21. Shower

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Scott was surprised to see his boyfriend standing there in the arrival hall of the airport with a huge bouquet of roses. He was taken aback for a second only and then walked up to him and was pulled into a warm embrace.

"It's so good to have you back at home, Scott" Nick said.

"I'm happy to be back. It's so good to see you" Scott replied and kissed his boyfriend softly. "Why are you even here? I thought you had important meetings today..."

Nick just smiled. "I cancelled them. Everything for my man" he said. "Now come on, let's go home." He took his boyfriend's suitcase and handed him the roses. "For you."

"Thank you, Nick," Scott said. He turned around and wanted to say goodbye to his friends, but the Kaplan's were nowhere to be seen, Kirstie was wrapped up in Ben's arms, Kevin had his eyes only on Leigh and Mitch was just standing there alone. He was looking at his phone.

"Wait. Maybe we can take Mitch home?" Scott asked. He's the only one who's not getting picked up and we originally wanted to share an uber."

Nick rolled his eyes, but he nodded. "If you want to."

"I'll ask him," Scott said and walked up to his best friend. "Mitchy? Shall we take you home?"

Mitch looked up and shook his head. "No, thank you. Just booked my uber. You go home" he said. "And please call or text if you need me, okay? Stay safe."

Scott sighed. "I'll be alright Mitch. You go hibernate, okay?"

"Scott? Are you coming?"

"You should go, Scott. Your boyfriend is waiting" Mitch said flatly and turned away from his best friend.

Once he was in the car, Scott closed his eyes momentarily.

"Tired?" Nick asked.

Scott hummed. "Not really. A bit exhausted, but we fucked up our sleep schedules by staying up all night at the party and then we slept for the majority of the flight. It probably will help me to get back into some sort of schedule."

Nick smiled. "So we'll have a date night tonight? At home? I thought you'd appreciate some home-cooked food followed by..."

Scott chuckled. "A hot bath? I would love that, Nick. But..."

"Yes, Scott?" Nick asked and looked at the blonde while they were waiting at a red light.

Scott sighed. "What about Mykonos? What about the fight we had?"

"Well why I didn't appreciate the fact that you left me on read and didn't text except for basic updates on your journey back home, I have decided to give my Mum a call. She has rescheduled the party and we'll celebrate once we're back from Greece. I hope this makes you happy?"

Scott smiled. "It was never about my happiness, Nick. It's just that we had planned this vacation for so long and it isn't cheap either. I mean I would have accepted not going, but..."

"Yeah, but now we're going so no need to discuss anymore," Nick said.

"Fine with me," Scott said. Even though he felt that they should talk about their fight, he was also looking forward to a calm night at home with Nick.

Once he was at home, he proceeded as usual. He went into the laundry room and put his suitcase down. It would still be there the next day and for the time being Scott didn't need anything but comfortable shorts and shirts.

"You can unpack while I cook" Nick commented when he saw that his boyfriend coming out of the laundry room.

But Scott shook his head. "No. No unpacking tonight. Tonight is for coming home and unwinding. Laundry day will be tomorrow."

"Oh if this is how you do this" Nick replied. "What else do you want to do?"

"A nap would be lovely," Scott said and yawned. "And some cuddles?"

"I want to get started with cooking, Scott, I didn't have much time, because I wanted to clean the house and get everything ready for you" Nick replied.

Scott sighed. "But we can order something. There's no need for you to cook. I just want to spend time with you."

Nick smiled at him. "And you will. Later. Go take your nap now so we can enjoy the evening together." He leaned in and pecked his boyfriend's lips. "Sleep tight, I'll wake you up in an hour, okay?"

"Okay," Scott said. He went upstairs into the bedroom and lay down in bed. He kind of wanted his boyfriend to be there next to him, wanted to cuddle with him, but still, he was looking forward to the evening with him.


The evening was wonderful. Nick had prepared some roasted veggies with chicken. It was the perfect mixture of comfort food and vitamins and after a month on the road, Scott was glad to have a quiet dinner alone with Nick. "Thank you for cooking, Nick," he said once he had finished his plate.

Nick smiled. "You're welcome," he said as he ate the last piece of chicken and pushed his plate away. He then took a sip of his wine. "Aren't you drinking?"

Scott grimaced. "No, I shouldn't. I had one too many at the party and Kirstie had to bring me into my room so I could take a nap..." He hated lying to Nick, but he couldn't tell him about the kiss. He didn't even want to mention Avi's name.

"At least you had a long flight to get sober again," Nick said. "Anyway," he said and got up. "Do you want to take an actual bath, or..."

"Maybe a good shower?" Scott asked. "I'm afraid I might fall asleep in a hot bath, but I definitely need to shower. So... join me? I've been missing our huge walk-in shower and you being in there with me..."

Nick smirked. "No need to ask me. You go and warm the water, I'll be with you in a moment, okay?"

Scott smiled. "Sounds like a plan."


"Oh yes, right there..." Scott let out a breathy moan. He had almost forgotten how good it felt to be squished between the shower wall and his boyfriend who was rhythmically thrusting into him.

As always, the first time with Nick was a rather quick affair, they both were eager to release the pent up tension.

Afterwards, they made a quick job of the actual cleaning process and got ready for bed. "Don't bother putting on clothes," Nick said when Scott was combing his hair. "I'm not done with you yet and I don't think you're done either..." The brunette man slung his arms around his boyfriend's waist and pressed his body against him.

Scott shivered. "No... definitely not done," he said and closed his eyes momentarily. "Please..."

Nick chuckled and pressed a kiss on Scott's neck. "I'll be waiting. Hurry up."

Scott found himself lying halfway on his side and his front with Nick hovering over him. He was still exhausted, jet lag was catching up on him, but he still craved Nick, wanted to feel him close.

"Are you still with me, Scott?"

"Mmhm... want you" Scott mumbled.

Nick chuckled. "My sleepy man" he commented. "Gonna make you feel really good..."

Scott hummed when he felt his boyfriend slipping inside, pressing his whole body against him. It was warm and comfortable and it lulled him in. This time wasn't about the pleasure, at least not for Scott, it was about being close to his boyfriend, feeling his warmth and comfort.

"You love this, right? Being fucked into the mattress when you're half asleep already, hmm?"

"Yeah... Love this and love you..." Scott mumbled.

"Mmhm of course you do. Only I can make you feel this way, Scott" Nick returned before he changed his angle to hit Scott's sweet spot dead on.

The blonde released with a shudder just a moment before Nick did, then cleaned himself up swiftly, knowing he'd hate waking up in the mess he had made. Then, with Nick's weight still heavy on his body, he drifted out feeling happy and satiated.


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