41. Sky

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Even though Kirstie and Ben had tried to convince Mitch to just leave Scott and Avi to themselves, he still kept a close eye on the two men. Watched as they continued talking and only joined them when the boat stopped.

"Are we stopping for some swimming?" Scott asked.

"Yes, we are" Ben replied.

"Oh I'm staying on board," Mitch said. "I really don't feel comfortable in the open sea."

Avi chuckled. "Me neither. See, Scott, you go take a swim and I stay here with Mitch."

Scott chuckled. "Alright," he said and then joined Kirstie and Ben to take a dip in the sea while Mitch and Avi sat down on a bench with two bottles of water.

"Are you better?" Mitch asked.

"Mmhm, I think I got a little bit seasick," Avi said. "But it's better already."


They sat and watched their friends for a while, before Avi finally spoke up: "Can you give me some advice, Mitch?"

"I can try to. What is it?" Mitch asked, even though he knew exactly what it was about.

"Scott. He..." Avi shook his head. "Ever since we arrived here he tried to spend more time with me. Like when he waited with me at the airport, the talk we had on the first night, the meditation. And earlier he just was there with me, first took care of me and then held me close, because he wanted to reenact the titanic scene."

Mitch nodded. "We all saw this. It was funny and cute. What did you think?"

"I just felt comfortable." Avi blushed slightly. "Like I want this all the time. But then again I don't know if I can try to make a move?"

"Avi, I really can't give you an answer. I really think that Scott has feelings for you, but I don't know if he is ready for something new. But honestly, what is happening right now is painful to watch, so maybe you should take action as well? Just try to get closer, maybe if he notices that you're searching his proximity it will all play out? At least that's what I hope" Mitch replied.

Avi nodded slowly. "I can try that," he said. "It's just so hard. Being so near, yet so far away..." He looked out to where Scott was swimming around on his back with his eyes closed.

"It's cruel," Mitch agreed. "But we're all rooting for a happy ending for the two of you. Just be careful. I don't know how he is feeling about the whole Nick-situation. I really would hate it if you messed everything up because of this."

Avi nodded. "That's my main concern. But if things get serious I'll sit him down and talk about it. I know a lot of what Nick did already, so I know where we could struggle, but still, I need him to decide if he is ready for something new or if he wants me as a friend. If he's not ready, we'll wait. We all know that I can be very patient."

Mitch chuckled. "The most patient man" he agreed.


The rest of the day was spent in a comfortable manner. They relaxed, did some sightseeing from the yacht and stopped for another dip in the sea in a beautiful lagoon. Even if Avi loved the view and the turquoise water, he didn't feel comfortable jumping into the water. Instead, he talked to their Greek skippers and watched his friends, including Mitch this time, having fun in the water.

After the second swim, they slowly got dressed and ready for dinner. Scott, who was wearing a simple light shirt and a pair of pattern shorts was, once again, amazed by how amazing Avi looked in his black skinny shorts and fitting button-up with the first few buttons undone. They took a group picture in which Scott had his arm around Avi.

Scott's favourite picture was actually the one on which Avi had his eyes closed and seemed very content. There was something about seeing Avi so happy and content that made Scott's heart beat faster.

Dinner was wonderful. They were in a small restaurant at the fishing harbour of a smaller island. The seafood was fresh and delicious and the wine was cold and tasty.

Then they were back on the yacht. The sun was starting to set and while everyone was talking, Scott suddenly felt the need to get away from the crowd. He liked spending time with his friends, but he just wanted to think. So he went to the nose of the ship, where he and Avi had messed around earlier. The memory put a smile on his face.

Avi was talking to Aliki when he noticed that Scott had left. He looked over to him, which the Greek woman noticed immediately. "You like him, don't you?"

The bearded man nodded slightly. "I do," he said. "But it's... complicated."

"It always is, Avi. Nothing is ever easy. But you won't get the man unless you try" Aliki said.

Avi looked over to Scott and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know if I can," he said.


Avi turned around to see Kirstie smile at him. "Huh?"

"The sunset is beautiful and Scott is all thoughtful. And did you see how he was looking at you today? He is realising some things right now, but he will need a slight push from you" the young woman explained.

"O-okay" Avi stuttered. He put down his glass and walked up to the nose of the ship where Scott was looking into the sky. "Hey," he said softly as he stood beside the blonde.

Scott was surprised when Avi joined him, but he didn't mind. Quite the contrary. He was glad that he was next to him. "Hey" he returned. "Needed some quiet. The sunset is so beautiful, I wanted to savour it."

Avi nodded slowly. "It is," he said. "Nature is amazing." He didn't know what else to say, so he stayed silent.

"It was a really wonderful day," Scott said suddenly. "The whole vacation has been nothing but amazing."

"True. I'm glad that I ignored my need to be in the forest for once and joined you" Avi returned.

"Me too," Scott said. "I... I don't think this vacation would have been as amazing as it is now without you."

Avi felt his heart beat faster. "You think so?"

"I do."

They fell silent again and after a while, Avi felt Scott's arm around his torso. "Is... is that okay?" Scott asked.

Avi looked up at him and smiled. "Yes." He felt Scott relax a little bit and allowed himself to lean his head against the taller man's chest. "Is this?"

"Yes." The two men watched as the sunset painted the sky in the most beautiful colours.

"Amazing" Avi breathed out.

"It truly is" Scott returned.

Avi looked up at the bearded man and bit his lower lip in thought before finally mustering the courage to say. "Scott?"

Immediately the blonde looked down at him. "Yeah?"

"Is this okay?" He asked when he put his arms around Scott's neck.

Scott swallowed dryly. "Yes." He gave in when the bearded man tugged on him, pulling him down just enough so he could connect their lips in a tender kiss.


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