6. Orchid

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A week had passed and Scott was busy assembling everything he needed for the tour. They would leave Wednesday early in the morning so on Sunday he was during laundry and packing his bags.

"Scott? Are you- what happened here?"

Scott looked up from the bed. He had just been replying to a text from Mitch. "I am packing my bags," He said to Nick before he looked back down onto the screen.

"Right now it looks more like you're moving out" Nick commented and made an extra effort to walk around the heaps of clothing and other stuff.

Scott rolled his eyes. "Well, I am not, don't get your hopes up."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nick stopped in his tracks and turned around to face Scott.

"I don't know, you tell me?" Scott just said and finished his text.

Nick sighed. "I don't know what you're after, I just came up here to ask you something."

"I'm listening," Scott said while he folded socks.

"No, you're not! You're doing things. You're always doing things. Like tomorrow where we supposed to go out but no, you have to cancel because you need to work. And now you're spending the whole day up here doing things for work. It's Sunday and I thought we'd spend the day together."

"I didn't cancel our date night because of some stupid thing, I cancelled because we're having a TV-appearance. I get that it is last minute, it is stressful for me, too, but that's what it is" Scott replied. "And I offered you tonight as our date night, I even booked a table at our restaurant. But no, you had to throw a fit, like you always do. And yes, I am always doing things. Like painting the whole fucking house, assembling the furniture for the office room you wanted to have while you were working."

"I never asked you to do this, we could've done it together," Nick said defensively and crossed his arms.

"I did this because I wanted to make you happy. I know I am working crazy times so on the days I'm off I do these things so we can spend the little time we have together. Would you rather build shelves than go out?" Scott said.

He waited a moment but Nick didn't say anything. "And I am sorry that I am packing my bags right now" he then continued, "but we had breakfast in bed, cuddled, talked and we had plans to go out tonight. I have to do this eventually."

"We had plans? Do you mean you're cancelling date night? I already rescheduled my original plans for tonight for you."

Scott rolled his eyes. "Your plans were a video call with your parents."

Nick raised an eyebrow. "Are you telling me that my parents are not important?"

"I..." Scott stopped and shook his head. "Let's not do this right now, Nick. We're both saying things we might regret later. I didn't cancel our table, because I was looking forward to our date night and I'm glad you rescheduled your plans for us. Let me finish here and then talk?"

"Yeah whatever," Nick said. He opened his side of the closet and pulled out a light jacket. "I'm heading out, I need some fresh air.


On Tuesday, Scott got up when Nick had already left. He wanted to get an early start at work so they could have one last dinner at home together.

Scott's day would be filled with meeting different friends. Some of them he hadn't seen in weeks due to the stress of tour preparations and Nick's move.

He took a quick shower got dressed and texted Meg, who he would meet for breakfast, that he would be on his way in a few minutes.

When he was putting on his shoes, he saw the bouquet of fresh roses on the sideboard. This time it was dark red roses mixed with white lilies.

It was beautiful. Nick had brought it back home on Sunday after their argument and Scott had of course accepted both the apology and the flowers.

The date night had been wonderful. Dinner at a restaurant and dessert at the beach while watching the sunset. Back at home, Nick had made love to him and Scott's heart was full.

Of course, he was still thinking of the argument, but Scott had blamed it on the new situation. Nick had never actually been with him while he was preparing for a tour, usually, they would only meet for fixed dates and Scott would do his stuff around those.

But he still felt happy with Nick by his side and he told that to the friends he was meeting that day while he was looking forward to their dinner date.

On his way back home he bought some flowers for Nick, a big potted orchid with a myriad of small flowers, hoping that they would bloom for as long as he was away from home.

When he went into the house he noticed the wonderful smell of spices. "Nick, I'm home" he called before he stepped into the kitchen.

The brunette was standing at the stove, stirring a pan with small cut chicken. "I thought we would order something," he said softly.

"Mmhm and I thought I'd make some fajitas" Nick replied and leaned in for a soft kiss.

Scott chuckled. Fajitas were Nick's favourite dish and he had cooked them the first time Scott had been over for dinner. "Sounds delicious," Scott said. Then he remembered the orchid he hat left in the hallway. "I got something for you," he said as he handed his boyfriend the orchid.

"Scott, it's beautiful," Nick said. "I love orchids!"

Scott smiled. "I know," he said. "And you told me that they bloom fairly long, so I was hoping that it would bloom for as long as I am gone."

Nick pulled the pan away from the heat, set down the orchid and then engulfed the blonde in a tight hug. "I hope so, Scotty. Thank you so much."


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