22. Lunch

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When Scott woke up the next morning, he was in bed alone. It wasn't surprising because Nick had to work a usual job after all so he usually was getting ready when Scott was waking up.

Since Scott had slept a whole additional 9 hours after frequent naps on the plane, he was feeling well-rested and ready to tackle the day. So he got up, put on a pair of boxer briefs and a shirt before he went downstairs into the kitchen.

"Good morning," he said when he saw his boyfriend sitting at the counter with a green smoothie in front of him.

Nick turned around and smiled. "Good morning. Did you sleep well? You were out so quickly."

Scott nodded. "I was. But you felt so good, Nick. Thank you for taking care of me" he replied.

Nick winked at him. "Of course. Was my pleasure."

Scott shook his head in amusement and opened the fridge to search for something to have for breakfast, immediately noticing the green smoothie. "For me?"

Nick nodded. "Of course. I thought after four weeks of eating out you'd enjoy something healthy and homemade" he said. "Not saying you gained weight because you're fit as always, but I remember you saying that food on tour is not as healthy before..."

"That's true. I mean I go through the fruit baskets trying to get my vitamins, but the other stuff is so nice, too" he said while taking a sip of the smoothie. "Mmhm, that's good, thank you." The blonde sat down on the chair next to his boyfriend. "What are you up to today?"

"Oh not much. I have a home office day. Just need to work on my stuff and make a few phone calls so there's no need to go to the office. You? Laundry day?"

Scott grimaced. "Yeah. Laundry day and then I might go and see some friends for lunch. You know Megg and the bunch."

"Oh okay. I thought you'd have a lazy day at home and that we could head out for dinner" Nick said. "But if you have other plans..."

"We can definitely go out for dinner, Nick. You can even join us for lunch! Would be fun. It's not going to be a big or long thing, they all have to work, too, but since we're leaving for vacation soon we thought we'd meet today" Scott offered.

Nick hummed. "I'll see how I can get through my stuff and I'll let you know, okay?"

Scott nodded. "Yeah, don't stress out either, it was just an idea."

"Good" Nick replied. He finished his smoothie and then looked at the kitchen clock. "I need to head upstairs for the first call. You'll be alright?"

Scott nodded. "Sure. I'll see you later" he replied and accepted the kiss onto his cheek before Nick left him alone in the kitchen.

After finishing his breakfast smoothie and an additional cup of coffee he got to the tedious task of unpacking his suitcases. He was glad that at least the clothes he wore for the shows would be going elsewhere so he only had to take care of the other stuff he had brought. Twenty minutes later, the washing machine was running, what hadn't fit was sorted into neat piles and the blonde was on his way upstairs to sort out his toiletry bag and everything else.

Once he was done, he checked in with some friends and his family and then looked at the clock. More than enough time to get ready for his lunch meeting. So he walked into the bathroom, turned on some music and stepped into the shower.

He sang and danced a little while he was washing his hair and body and didn't notice that he wasn't alone in the room until a cold breeze hit his body followed by a warm body against his own. "Mmhm Nick" he hummed. "Don't you have to work?"

"Oh please, after seeing you dance so sensually in the shower? Naked?" Nick chuckled. "I missed sneaking away from my desk for a quickie..."

Scott sighed. "I'm meeting my friends, Nick, I don't have time..."

"That's why they call it a quickie," Nick replied and let his hands glide down Scott's slippery stomach right down to his already half-hard dick. "Yeah?"

Scott moaned softly. "Fuck yeah."


"Great, now I am already ten minutes late" Scott cursed when he was frantically putting on some clothes. "And I wanted to start the second load of laundry, but this has to wait. Are you coming to lunch, Nick?"

The brunette who was just getting dressed as well eyed his boyfriend amused. "No, I'm not coming. Just spent my lunchbreak in the best way possible."

Scott rolled his eyes. "You're insatiable," he said while he put on a cap to make up for the fact that he wouldn't have time to style his hair.

But Nick just grinned. "Nope, that's you. Anyway: Dinner at the beach tonight? I booked a table."

Scott nodded. "Sounds perfect to me." He kissed Nick quickly and then left the house, hoping to not be much too late for his lunch.

When he arrived at the restaurant fifteen minutes later, he found his friends already sitting at a table. Much to his surprise, Mitch was there as well.

"Mitchy!" Scott greeted him. "I thought you were hibernating. You never go out on the first day after a tour."

Mitch just shrugged his shoulders. "I felt like it and when I found out there was good food involved I decided to join. Hope you don't mind..."

Scott shook his head. "Never" he replied and then proceeded to greet his other friends, exchanging a few words with all of them.

"I'm sorry for being a little late" he then said. "Traffic was horrible."

"No it wasn't," Mitch said. "At least not when I got here. On time if I may add."

Megg chuckled. "Leave him be, Mitch. He hasn't seen his boyfriend in a while, of course, they need some time together."

"Exactly," Scott said. "I mean you got your action with Giacomo and I'm getting it now." He knew that in this group of friends Mitch wouldn't be angry at him for mentioning his one night stand with the Italian roadie.

Mitch chuckled. "Touché," he said. "So you cleared the air? What about Mykonos?"

Scott smiled. "Party is rescheduled, we're joining as planned," he said. "I didn't even have to put my foot down, I guess leaving him on read for the night was enough. Thanks to Avi for the input, I guess..."

Mitch looked at him for a long moment. "Yeah... thanks to Avi," he then stated.

Scott recognised that his best friend had a weird tone to his voice but before he could ask him, they were pulled into conversations with their friends and Scott pushed the thought to the back of his head.


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