28. Over

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"Mitch... he, I, I need your help."

When Mitch heard his best friend's distraught voice, he dropped everything. He was just closing his suitcase and cursing himself for packing so much.

"Scott? What... no where are you?" Mitch asked. He knew that it would be easier to get to him and then talk to him directly.

"I... I just ran, wait. I'm... I'm not far away from your place. Can I come?"

"Definitely! Please come here immediately. Do you want to stay on the phone?"

"No, I'll be okay. Thank you, Mitch."

Scott ended the call and Mitch abandoned his suitcase immediately and went downstairs and out of the front door. He looked around and finally saw Scott walking up to him rapidly. "Scott. Come on in," Mitch greeted him and ushered his best friend inside his house.

"Thank you..." Scott said. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

Mitch eyed him. "You really ran here, hmm?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "I had to get away."

Mitch was alarmed, but he knew that he had to stay calm. "Okay. I'm glad that you called me immediately. We should sit down in the living room. Do you want water or something else?"

"Water, please," Scott said and dropped down on the sofa. "Thanks."

Mitch joined him again a moment later and handed his best friend a bottle of water. Scott raised his arm to drink and Mitch immediately noticed the bruise on his wrist.

"Why did you have to get away, Scott?" Mitch asked when the blonde had put down his bottle.

"He... he lied to me. His grandma didn't pass away. I found out when I called his Mum. It's her birthday today. And when I confronted him, he got angry. He said that I shouldn't have called her. He didn't even apologise or comment on his lie. I wanted to leave and then he gripped me" Scott explained. "I... I was so scared for a moment until I could get out of his grip and ran away..."

"Oh, Scott," Mitch said. "Do you need something for your wrist? Ice or some ointment?"

Scott shook his head. "No. Doesn't hurt. Just looks nasty" he said and sighed. "I just don't know why he would lie to me, Mitch. I... it's just so messed up. And what do I do now?"

"I don't know why he lied to you, I have a theory, but I think we should wait with this until you're feeling better. You must be so distraught" Mitch said. "And what to do... I don't know, but I think coming here was the perfect first step. Now that you're here we can think about what you want and should do."

"What do you think, Mitch?" Scott wanted to know.

"Do you see yourself having a future with Nick?" Mitch asked. He knew this was probably the one question Scott dreaded to hear, but it was important.

"I... I don't. I'm just not happy with him" Scott said.

Mitch sighed. "Well, then you need to end this relationship."

Scott nodded. "I know. It's just... I never broke up with anyone and I don't know how to do it."

"He should know that he has it coming. And you don't really need to say much. Just tell him how it is. He lied to you and he used you, Scott. You shouldn't struggle with this too much. He hurt you, you breaking up with him, for this reason, shouldn't hurt him too badly, you know?" Mitch said.

"You're right, Mitch," Scott said. He sighed and looked down onto his fingers.

"What is it?" Mitch asked after a while.

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