40. Nauseous

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Then they arrived at the yacht, they were already expected by Aliki and Christos, siblings, who would be steering the yacht. They got a quick tour around, were shown the fridge which held drinks and snacks, the bathroom and everything else. They also got a rundown of the most important rules (don't jump off-board unless they stopped for bathing, don't have too much alcohol, it might get dangerous) and things they had to do in case of emergency before they got comfortable for the first part of their journey.

They left Mykonos and were able to take a look at the shore and their hotel. It was a beautiful view that left the five speechless.

Once they were on the open water, they had some wine, only one glass and then Kirstie got rid of her dress so she could sunbathe a little bit. The others followed suit and while Kirstie lathered Mitch's back with sunscreen, Avi turned to Scott.

"Scott? Can you do my back?"

Scott smiled. "Of course," he said and started to work the lotion into the brunette's skin.

"Mmhm," Avi hummed. "Didn't know a backrub was included" he said when Scott's hands lingered a bit.

Scott chuckled softly. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all. Feels nice." Avi closed his eyes and enjoyed the touch for a while. "Thank you," he said once Scott deemed himself finished and took the bottle to reciprocate.

Since Scott was taller, they sat down on one of the benches, so Avi had easy access.

Kirstie was already finished with Mitch's back and getting comfortable between Mitch and Ben. "They got closer," she remarked. They were talking quietly and the two men were a few metres away so they wouldn't be able to listen to them.

Mitch hummed. "You tell me. They've been meditating every single morning, they have plans to take courses together, Avi might teach Scott how to play the guitar..."

"But that's good, isn't it? I mean that way Scott is busy and Avi can slowly approach him?" Ben intervened.

Mitch grimaced. "I really don't know," he said and stopped when he noticed that Avi was done with Scott's back

"I'll keep an eye out," Kirstie said quickly.

"For what exactly?" Mitch asked.

"You probably want to know if Scott is flirting or so" Kirstie replied.

Mitch nodded slightly. "Thanks," he said quickly when he saw Scott and Avi approaching them. They got comfortable as well and enjoyed the morning sun for a while.

A while passed which the five of them spent sunbathing and talking about this and that.

Avi was talking to Ben about something when he suddenly got up and excused himself.

Scott had been focused on his book, but his head immediately shot up when he saw Avi hurry to the front of the yacht. He got up as well and took a little plastic bag and a bottle of water when he saw how pale he had become.

"Avi? Are you getting seasick?" He said softly when he had approached him.

The bearded man shrugged his shoulders. "Just a bit nauseous. Needed some fresh air."

Scott put an arm around the brunette when he saw that he was a little unsteady on his feet. "Well we're out on the sea, it doesn't get any fresher."

Avi hummed and leaned against Scott's side. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all," he said. "If it helps you..."

"Mmhm, it does" Avi replied and focused on taking deep breaths.

"Getting better?" Scott asked.

Avi nodded. "Yeah. I don't think I'll feed the fish" he said and sighed.

"Good" Scott returned. "Want to drink some water?"

"Yeah, thank you."

Scott watched as Avi finished half of the bottle. "I think I needed this, thank you," he said.

"I'm glad. But maybe you should skip bathing? At least the first stop? Don't want you to get nauseous in the water" Scott mused.

Avi grimaced. "I don't know if I would've joined in the first place."

Scott furrowed his brows. "Why's that?"

"I've got an irrational fear of deep water. Like when I can't stand or see the ground" Avi explained. "Beaches and shores are okay, but just jumping off the boat into the water sounds like a death sentence to me."

"Oh," Scott said. "I get that. If it's not for you, we can certainly stay on board."

"You don't need to stay, Scott" Avi returned "Go and have fun."

"Okay..." Scott said. He sighed softly. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

As they were talking, they approached a different island, seemingly much smaller than Mykonos. There was not much sign of human life, just a few houses and boats were scattered along the shore.

"Very beautiful" Avi returned. He was so caught up that he stumbled when the boat hit a smaller wave, but Scott was quick to shift and put his arms left and right from Avi's, holding on to the ship's rail.

"Are you sure that you're okay?" Scott asked softly.

Avi nodded. "Just got caught off guard," he said. Scott was still behind him, so close that he could feel the warm skin of his chest on his back. But he didn't mind that the blonde didn't move, it was comfortable and he closed his eyes and imagined how it would feel to always be this close to him.


"Oh my..." Kirstie and Mitch were watching the situation unfold while Ben had joined Aliki and Christos.

"This is what I mean" Mitch returned. "They're always like that. Not as close, but still. Scott is very focused on Avi."

"I get that, Mitch" Kirstie replied. "But that isn't a bad thing. I mean if it does work out, they could both be happy with one another. Would be a win-win situation for all of us, especially for them. Avi is the kindest man I know, he would take extra care of Scott. And Scott just needs someone honest and true. Someone like Avi."

Mitch sighed. "I hope so. I mean we're talking about two of our best friends here and I don't want them to fuck up" he explained and then shrugged his shoulders. "For now, Scott claims that he sees Avi as a friend, but-."

Kirstie snorted. "I don't think so."

They both watched as Scott put his arms around Avis waist while the bearded man stretched out his arms, just like Leonardo and Kate did in Titanic. But they only held the pose for a few seconds before laughing with one another.

"What do we do now?" Mitch asked.

Kirstie furrowed her brows. "Let them be? They're both consenting adults and if it works for them it's even better?"

"I'm not sure, Kirstie..." Mitch spoke up and shrugged his shoulders.

"I agree with Kirstie." Ben had joined them. "What do you want to do? Tell them that they should stop doing things together? And even if Scott doesn't know that he has feelings for Avi just yet, he will realise it, eventually."

Mitch sighed deeply and looked over to the two men who were still laughing and chatting with one another, while pointing at different things with their hands. "I know, it's just..." he bit his lower lip in thought. "Maybe you're right."

"I think he is right" Kirstie replied. "If Avi feels like Scott is coming closer to him, he will hopefully make a move. Maybe one of us should sit down with him eventually, but we should just let them be. If they're both interested in one another, they'll find a way to be with one another. I'm not worried about that."

"Me neither" Ben said. "And now stop worrying, Mitch. We're about to stop for a swim and I can't wait do dip my toes into the water."


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