16. Drained

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Three days later, Scott and Nick were getting ready for their lunch in Berlin. Because the weather was nice, Scott had found a lovely rooftop bar in an area closer to the airport, because Nick would need to head to the airport after their date.

"Do you have everything, Nick?" Scott asked when he watched his boyfriend zipping up his suitcase.

"I think so," Nick said. He sighed. "I don't want to go back."

Scott smiled slightly. "I don't want you to leave either, Nick, but you have to work so we can go to Mykonos together," he said. "And it's only 2 weeks until I'm back home."

Nick nodded. "Yeah. Can't wait."

Scott zipped up his suitcase as well, he would be taking a train to Munich in the evening. "Me neither, Nick," he said and looked around. "Alright, let's go," he said and left the room, followed by his boyfriend. While he was able to leave his suitcase at the hotel, Nick had to take his' with him, but Scott offered to take it because Nick also had to take his carry on bag.

The date itself was nice, but also very draining for Scott. He felt the past week catching up on him. The constant struggle to put on a good show for the fans on stage while he was also caring for Nick, his guest had grown harder, so hard that he hadn't minded going back to the hotel the night before while the majority of the crew went out to a bar. He was so tired that he had fallen asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow after denying Nick a hot bath.

"Are you even listening, Scott?"

"Hmm? Yeah, your parents said that Guadalupe is better than Cuba" Scott repeated. "And honestly, I don't mind where we are going, just search for something and let me know so I can book."

"What's wrong with you, Scott? Ever since last night, you've been so distant" Nick wanted to know.

"No, Nick, I'm alright. Just tired" Scott explained. He sighed. "I always have a few days in the middle of each tour when I'm just tired and drained. I'm sorry that it's today. But in trying to stay alert."

"Well, it's not working" Nick shot back.

Scott sighed. "I'm sorry, Nick."

"It's okay, Scott," Nick said. "I mean you figured out this wonderful location for us."

Scott smiled. "I would love to see the sunset from up here with you, but when the sun sets, I'll be on the train and you'll be on the plane," he said.

"Mmhm" Nick hummed. "But the afternoon sun will do. We'll have a lot of sunset in Guadalupe."

"And on Mykonos" Scott added and took his hand. "I can't wait."

Nick smiled back at him, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Me neither."

An hour and a wonderful dessert later, the two men were back down in front of the building. "So, this is it, hmm?" Scott said.

"I wish you could take me to the airport" Nick returned. "I am not ready to let you go."

"I know, Nick. Me neither. But I need to catch my train" Scott replied. "Now come on, your car will be here in a few minutes." He took his boyfriend's hand and pulled him in, hugging him tightly. "I'll miss you, Nick. It was wonderful to have you around."

"I'll miss you too, Scott," Nick said softly.

They kissed until a car stopped next to them. "I love you, Nick," Scott said.

"Love you too, Scott. Goodbye."

"Goodbye" Scott replied and once Nick was sitting in the car he waved until he wasn't able to see him anymore.


Scott was at the hotel on time. He joined the others after getting his suitcase and exchanged hugs.

"You don't look too good, Scott" Mitch noticed. "Are you okay?"

Scott nodded. "Just tired," he said.

"Esther said we'd have two compartments, maybe you should lie down in one of them, Scott," Avi said, worry evident in his voice.

"I wouldn't mind a nap," Scott said, stifling a yawn.

"And the coffee at the station is on me" Mitch pointed out. You sure need a big one to make it through the rest of the day."

Scott smiled slightly. "I appreciate it."

About an hour later they were ready to board the train. Avi was balancing a tray with Scott's coffee and his tea in one of his hands, not trusting Scott to carry his suitcase and the coffee.

"So those who are up for card games join in compartment 17, compartment 18 is for those who want quiet" Esther announced. She too had been surprised to see Scott so exhausted, so she decided to make sure that he'd have some quiet.

"Quiet" Scott said immediately.

"I'll join you," Avi said. "Wanna finish my book." He turned around when he felt something on his shoulder and realised it was Mitch.

"Really?" the smaller man said lowly. "You okay with it?"

Avi nodded. "Don't want him to be alone. Feel free to join the games if you want to, you were looking forward."

Mitch nodded. "Thanks. Might come over later" he said and then walked past the compartment Scott was already settling in.

Avi followed Scott and smiled at him. "Do you mind me hanging out?"

Scott shook his head. "Not at all," he said. as he dropped down in one of the window seats.

"Good" Avi replied and sat down opposite the blonde. "Coffee first?"

Scott nodded. "Yes, please," he said and took a sip. "So good."

Avi smiled at him. "You look exhausted" he then commented.

Scott nodded. "I'm drained," he said and leaned his head against the headrest. "I'll probably sleep right until pick up tomorrow."

"I thought you went back to the hotel to sleep last night. Or was that a euphemism?" Avi really didn't want to know that but he just wanted to find out how his friend was doing.

"Mmhm, not really. Well, Nick thought it was, but I was genuinely tired. And I slept the whole night and here I am, still tired" Scott said, stifling a yawn.

"You should sleep," Avi said. He definitely wanted to talk to Scott some more, but he knew that Scott needed to rest.

"I... I'm sorry" Scott said.

Avi furrowed his brows. "What for?"

Scott faltered for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know..." He settled down and closed his eyes. "Wake me up when we're almost there?"

"Sure Scott," Avi said, smiling when Scott mumbled something before drifting off.

Avi took out his book, eager to read something, but he found himself looking up at Scott more often than he wanted to admit.

"You're staring."

Avi looked up when he heard Mitch's whisper. He sighed. "Couldn't help myself."

Mitch nodded. "Did he say anything about him?"

Avi shook his head. "He was too exhausted to talk. But I hope we'll find out eventually."

"We will. I have my wicked ways and you're... just so patient and such a good listener" Mitch said.

Avi chuckled softly. "We're such a good team," he said.

Mitch smiled. "That we are..."


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