57. Visalia

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"Are you coming, Avi?"

The bearded man looked up from his phone and blushed when his mother grinned at him. "Yeah, sorry." He put the phone into his pocket and got up to drive to the mall with his mother. After taking a few hikes during the past days with his father, this Saturday was reserved for a shopping spree with his mother.

"Did he text?" Shelley asked once they were in the car and she started to drive.

Avi nodded. "Yeah, he replied to my good morning text..." he said and smiled slightly. "He's having a family day and a sleepover with his nephew."

"Oh, that's amazing. How old is his nephew?" Shelley asked.

"He's four. Scott adores him. He keeps sending me pictures of them" Avi replied and smiled brightly.

"And you like him" Shelley concluded.

"A lot" Avi replied, blushing slightly. Even though he had talked about Scott with their parents, this was the first time his mother asked about him. "He's amazing. He had a difficult past with his ex so there is a lot he has to work through, but I am trying to be there for him the best I can. It's not easy, but we'll make it work."

"I see," Shelley said. "But what if you can't make it work? What if he's too scarred? Don't get me wrong, I like him and if you say that you like him, I'm happy for you, but you told me that he just got out of this difficult relationship..."

Avi sighed. "Then I'll accept it, Mama. For the past weeks, I have tried my very best not to be too enthusiastic and to show him that I am okay with waiting until he is ready. But he wanted all this as well. And he is very good at communicating as well which makes it easier for me" he explained.

"Oh Avi, I didn't want to dampen the mood, I just wanted to know if you are aware that it could go wrong..." Shelley said when she saw the sombre expression on her son's face.

But Avi looked up again and shook his head. "It's fine Mama, you're right. But it could go wrong at all times. Remember Beth? We had our lives planned out together before we realised that we're not made to be together. If this has taught me one thing about love and relationships it's acceptance. Of course, you can fight for a relationship, and I am planning to do this with Scott, but if it's not meant to be, I'll have to accept it."

Shelley chuckled softly. "I am amazed at how mature you are, Avi. And it is good to think that way, just don't forget to live in the moment."

Avi smiled. "Oh don't worry, I am definitely doing this. And enjoying it as well. There's just this small voice in the back of my mind. But for now, it doesn't matter. We're still at the beginning of our journey and hoping that it will be a long one."

Shelley nodded. "That's what I hope for you too, Avi."


Avi enjoyed his time at home a lot. And still, he was missing Scott. Even though they texted a few times each day, he missed talking to him a lot.

"Why don't you call him?" Esther offered her advice on Sunday after breakfast. She had joined them in Visalia for the weekend and Avi was glad that we would be spending time with her as well. Even though they had been on tour together, at home things were always more relaxed.

"He's with his family, Esther" Avi returned. "I don't want to interfere..."

"Avi, I wouldn't be surprised if he missed you too. Just try it" Esther said. "And if he doesn't have the time he'll let you know, okay?"

Avi nodded. "Okay..." he said and took out his phone. "I'll go upstairs, okay?"

Esther grinned at him. "Of course. Tell him I said hi and come back happier, okay?"

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