43. Asking

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Scott thought that after the eventful day, he'd be able to sleep like a baby, but the contrary was the case. He laid awake and thought about the evening. From the moment Avi had joined him to their sweet good night kiss the whole thing still seemed to be unreal and yet they manifested whatever they had through their talk on the bench.

Scott sighed and turned around once more, hoping that he would be able to fall asleep on his right side. But it didn't work out. He got up and opened the door to the balcony, stepped outside and sighed. He took a few deep breaths and hoped that he would manage to calm down, but his mind was still racing. After a few minutes, he decided to head downstairs for another cup of tea. While he was waiting for the water to come to a boil, the door opened and in came Mitch. He had his shirt only halfway buttoned up and the blonde couldn't help but grin.

"Did you have to rush?"

Mich rolled his eyes. "Yes and no. I wanted to stay the night but then decided against it. Didn't want the huge goodbye tomorrow" he explained. "But I left him a note. We both knew that it was only for fun." Mitch dropped down on the sofa. "Can I have a cup, too?"

"Sure," Scott said and prepared a second cup for him. "Was it fun?"

Mitch sighed and nodded. "I wouldn't have gone back if it hadn't been fun," he said. "But still nothing more than a holiday liason."

Scott poured the hot water into the two mugs and sat down next to Mitch. "Do you wish it was not just a liason?"

"Sometimes I do. But then I think back to our busy lives and am glad about it. I don't know. I kinda want to get more into serious dating and then again I don't." The brunette man sighed. "But for now I just want to enjoy the rest of the vacation. And how about you? Why are you still up and where's Avi?"

"Avi is in his bed. We parted ways about an hour ago, but I couldn't sleep. My mind is just racing and... it's a lot" Scott said. "We talked. Did you know he fell for me before I met Nick?" The blonde looked up and sighed when he saw his best friend roll his eyes.

"Of course I knew. I was the one who cursed him repeatedly because he decided to be a gentleman and not try to break you and Nick. I mean I know that he was right and I was wrong, but still" Mitch explained. "But what do you think?"

"I want him, Mitch. I never thought I would end up with Avi. It never crossed my mind that he could be my man. I mean I usually tend to go for jocks and he's..."

"An otter, if you want to stay within the cliché terms" Mitch completed.

"Yeah. But he's so damn handsome, Mitch" Scott returned. "And his character is wonderful. He's kind, caring and so much fun. I love to hear him laugh, love how he shakes his head while grinning when I make a stupid joke. He might be different from the men I dated in the past, but I don't care. And we decided to go slowly, to try it out. Once we're back home, I will go and see a therapist and Avi and I will see how it works out."

Mitch smiled. "I'm glad," he said. "And what is keeping you up?"

"I was unable to tell him exactly how I feel about him and I've been thinking about it and how I fell for him. And I don't know what to do now, Mitch. Do I just ask him out?"

"Sure, why not. I mean you know him already, but only as a friend. Go on dates, enjoy the time you have, especially during this vacation. It's very important" Mitch said. "You might get along wonderfully as friends, but you still have to figure out how you can work out as boyfriends."

Scott nodded slowly. "Boyfriends..." he said.

"Of course it may be too early to think about a relationship, Scott" Mitch returned.

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