27. Cold Water

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Scott woke up the next morning, hoping that Nick would be a little better. The bed beside him was empty and so he got up and went into the kitchen where Nick was frying pancakes. "Good morning" Scott greeted him.

"Morning. I couldn't sleep so I thought I would just get started on breakfast. Hope you're in the mood for pancakes?"

Scott chuckled softly. "I am always in the mood for pancakes" he replied and pressed a soft kiss onto his boyfriend's cheek. "How are you, Nick?"

"Better? I don't know. I'm still feeling a bit off. I don't know, Scott. Just..." he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."

Scott pressed another kiss onto his boyfriend's temple. "It's okay. You don't need to know."

Nick smiled slightly. "Can you make coffee?"

Scott nodded. "Sure."

The two men had breakfast in relative silence. Nick seemed to be rather distant and Scott didn't know if and how to start a conversation.

"Did you think about what you want to do, Nick?" He finally spoke up as they both had finished their pancakes.

"No. I mean I probably have to go home for the funeral" Nick said.

"Mmhm, and do you know when the funeral will be? Did you already talk to your parents?" Scott asked. "Wait, isn't it your Mum's birthday today? Shall we call her together?"

"I texted her while I was making breakfast. I don't know if she's up to happy birthday wishes. But I wished her well and told her you do the same" Nick replied. He got up once he had finished and went into the kitchen where he put everything he had used into the dishwasher. "Would you mind if I went outside? I really need some fresh air and a walk..."

"Of course not, Nick. You do you" Scott said.

Nick nodded slowly. "Thank you for being so patient with me, Scott. I know I am being anything but a good boyfriend right now."

"That's fine, Nick. You need to put your own needs first and me second. I get that. I'll be here waiting for you" Scott said.

After Nick had left, Scott got comfortable at his piano and played to pass some time. He thought about different things while playing and then, suddenly he stopped and fished out his phone to call Nick's mother himself. He felt bad for not being able to support his boyfriend and hoped that maybe she would be able to give him some advice. Plus he felt bad for not wishing her a happy birthday.


"Hi, Christa it's me, Scott."

"Oh, Scott! It's so good to hear from you, how are you?"

"I'm okay" Scott replied, taken back by how cheerful she sounded. "I was just calling to give you my condolences."

Christa laughed brightly. "Oh Scott, I am turning 65 not 100. I'm still feeling fresh as a daisy."

"But..." Scott didn't know what to say. "Nick told me his Grandma died? Yesterday?"

"What? No. You must've gotten something wrong. I visited her this morning, she's perfectly fine" Christa said.

"Oh... yeah, I don't know what I got wrong. I'll just ask him. Anyway, Christa, I wish you all the best for your birthday. Enjoy your day" Scott said, trying his very best to stay cheerful.

"Thank you, Scott. I appreciate it. Do I see you at the party? I knew that you're going on a vacation so I rescheduled the party. I'm looking forward to seeing you."

"I... I think so, yes. We still have to book our flights, but I'm looking forward" he said.

"Wonderful, bye Scott."

"Bye, Christa."

Scott's head was spinning once he had put down his phone. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Nick's grandma was alive, there was no doubt about it. And yet, Scott had spent the past 24 hours consoling his boyfriend.

The blonde went into the kitchen and got himself a glass of cold water, hoping it would help him clear his mind. He didn't even know what to feel. He was sad, angry, but most of all disappointed.

When he heard the front door open and close again, he gripped the glass of water tighter and took a few deep breaths at the same time, trying to calm down.

"Scott, I'm home..." Nick's voice was as flat as it had been in the morning.

"Good," Scott said. He still was trying to sort out his thoughts, but he knew that he had to confront Nick. "I called your mother, Nick. I felt bad not wishing her a happy birthday. And guess who she visited in the morning. Your Grandma. The Grandma you said had passed away last night."

"Why did you call my mother? I told you that I had already handled it" Nick replied.

Scott was taken aback. "Nick, did you even listen to me? You lied to me! You made me take care of you because I thought you were grieving your Grandma. But she's perfectly fine. Why did you do this?" Scott wanted to scream, wanted to shake Nick, but he suddenly felt so drained. "Why?"

"You were not supposed to find out," Nick said. "I just wanted-"

"Listen, I don't care what you wanted. You played with my feelings and you're not even feeling any kind of remorse." Scott shook his head. "I can't do this." He put down the glass and turned away, wanting to leave the room.

But Nick grabbed him by his wrist firmly. "You're not leaving."

Scott wanted to pull his arm away. "Let me go!"


"Nick! You're hurting me. Let me go" Scott said, finally raising his voice. He pulled his arm away rapidly and was freed. "You..." he began, holding his hurting arm.

"Scott, please, I'm sorry." Nick approached him again, but Scott took a few steps back.

"Leave me alone" he yelled before he turned away. He went into the hallway backwards and once he was sure that Nick wasn't following him, he put on his shoes, grabbed his keys and left the house, not wanting to be in the same place as Nick anymore. 

He ran, the adrenaline in his veins still high until he was out of breath. He felt his heart race in his chest and while he didn't really know what he should do, he knew that one person would be able to help him. So he took his phone and called him. 

"Scott, what's up?"

"Mitch... he, I, I need your help!"


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