46. Cedar Wood

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"I..." Scott shook his head. "What are we going to do now? He cannot get through with it. I need to reply, I need to set things straight." He took out his phone and wanted to unlock it, but Avi took it from him.

"No, you shouldn't do this," he said.

"But he is doing me wrong and I need to make it right," Scott said and wanted to take his phone away from Avi, but the bearded man just shook his head. "No, Scott. You don't want to do this."

"He's right" Mitch intervened. "I don't know what we should do, but definitely don't contact him, because this is what he wants. Also, you don't want to post anything online. No comment, nothing. No airing your dirty laundry for anyone to see. Got it?"

Scott sighed. "Yes. But if he wants me to contact him, he'll do more. He will continue until he gets what he wants. That's what he did when I was still with him."

"I'll call Esther," Avi said. "She has all the right contacts and she will know what to do. We'll go the official way."

Scott nodded. "Yeah. Do you think that it might help?"

"I think it's our best option" Avi replied. "Give me a second?"

"Sure," Scott said. He sat down on the sofa, being ushered there by his best friend and waited as Avi called his sister. They only talked for a few minutes and then Avi joined them.

"And?" Scott asked.

"She already saw the post and found it as appalling as we did, especially because loads of fans are interacting with it. Long story short, she'll talk to our lawyers today and they'll probably set up a cease and desist order so he stops talking about you or posting pictures of you online" Avi said as he sat down next to Scott. He put his arm around Scott's waist. "If this is what you want, Scott."

The blonde nodded. "Of course this is what I want. I want him out of my life and I don't want to see him placating our non-existing relationship all over social media anymore" he said and leaned his head against Avi's shoulder.

"Good," the bearded man said.

"Wonderful," Mitch said. "Or well, as good as it can be. Do you still need me? Otherwise, I would head to bed. We're still up for that sunrise hike?"

"Of course," Scott said. "I'm looking forward."

"Good. Good night. And no checking social media, okay?" Mitch said. "It's toxic right now and Esther is handling everything anyway."

"I know, Mitch" Scott replied. "Besides, Avi stole my phone anyway."

"I did" Avi confirmed. "But only because I want you to be comfortable." He pressed a soft kiss onto Scott's head.

"Mmhm, I am" Scott replied. "Very comfortable." He looked up at Mitch. "Good night, Mitch."

Mitch smiled at went into his room, closing the door behind him.

Avi looked down at Scott. "Do you want to go to bed, too?"

"I don't know. I still feel all riled up. I don't think I'll be able to sleep properly" Scott said. "But you can head upstairs if you're tired."

"What about you?" Avi asked.

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe I'll read something, maybe I'll watch TV, I don't know."

"Or we could, I don't know, cuddle up in my bed or yours? If you want to we can talk, if you don't we'll just be together?" Avi asked carefully. "If this is something that could help you?"

"I don't know if it would help, but I really want to cuddle up with you" Scott replied. "Is this going to be a sleepover?"

Avi chuckled. "Well if we go to my room, you are free to leave whenever you want to, but if we go to yours, I'll stay until I have to get up."

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