Chapter 49

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16 months later

It's been sixteen months since the birth of Arabella and today is our wedding day. Dario and I agreed we wouldn't get married until we got everything settled with Arabella. We started planning the wedding right after her first birthday four months ago. I grow more and more in love with our baby girl and Dario every day.

At first, it was hard for us. Arabella was a daddy's girl and in turn that pissed me off. I carried the little demon for nine months. I pushed her out of my vagina and she still had the audacity to cry every time I held her. She wouldn't let me hold her. If I woke up in the middle of the night to her crying she wouldn't stop unless Dario held her and told her stories of our life. He of course glorified them and turned them into fairy tales. She would let everyone else touch her accept me. The only time I could ever experience holding my baby girl was when she wanted my tits in her mouth.

It made me really depressed for a period of about three months. I didn't want to leave my bed. I didn't want to breastfeed her. I didn't want to see her. All I wanted to do was cry into my pillow. I felt like I was a bad mother. My own child didn't like me. Dario tried to reassure me that everything was fine and she would eventually come around. I was her mother after all and that she did love me. It got to the point where I moved out of the bedroom because I wanted to be alone.

It wasn't until I woke up one night at around three in the morning to Arabella's cries. I had moved out of the bedroom so I knew it wasn't the baby monitor and besides they were so close. I had gotten out of bed and seen the transportable crib was set up and my seven-month-old baby girl was crying. That sly bastard left her in my room and locked the door to get us to make up. I tried to soothe her but ended up breaking down into tears because she wouldn't calm down and kept trying to push me away.

Her crying stopped as soon as mine started. She put her chubby little hand on my cheek and snuggled into my chest. At first, I thought she wanted my boob, but I quickly realized she was trying to listen to my heartbeat. I had put her down and quickly took off my shirt so she could have skin-to-skin contact. I sat on the bed with her pressed to my chest. Dario had unlocked the door and came in after some time. He slid in behind me and I laid between his legs. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we just sat there. She didn't try to reach for him and ever since she loves being in my arms. She is still a daddy's girl though. I am proud to announce her first word was Fuck. I'm only proud because I shouted fuck in Italian and somehow she understood and said fuck in English. Don't ask me how she knew that because I really have no idea. The conversation after was hilarious because it was at the dinner table with everyone.

Dario and I decided to get married at the cabin since it was the beginning of January and it wasn't as cold and there would still be snow. Turns out we were right. There was a lot of it and at least now Gianna, Ava, and Leta couldn't scold me about wearing Doc Martens to my wedding. We had celebrated Christmas and New Year here like we once planned over two years ago.

We invited family only. We wanted this to be a private and intimate affair. Our immediate families, some cousins and aunts from Spain and Italy for me and Dario. Anatoly and his wife Letanora or Letty for short were attending along with Niklaus. Dario had something to say about that because I may or may not have let it slip in the heat of an argument when I was pregnant that Niklaus was hot. Which he is. And now Dario can't seem to let it go.

"Momma," Arabella says from her crib. Her little hands are outstretched through the bars of the cream crib. Gianna, Talia, Ava, Leta, Juan, Letty, and a couple of cousins and aunts were here earlier fixing my hair and makeup and stressing me out. I told them respectfully to get out when they were done because the last thing I needed right now is stress. I just wanted my baby girl and my future husband, but no, the old aunties wanted me to stick to traditions.

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