73. Order

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The following weeks were hectic. After his therapy session, Scott got the information of a good lawyer who would help him with the restraining order. So in between studio time and meetings, Avi took Scott to three appointments with the lawyer and was glad when they finally got the official letter stating that a temporary restraining order had been was issued. That way, Scott knew that Nick wouldn't be able to contact him. His lawyer had ensured him that in a situation like they had in the grocery store, Nick would be forced to ignore Scott and walk away or face a penalty.

Since Avi had to go to the studio to work on his own music, Mitch stopped by Scott's place in the afternoon. His main objective was to make sure that Scott was alright, but they also wanted to work on some song ideas.

"An official hearing?" Mitch said when he sat down next to his best friend.

"Yeah... it's mandatory for the restraining order to be permanent" Scott returned. "I don't have the date, yet, but it's going to happen within a month."

"I understand. Do you have to face him there?" Mitch asked carefully.

"Sure. I'll need to make my statement and he can make one, too. But the lawyer said that it'll be easy. I mean I know what they'll want to know. Just a bit about my relationship and especially the situation in the store. Rose will give a statement as well to describe the... trauma I have" Scott returned.

"That's good news, Scott" Mitch said. "How are you feeling about everything right now? The situation, Avi?"

Scott smiled. "Better. Definitely getting better. Avi is still patient as ever, Rose keeps saying that I am making progress and I just hope that with the hearing I can try to conclude the whole thing. I mean this cannot go on forever. I need to move on somehow."

"That's right and a very good direction," Mitch said. "Will you still be seeing Rose?"

"Definitely," Scott said. "Maybe not as frequently. We've decided to only meet once a week now that a huge chunk of work is done. But I think even if I am done with the whole Nick situation I feel like still going there once a month or every other week. I don't know, yet. But I'll definitely continue seeing her."

Mitch smiled. "Such a good idea," he said. "I'm glad that things are looking up. And... with Avi?"

"I'm still so in love with him," Scott said. "He's kind, caring and very careful without smothering me with what he is doing for me if you know what I mean?"

"I think so" Mitch returned. "I'm just sending the 'but' in your speech..."

Scott sighed. "Sometimes I feel like he is too careful to try anything. I mean it's been almost two weeks since the incident and we haven't done more than kissing. And I kinda want to try more things. I'm ready" he explained.

"Did you ever try to talk to him? Maybe he is unsure and waiting for you?" Mitch said.

"No. Maybe I should do it now? Like tonight? Or shall I wait until after the hearing?" Scott mused.

"If you're ready now, talk to him, Scott. No offence, but if you wait until after the hearing you let your happiness be influenced by Nick and I don't think this is a good idea?" Mitch explained patiently.

Scott furrowed his brows. "True," he said and smiled slightly. "I really didn't think about this. Maybe I should talk to him tonight."

"If you feel like it, you definitely should," Mitch replied and took a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, but enough of me, how are things between you and your man?" Scott asked and was happy when he saw the grin on Mitch's face. "So it's good?"

"Oh, he is a man indeed. When he told me that he was a vet I thought he'd be into cute little cats and dogs, but he's actually the big dog specialist in the practice. He's treating dogs that are Olaf and Pascal's size and upwards all day" Mitch explained. "But yeah, things are going great at the moment. We're getting to know each other more and more as we're seeing one another more frequently. He's off tomorrow and we'll have dinner and breakfast together. And I got to know his best friends on the weekend, so if you and Avi are up to it, we could do a double date, soon?"

Scott loved seeing his best friend happy and excited and he nodded immediately. "Sure we can do this," he said. "I think Avi wouldn't mind."

"Oh, I think they'll get along perfectly. Francis is a huge BBQ nerd" Mitch said and Scott laughed.

"Well if they get along they'll talk about ribs and steak all night," he said. "But yeah, let's just talk to our men and figure something out." The blonde emptied his cup. "Anyway, shall we get to work? Apparently, we both have dates tonight and we don't want to miss them, hmm?"



After they had worked on some arrangements, Mitch went home and Scott got ready to leave for Avi's place. Since they both had been busy, they had decided to go to one of Avi's favourite restaurants.

They had a nice and hearty dinner and decided to take a walk afterwards, just to get some fresh air.

While they were walking they talked about their days.

"So a double date this weekend?" Avi asked.

"If you don't mind?" Scott returned. "I mean I can go out with them alone, but it would be fun to go together. Mitch said that Francis is a BBQ nerd..."

Avi chuckled. "Of course I'll come with you. I am glad that Mitch found someone and I'd like to get to know him."

Scott smiled. "Good."

"Yeah" Avi returned. They walked until Avi stopped at a corner. "So... dessert?"

Scott looked around and grinned when he saw that they were at the corner close to Avi's house and needed to turn left to get there but right to get to the ice cream shop.

He took Avi's hand and turned right, heading right to the ice-cream shop. "It's on me," he said and fished out his wallet.

"Okay," Avi said and minutes later they were sitting on a bench in front of the shop. Avi was licking at his ice-cream cone while Scott had decided to have an iced coffee.

"Such a nice dessert" Avi commented. "This really is the best ice cream here."

"Mmhm" Scott hummed. "It is."

Avi furrowed his brows. "You've been getting more and more silent during the evening. Anything on your mind?"

"Yeah, kinda..." Scott returned. "I want to talk to you."

Avi smiled openly. "Of course. No need to be shy. What is it?"

"We should maybe take this talk home," Scott said.

"Sure. Is it about..."

"No, not about Nick," Scott said. "I'm better now that they issued the order. I'm still not comfortable thinking about the hearing, but it'll be okay, I'll be prepared for that. No, the talk is about us, actually."

"Oh?" Avi said and looked up at his boyfriend. It took him a few seconds to understand. "Oh." He smiled. "Of course. We'll talk at home" he said, licking his ice cream once more to make sure that he wouldn't make a mess and then he leaned over and kissed Scott's lips softly.

Scott returned the kiss and smiled. He was glad that Avi understood and was so easy about it. "I could make my iced coffee to go..." he said.

Avi chuckled. "Same here," he said, got up and pulled his boyfriend with him.


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