30. Guitar

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The journey to Mykonos was long and draining and once they had picked up their suitcases, Mitch groaned. "I need coffee," he said.

"Me too," Kirstie added.

"Same here," Ben said.

"Umm, I still need to pick up my guitar..." Avi said.

Scott looked at the bearded man in surprise. "You brought your guitar?"

Avi shrugged his shoulders. "Of course I did," he said. "I always take a guitar if it's possible."

"So we can have jamming sessions at the beach? That's amazing" Scott said happily.

Avi chuckled. "Yeah," he said. "Also I might get random inspiration so I want to be ready just in case."

"Cool," Scott said and then turned to the other three. "Why don't you grab some coffee, I'll wait with Avi."

"You don't need to," Avi said."

Scott chuckled. "I saw the queue and you'll get bored waiting alone."

Avi chuckled. "That's kind."

"Alright, we'll see you later," Mitch said and the five people parted.

Scott and Avi got into the fairly long queue at the bulk baggage claim. "This will take forever and I am sorry," Avi said. "But I always make sure that the guitar travels safely. It's not my best and favourite one, but still..."

Scott smiled. "That doesn't matter to me. I'm glad that you brought it and that we music nerds get to have some music on the vacation. If I knew how to play the guitar, I would probably take it everywhere. But it's not like I can take my concert piano everywhere" he joked.

"True. Pianos are amazing instruments but so hard to transport" Avi agreed.

"Yeah..." Scott said. "Sometimes I wish that I would've learned how to play the guitar."

Avi shrugged his shoulders. "I can teach you if you want to. I have different instruments at home and we could at least try."

Scott smiled. "That would be lovely. We should set something up once we're back home. I mean I have a lot of time on my hands now that I am single." He shrugged his shoulders.

"That's true," Avi said. He didn't know what else to say. Part of him wanted to ask questions regarding the break-up, but then again he had promised Scott that he wouldn't do so.

"Anyway, Avi. What are you most looking forward to on this trip? I mean you usually spend your vacation in the woods, this is the first time you're tagging along to a beach vacation, right?"

Avi nodded. "That's true. And I don't know. Mitch and Kirstie asked me and I thought why not. I think a vacation at the beach would be nice, maybe with a nice hike or two, I don't know" he said. "Whatever I feel like doing. And Ben and Kirstie are thinking about rebooking the flights back and stopping in Athens for three nights. They asked me if I wanted to come, but I don't think that I should interfere? I don't know if I'd feel out of place..."

"Mmhm" Scott hummed. "Mitch isn't coming?"

"No, he has a fashion event in New York he has to get to," Avi said.

Scott nodded. "Well to me Athens sounds like a lot of fun," he said. "If you and the others don't mind, I would tag along?"

Avi's eyes lit up. "Sure! I would love that" he said. So Kirstie and Ben could go on lovely Disney dates and we can enjoy the city..." Or go on some dates as well... he added in his thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" Scott asked when he noticed the smile on the bearded man's face.

"Nothing... well I am thinking about dipping my toes into the sea. Such a better thing to do than standing in a line to pick up my guitar" Avi explained.

"True," Scott said. "Especially if it is so warm." He said and took off the jeans jacket he was wearing. "Oh yes, much better." He then noticed that Avi was looking at his wrist. "It's nothing..."

Avi smiled at him sadly. "It doesn't look like nothing, but if you don't want to talk about it. it's okay."

"I..." Scott looked around, but then he decided to speak up. "He didn't want to let me go when I left. It definitely was the last straw." He rubbed the coloured skin with his other hand and Avi immediately noticed that the blonde was uncomfortable.

So the bearded man just smiled at him. "It's good that you left when you did, Scott. This will heal while we're here having fun and he'll be out of your life."

Scott smiled slightly. "I hope so... I gave him time to pack his stuff and once I am back home I hope to find my house empty."

"That's a good idea. And if you don't want to go there alone on the day we get back, I will go with you" Avi offered.

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Can I think about it?"

"Of course you can. It's just an offer, nothing you have to accept. I just want you to feel comfortable" Avi said.

"Okay. But thank you for your offer" Scott said. "I really appreciate how you're all taking care of me.

While they were talking, they moved up to the desk and Avi was able to receive his guitar. He checked the instrument for any damage immediately, but it was perfectly fine. Only then they were able to go through customs and meet with Kirstie, Mitch and Ben.

"There you are," Mitch said. "I thought you had decided to fly right back home."

"Oh no," Scott said. "I am ready for a vacation and even more ready to jump into the little pool that comes with the rooms we're staying in. But more than that I am ready for a bathroom break. I'll go really quick and then we can leave, okay?"

Mitch nodded but he was focused on Kirstie and Avi, who were talking.

"Yes, I am looking forward to the beach and the sea," Avi said. "Also, Kirstie we might join on the trip to Athens if you don't mind? Scott wants to tag along as well."

"Oh yes! That's amazing" Kirstie said happily. "We should sit down tonight and amend the bookings. It will be a lot of fun to explore the city together."

Mitch raised an eyebrow at Avi, who blushed slightly. "I had to ask him" he mumbled.

"Sure," Mitch said with a grin on his face. "So you'll have more one-on-one time just in case the involved couple goes on a date."

Avi looked around, but Scott was nowhere to be seen. "I don't think we're there yet, Mitch. He's... he just broke up with Nick. Also, I saw his wrist and offered to go home with him on the day we're back."

"Good. That's very good. I wanted to do the same, but when you go to Athens I won't be able..." Mitch said.

"We can come, too," Kirstie said. "Kick him out with an armada." She performed something that looked like a karate kick and then giggled. "But seriously, Avi. I hope that he realises how good you are..."

Avi nodded. "Me too. But right now it is not about my feelings for him. It's about me being a friend to him. Because I think he needs all of his friends right now." He then took a deep breath. "And the rest... we'll see about that later."


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