13. Brussels

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"That's it. I hate him!"

Avi was taken aback when Mitch stormed into the dressing room he was sharing with Kevin. The beatboxer wasn't there and he had just sat down with his book. "Mitch?"

But the smaller man dropped down on the sofa next to him and just sighed. "He is complaining all the time. About having to get up early, about having nothing to do... and I am just tired of it. Like, I really want to just grab Scott and get him out of there, but that boy is so smitten."

"Mitch..." Avi began. "Calm down. He's probably just eager to spend some time with Scott. I mean he arrived in Amsterdam for the first night of three-in-a-row concerts. We all are tried and ready to have a day off tomorrow."

"Yeah but we're working and he's just there. I thought he would support Scott, but he's doing nothing. Whenever Scott isn't having time for him, he's on his phone. Esther even said that he wasn't that invested in watching the concert last night. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't have to like our music, but like at least show up to your boyfriend's show? That's the bare minimum" Mitch said.

Avi nodded. "You're right, but please, Mitch, don't be so angry about this" he pointed out.

"It's just so frustrating to see how much Scott cares. And then he gets nothing in return. Nothing but a great fuck once they're back in the hotel."

"Mitch!" Avi exclaimed.

"What? That's the way it is. Whenever I ask Scott about Nick, he's like: Yeah, we had a misunderstanding, but the sex is amazing..." Mitch said. "And maybe he is satisfied at the moment, but there will be the moment he realises that Nick isn't the right guy."

"Maybe" Avi replied. "And if this moment comes you... we need to be ready to support him. And I really get that you're angry, but just calm down."

"Are you talking about Nick?" Kevin had joined them. "Isn't he a weird guy?"

Mitch scoffed. "I would use other words, but yes, we're talking about Nick."

Kevin said down next to Avi and grabbed a bottle of water. "Kirstie and I ended up sitting on the train with them this morning and we tried to talk to him. You know just a bit of small talk to get to know him better" he explained. "And he immediately seemed as if he didn't want to spend time with us. He then said he was tired and I think he even feigned his nap?"

Mitch furrowed his brows. "What did Scott do?"

"Well, he was asleep and only woke up later. And he talked to us, but of course, we didn't mention anything about Nick" Kevin explained. He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know what's wrong with him. I mean he knew that we'd be around and that we would be travelling a lot."

"Exactly" Mitch agreed. "And when Ben or Leigh are around it is always amazing." He sighed. "I'm just scared that Scott might lose himself in this relationship."

"Well..." Kevin said. "You cannot make them break up, but you can try to keep an eye on Scott..."


"I thought we'd never make it out of there," Scott said once they were in their hotel room in Brussels.

"Well you've been taking pictures for ages" Nick returned.

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "Well, there were so many fans waiting and we can't just take pictures with half of them and then leave... and there were waiting so patiently, you know, all lining up. It's part of the job and I don't mind taking my time" he explained patiently as he dropped his bag on one of the chairs. "Anyway. Shower and then some cuddles? I'm exhausted and so looking forward to our day off tomorrow."

"Fine with me" Nick replied. "Shower alone or can I join?"

Scott hesitated for a moment. "Join?"

Nick smiled. "Oh yes..."

An hour later, the two men were lying in bed. Scott was just checking his phone one last time and smiled when he saw a few messages in the group chat.

"Nick?" he asked once he had read through them.

"Yes, Scott?" Nick was already cuddled up in the blanket and looked over to his boyfriend.

"Esther texted us. She has found somewhere to go tomorrow night. Apparently, there is a huge funfair in Hamburg and there's going to be fireworks tomorrow night. Would be a fun night out for everyone."

"I thought we'd go out on a date, Scott... you said you'd prepare something" Nick returned.

Scott sighed. "I have a plan already, Nick. We're having a daytime date. It's going to be special! I just didn't know what to do in the evening and this is the perfect plan" he explained. "Please, Nick. It's going to be a lot of fun."

"I just thought we'd go out together, Scott. I mean I am visiting you..." Nick said.

Scott rolled his eyes. "Of course you are visiting me, but what's wrong with spending time with my friends?"

"Nothing, it's just..." Nick began. "I just thought you'd want to spend time with me."

"I do! I've been spending every free moment with you and I love it. But I also want to spend some of my free time with the others. And if you took some time to get to know them, you'd know that you're in for a fun night out" Scott said.

"What if I just want a fun night in with you?" Nick argued.

"That's what we've been doing each night since you arrived. The others thought about meeting at the bar for another drink today, but we took a nice shower together. Last night we had champagne from room service and damn it was a lovely night. And the bath in Amsterdam was perfect. But it's always us being alone, mostly having sex. And while I love it a lot, I also want to experience other things with you. And I want you to get along with the others. They're my family and you're my boyfriend. Please, at least try, okay? Just tomorrow night. I promise on our last night in Berlin I'll be all yours. Okay?"

Nick sighed deeply. "I'll think about it," he said.

"Please do. They'll be excited to get to know you better" Scott said and put his phone away. He settled down and yawned. "Anyway, we should sleep. We're leaving the hotel at 9.30 tomorrow. Good night, Nick."

Nick nodded and then turned onto his back. "Good night, Scott."

Scott turned off his lights and closed his eyes. He thought he would be up thinking about the argument, but he was so exhausted that he passed out immediately.


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