10. Call

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The next day, Scott slept until 10, then headed to the hotel's pool to swim for a while. He knew that he still had to wait for a few hours until he would be able to call Nick. So after his shower, he sent a message into the group chat asking if anyone would be up for brunch.

Mitch and Kirstie agreed to join him and they found themselves in a café in Camden with huge plates of English breakfast before them.

"So how long were you out for last night?" Kirstie asked.

"Errm, I checked my phone at 3," Scott said.

"What? Are you kidding me?" Kirstie asked. "What the hell did you get up to?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "Not much. We found a bar near the river where we had more beer, then got some fries and sat at the river just talking about this and that. I really missed hanging out with Avi."

"It's good to be on the road again," Mitch said. "I feel like we were all so busy over the past weeks, we only saw each other during tour prep... "

"Especially with me being never there..." Scott said.

"Scotty" Kirstie spoke up. "We all know you've been busy with the move and everything. Of course, you would need some time to get settled in with Nick."

Scott nodded. "I know now. I talked about it with Avi and he told me that when he moved in with Beth it was a bit rough at first. Maybe this is what Nick and I are experiencing right now..."

"I really hope so," Mitch said.

"Me too," Kirstie said. "But with Ben and me it was the same. The first months were so unnerving. We really got to know a lot more about one another" she explained. "But it was worth it! And it will be worth it for you as well."

Scott smiled. "I really think so," he said.

"Mmhm... on another note, what are we doing with the rest of the day?" Mitch asked.

"Errm, I wouldn't mind doing something, but I need a quiet space to call Nick at 5..." Scott explained.

Mitch raised an eyebrow. "Why's that?"

"I... it doesn't matter, Mitch, I just need to talk to him in person" Scott explained.

"Did you fight again?" Mitch asked.

"God, Mitch, we had a misunderstanding and I just want to know that he's alright. Tell him that I can and will go out for as long as I want to and that I will not cheat on him" Scott explained.

"I like your determination," Mitch said. "Really. You definitely need to set some boundaries. I didn't do it with Luca and we both know how it ended..."

Scott grimaced. "Or course I do," he said as he remembered Mitch's ex, who attempted to make Mitch decide between the friendship they had or the relationship. Of course, Mitch chose friendship, but he was heartbroken. "I really need to talk to him, but before that I am free.


In the end, they decided to do some sightseeing. Even if it was their third time in London, they never had seen more than the most touristic sights so they were eager to see some more of the city. Avi and Esther joined them after a while and they discussed things the upcoming rain brought them into the next available museum, the National Gallery. They spent some time looking at the vast variety of art.

Scott, however, kept looking at his phone something which Avi of course noticed.

"Are you okay, Scott?" he, therefore, asked after a while.

Scott nodded. "Yeah, I just need to call Nick at five" he explained, knowing that Avi would understand.

"Ah, right, I forgot the time zones. Are you going to find a place here in the museum or going back outside?" Avi asked.

"I'll probably head back outside, with the rain and everything it's so packed here. But I think I'll find a corner somewhere on the square outside..."

"Mmhm do you want to be alone?" Avi wanted to know.

Scott nodded. "Yeah. I'll come back though once I am finished. Can I text you so I'll know where to meet you?"

Avi nodded. "Of course."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome" Avi replied. "Oh and Scott? Remember that it always turns out fine."


Scott was standing in a secluded corner and waiting for the call to go through to Nick. He smiled when he saw his boyfriend's face. As expected, the brunette was sitting in the kitchen, apparently having breakfast. "Good morning, Nick."

"Hello, Scott" Nick replied. "Did you sleep well?"

Scott noticed the undertone in Nick's voice. "I don't want to fight with you, Nick. I just wanted to see your face and to explain myself."

"Please do, I'm listening."

Scott sighed. "Nick. I was just having a nice evening out in town with some friends. This is something I usually do as well when we're at home. I just want to know why you reacted the way you did? The tour will be hard enough so we wanted to enjoy this one night off we had. And if this is about Avi, he is a friend. Like Mitch and Kirstie and all the others. Nothing less nothing more."

"I hope so, Scott," Nick said. "And of course I want you to enjoy your night off, I was just a bit taken aback. I mean Avi is attractive and who knows..."

"He is attractive, that's true. But you are my boyfriend. The only one I want to be with. I like Avi but I love you. I hope that's enough for you."

Nick sighed. "I trust you, Scott. Don't do anything stupid."

Scott smiled. "I won't, Nick, I promise."

"Thank you Scott" Nick replied.

"Anyway, Love, what have you been up to?" Scott asked, wanting to change the topic.

"Not much actually. I worked a long day yesterday to make up for the time I spent with you before you left. Stressful but totally worth it" Nick explained.

They talked for a while until Nick had to get ready for work.

"Goodbye, Nick. I love you."

"Love you too, Scott. Enjoy your day off."

Once he had ended the call, he looked at his phone and learned that his friends had gone to a café around the corner. He joined them and was seated on a comfortable sofa between Esther and Avi.

"You're beaming" Avi commented. "I guess everything is fine?"

Scott nodded. "Yeah. You were right: It turns out fine."

Avi smiled, knowing he had to be happy for Scott, even though he didn't feel like it.


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