20. Welcome Home

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Avi needed a moment to realise what was happening and while he wanted nothing more than to sling his arms around the blonde and kiss him back, he pulled back. It felt wrong. "Scott..." he said softly when he saw the shocked expression on his opponents face.

"Avi, I... shit." Scott raked his hands through his hair. "Sorry. I should have taken advance. Fuck you were only taking care of me and I..."

Avi shook his head. "It happened and it's okay..."

"No. I... you don't get it, Avi... I have been wanting to do this for a long time," Scott said.

"Scott, you're drunk. And you've got a boyfriend waiting for you in LA. So whatever you've been wanting to do, it is wrong" Avi said. He looked around, hoping to find Mitch. He didn't want to leave Scott alone, but he also had to get out of the situation. It was too much. But Mitch wasn't anywhere to be seen. There were only Kirstie and Esther sitting on the sofa, talking while watching the stars.

So Avi mumbled an excuse to Scott and went to them. "Where is Mitch?"

Kirstie chuckled. "He left. With Giacomo. He's living the single life to the fullest" she said.

Avi sighed. "Can anyone take care of Scott, please? He had one too many" he said. "He shouldn't be alone." He turned away, knowing that they would do as he had asked.

Kirstie and Esther only looked at one another, they both were confused. "I'll take Avi, you'll take Scott," Esther said.

Avi left the rooftop bar and headed to the hotel, which, thankfully was in the same building. Thankfully the elevator came quickly and he had just stepped inside and pressed the button when someone stepped inside. "Esther! What about Scott?"

"Kirstie is taking care of him," Esther said. "But I figured someone should take care of you."

Avi sighed. "I'm okay," he said. "Just..." He felt tears welling up in his eyes and blinked rapidly to get rid of them.

"I'll stay with you," Esther said. "I got you."

They made it to Avi's hotel room without saying a word. Avi dropped down on the edge of the bed and Esther sat down next to him. "What happened?"

"He kissed me, Esther. He kissed me and then he told me that this was something he really wanted to do" Avi said.

"Oh" Esther simply said. "I didn't expect that. But how did it happen?"

Avi sighed and told Esther the gist of what had happened before the kiss. "And... I just don't know what to feel. I mean he said he wanted to kiss me, but as of right now he still is in a relationship" Avi said. He shook his head. "This is messed up. Like... I wanted this so much. I want him so much."

Esther didn't know what to say, so she only put her arms around her brother's waist and squeezed him. "I'm sorry, Avi. So sorry."

"He is just so lost, Esther and I want to help him find his way. But I can't" Avi said.

"He will find his way, Avi. But you have to take care of yourself as well. I don't want you to get hurt" Esther said.

Avi chuckled bitterly. "I decided to take care of Scott fully aware that it wouldn't be easy on me," Avi said softly. "I'll be okay, Esther."

The brunette woman sighed. "I hope so. But you know that I am always ready to listen to you and to help you."

Avi nodded. "Yes," he said and then stifled a yawn. "I think I might take a nap before breakfast," he said, fully aware that he probably wouldn't be able to calm down enough to actually fall asleep. "When are we leaving?"

"We'll have breakfast at 8 and we'll leave for the airport at 9" Esther explained. "Flight leaves at 11.30."

Avi looked at the clock. "Okay. I'll see you later..."

"Yeah... take care."


As expected, the flight back to Los Angeles was a quiet affair. It was only during the last third when Scott and Mitch were awake enough to talk about what had happened at the party.

"So.. you and Giacomo..." Scott asked.

"Mmhm," Mitch hummed. "That's what you do as a single man on the last night on tour. Find a cute roadie, take him to your hotel room, don't exchange numbers. Simple as that" he said and shrugged his shoulders. "And so worth it. Damn, he is a good lover."

Scott smiled, but Mitch noticed that the smile didn't reach his eyes. "And you? Anything from Nick?"

Scott shook his head. "No. But I left him on read," he said. "I think I'll just go home and see what awaits me."

Mitch nodded. "And if you need anything. I am ready to hibernate for a few days but I'll always answer your call."

"Thank you," Scott said. "But I'll be fine."

"I hope so" Mitch replied. "And Avi? Did you talk to him?"

"No..." Of course, Scott had told Mitch about the kiss. After Avi had left him, Kirstie suddenly was there. She took him to his hotel room and just listened to his drunk rambling. Now that he was sober again, he didn't know what to think and do about it and had avoided Avi.

"You should, eventually."

Scott nodded. "I know. But I feel like I'll need some time... I don't know."

"Just don't forget it. You might have been drunk, but still, you did this not him" Mitch said.

Scott looked over to where Avi was lying in his seat, sleeping tight. "I know," he said.

Once they were back in Los Angeles, they went through immigration and then waited for their suitcases. When they had everything, it was time to say goodbye. So before walking through customs and back into the real world, they exchanged hugs and made plans to meet up, soon.

Avi didn't know how to approach Scott, but then they were standing opposite one another.

"Avi..." Scott said softly. "I'm sorry about what happened at the party. I don't know why it happened. Maybe I just was too drunk..."

"It's fine," Avi said. "If you ever want to talk about it, just let me know, okay?" Avi said. He was drained and glad that Darien would be picking them up and taking him straight home.

Scott nodded. "I will. Thank you" he said.

"Good..." Avi said and then turned around when Esther called him. "We should go."

They headed out through customs and immediately saw their group of friends standing together. There were Darien, Leigh and Ben waiting for their significant others and, almost hidden behind a huge bouquet of red roses, there was Nick.

"Oh hell no" Mitch mumbled.

Avi just stopped in his tracks when Scott approached his boyfriend. His heart broke when he saw Scott hugging and kissing Nick and he felt numb. Around him, everyone was greeting their loved ones, but he felt so alone standing there, watching Scott and Nick.

Suddenly someone grabbed his hand. Esther. "Come, Avi, let's go home," the brunette said softly and proceeded led him out of the airport, not wanting her brother to watch the scene any longer.


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