82. Dinner for Four

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The double date was nice, the food was very good and Scott was glad to see Avi having fun with Francis. Somehow the two men got along perfectly and both Scott and Mitch were glad about that. Especially on this evening, Scott was almost relieved to not have a break from Avi and his desire to do whatever he can just to make him comfortable.

The blonde hated admitting it, but while it had been sweet at the beginning, Avi's tendency to agree to everything he wanted to do was unnerving. However, he didn't want to start a fight. He knew that he was on edge because of the upcoming hearing and that this influenced his perception of the things Avi said and did. Still, above everything he loved the bearded man and that was the most important thing to him. He knew that Avi did all this out of love.

"Do you want some dessert as well? Scott?"

The blonde hadn't noticed how lost in his thought he had been until he felt his best friend's hand on his own. "Hmm?"

"I wanted to know if you want some dessert, Scott" Mitch asked once again.

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Are you having any?"

"Of course! Avi said that the grilled pineapple is really nice" Francis replied.

"Yeah, if you like it" Avi returned. "Scott doesn't like it too much." He winked at his boyfriend.

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "True. But the grilled bananas with chocolate ice cream is way better" he explained to Francis.

"Great now I can't choose," Francis said.

Mitch chuckled. "I mean we could get both and share" he offered.

"That's the best idea ever" Francis returned and grinned. "I am wondering who got the better taste between the two of you."

"Definitely me," Avi said seriously, causing the others to look at him. "What? I mean look at this man?"

Francis couldn't keep himself from laughing while Mitch noticed that his best friend's smile didn't really reach his eyes. He didn't say anything though but decided to keep an eye on him.

They had dessert (Francis decided that both options were amazing and couldn't decide which was better) and another drink before getting the check.

"Are you both going to Avi's place?" Mitch asked.

"No, I think I'll go home" Scott replied. "I need to be at the lawyer early tomorrow."

"I could drive if you want me to" Avi offered.

"I don't have any fresh clothes at your place and I need to prepare my things for the hearing anyway" Scott replied.

"Oh right. Do you want to be alone?" Avi asked carefully.

Scott nodded. "Yeah, I think so," he said.

"Okay" Avi simply said.

"Alright," Mitch chimed in. Francis and I are staying at my place, do you want to share the uber?"

"Sure," Scott said. "Makes sense."

"Alright." Mitch typed into his phone and waited a moment. "Five minutes" he then announced and got up.

Scott got up as well and smiled slightly when Avi took his hand as they walked outside. He was glad for the gesture because he wasn't sure whether Avi had liked his wish to go home alone. But even though there still was some weird tension between them, Avi held his hand and it felt right.

Once they were outside and waiting for their uber, Avi squeezed his hand to get his attention. "Will you be okay?"

Scott nodded. "Yeah. I'm just tired and ready to go to bed" he replied. "Might want you there tomorrow, though. If you don't mind?"

"Of course," Avi replied. "Just call or text and I'll come over."

"Okay, thank you," Scott said. When the car approached, he leaned closer to his boyfriend and kissed him softly. "Love you," he said.

Avi smiled slightly. "Love you too" he returned and kissed him once more. He then said goodbye to Mitch and Francis and waved as the car drove away.

Scott was sitting in the backseat of the uber together with Mitch while Francis was in the passenger seat making idle conversation with the driver.

"Are you really okay, Scott?" Mitch asked his best friend after a moment.

"Hmm, yeah, why?" the blonde returned.

"Doesn't seem like it. What happened between you and Avi?" Mitch wanted to know.

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, Mitch. I'm just so annoyed with him. Don't get me wrong he is wonderful and I love him, but he is ruining himself for me. It feels like he is suppressing his own opinion and wishes for me and I don't like it."

"Is this why you told him you wanted to stop at your place when we left the studio today?"

Scott nodded. "Yeah. I don't know why, but I felt like confronting him. I really wanted to show him how ridiculous he is being, but I don't know..."

"I feel like both you and him are a bit on edge right now. I mean the hearing is on Friday and it is stressful for you, but for him as well. I'm glad that you didn't start a fight, Scott" Mitch explained. "Even though I understand why you're feeling this way."

"Me too. I don't like to fight, but I should bring it up eventually. Because it feels unhealthy that he would do anything for me. Like... I am scared that eventually, I am going to abuse his kind heart just the way he did with mine" Scott explained. "And I don't want to do this."

"Scott, you will never be like him. You're not manipulative and you're not an asshole" Mitch said. "The fact that you don't want him to adjust to you all the time shows that."

"I know..." Scott sighed. "It's just a lot right now."

"And that's okay. Wait until after the hearing and then think about these things again. I think that some of them will be resolved then" Mitch said. He took his best friend's hand and squeezed it softly. "Okay?"

Scott nodded. "Yeah..." The blonde deemed the conversation over and turned away to look out of the window. There was a lot on his mind and he somehow didn't feel like talking anymore.

Mitch must have noticed because he pulled his hand away after one more squeeze and engaged in a conversation with Francis which Scott didn't pay any attention to.

It was only a while later when Mitch called his name that Scott pulled himself out of his thoughts. "Yeah?"

"We're almost there," Mitch said. "Do you really want to be alone? If you don't, I wouldn't mind staying over."

"No, I'm alright" Scott returned. "Don't worry about me."

"Really?" This time it was Francis who spoke up. "Don't mind me, if you need your bestie, I'll go home. You know how I've been the best friend in such a situation before."

Scott smiled. "I know. But it's fine. I'll write my journal and then head to bed. I'm tired."

At this moment the car stopped in front of his house and after a tight hug from his best friend Scott got out and waved as the car drove off.


A/N: Hi, how are you? It's been a while since I did one of these. I just wanted to let you know that for the rest of the month updates will be scarce. work is hectic, as you might know, I am studying and working at a grocery store part-time for money. 
At the moment I'm kinda managing the store full time cause our boss is on her well deserved holiday.

So please bear with me, I am doing my best to be back with something new, soon.

Take care and stay healthy! And once you have the opportunity get that vaccine!!!

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