Chapter 33

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Dario has been non-stop preparing for the last four days and he's been in an awful shit mood which sucks for me because I've been extremely frustrated and horny, but then again when am I not. He doesn't come back to our room until after I'm asleep and he's gone before I wake up. If it wasn't for the strong aftershave lingering on his pillow and the discarded dress sock tangled in the sheets I would think he slept in his office every single night.

Who the hell sleeps with socks on anyway?

Psychopaths that's who.

You are a literal psychopath. *eye rolls*

At least I don't sleep with socks on.

After meetings, I try to talk to him, not because I want sex, but because I want him. But the man has the audacity to tell me he's busy and we'll talk later. Of course, we never talk later and I end up getting stuck talking to Eli, Georgia, and Kaden who insist on coming with us no matter how many times I tell them no. I finally threatened to lock them up with the dead corpses of the men I tortured yesterday if they didn't shut the fuck up. Of course, my mini-me also known as Eliana thought that was a great idea and willingly volunteered to do that as part of her training.

What a psycho she is. Not even I was that bad, actually, that's not true when I was thirteen I willingly lived in the woods for a month as part of my training. I was an emotionless bitch when I was younger. I didn't feel anything, no happiness, sympathy, empathy, anger, love, I was so numb when I was younger like a robot. It wasn't until I accidentally shot my brother when I was fourteen did I break out of that phase and thank god I did because I was a sick bitch. Around that time was when I performed my first blood eagle I think that with the combination of the emotions of my first human kill made me shut off my humanity.

Anyways enough about my bloody past, tomorrow nights the mission and I can't wait to put a bullet in that weasel's head. Even though I know the plan is almost perfect I have a spare one just in case something bad happens. You never know what's going to happen in this line of work and from past experiences, I know that no plan is perfect.

Currently, I'm in the gym working off my frustration. This whole week has been stressful with planning the mission, the incompetent lawyers I made the mistake of hiring when I first opened up my firm, having to place nice with the Russian twat, the sexual frustration that builds and builds every time I see that damn man and last but not least the urge to kill someone or something. Yesterday we ran out of people to torture so in order to saturate the monster I had to go down to the slums of New York last night and prowl the streets for shitty humans following people home.

On a side note, I managed to come across the 'The Evening Prowler' a notorious serial killer that has been haunting the east coast for the past couple of years. He tried to attack me while I was scouring the alleyways and when I pinned him down and shoved a gun in his face he tried to act all smug and brag about his murders. Murders and assaults of innocent children, women, and sometimes even men. I severed his head off his shoulders with my dagger and delivered his head to the police, anonymously of course. I'm not a complete idiot.

If you would do me a favor and not tell Dario about what I just told you in confidence that would be greatly appreciated. I know he knows I didn't come home last night considering he glared at me the whole meeting this morning, but still he didn't talk to me, claiming he had to go over the mission with Vesla who was discharged from the hospital yesterday and decided she could, after all, be of use to us on this mission.

Speaking of the devil. In walks Vesla, her shoulder in a black sling and a white bandage peeking out from under her black tight fitted tank top.

"Hey, Kingston, Don told me to come to find you. He needs help with something in his office." She says.

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