Thank you so much for your input, Avi. It means a lot."

"Oh of course Scott. You're one of my best friends after all. And I really want you to be happy with your man" Avi replied. He really meant it. Even though he would love to be in Nick's place, he would never try anything to split Scott and Nick. Not even if it meant feeling his own heart break over and over again.

"Are you okay, Avi?" Scott asked after a while.

"Sure, why?"

"I don't know, you seemed a little off" the blonde noted. "Are you missing Beth?"

Avi shrugged his shoulders. The break-up had been a few months ago. There hadn't been much fighting, just the mutual agreement that they were set on different paths for their futures and when Beth had a job offer that would lead her to Australia they parted on good terms. "Maybe. I still miss her sometimes. Finding someone is not easy..."

"I know. Which is why I'm glad to have Nick, even though it's so difficult right now. But you will find the right man or woman. Because you have a heart of gold. You'll be a wonderful boyfriend to one lucky human" Scott explained.

Avi smiled. "I hope so" he said, even though he knew that deep down inside he hoped for one specific man to be by his side. "Let's just go back to the hotel... I'm getting tired for good..."

Scott stifled a yawn and slowly got up. "Me too," he said. "But it has been a wonderful night, Avi, we should definitely repeat that.

Avi smiled up at the blonde. "I think so, too. But next time let's make it Spain or Italy, it's so damn cold."

Scott chuckled. "Deal."


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