Chapter 46

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Dario and I flew home as soon as he got the phone call. We didn't have time to change and we didn't have any spare clothes on the plane. So yes we did show up to the hospital smelling like sex because we both slept the whole plane ride and didn't have time for a shower.

When we got to the hospital we were informed that Talia had already given birth and she and the father were having a private moment with their baby. I was wearing Dario's sweatshirt because it was Talia, Lucas's, and their baby's day not our day and my bump was definitely noticeable. The only downside about wearing his sweatshirt is that he was shirtless underneath. I may or may not have shredded his shirt when I ripped it off. But now all these thirsty bitches were looking at his bare torso and I was about to snap, especially when a nurse smacked his ass in passing.

I lunged for her, but Dario caught me around my waist and held me back with one arm as he covered my mouth with his other hand. "Baby we are surrounded by children, right now." He was right there were at least four other families in the waiting room and like ten kids. I let the nurse go, but being the vigilant person I am I managed to catch the name pinned to her scrubs. That would be enough to hunt her down and kill her later, you know...when kids aren't around.

My brother and father were looking at me with curious expressions, trying to figure out why I lost my cool considering I'm relatively calm when it comes to women flirting with Dario. The doctor walks towards me and Dario and says, "The mother and father are requesting you." We nod and head towards the room.

We enter and Lucas and Talia smile at us as Lucas holds their baby boy in his arms. "Hey," I whisper softly just in case the babies sleeping.

"The little monster is wide awake you don't have to whisper," Talia says.

"How are you feeling?" I ask a little bit louder.

"Like I just gave birth," She deadpans and I roll my eyes. "Honestly it was horrible, King. The epidural made it so much better. You know books and movies make giving birth look so easy and glorified, but no! Nobody tells you that your pussy rips, you could shit yourself, and they have to shove an arm up your pussy to get the placenta." She spits angrily.

I look at her then at Dario and then at my concealed stomach and burst into tears. "T-that, t-that sounds horrible!" I cry.

"It is!" Talia exclaims. "Why can't men for once carry our burden. Like damn I wish we could switch off. First kid to the woman, second to the man! You men are useless!" She glares angrily at Lucas and then Dario, who both shrink away in fear. Her whole demeanor changes in a split second and she plasters a huge smile on her face. "Anyway, how's your pregnancy going? I saw the pink tissue paper so I assume it's a girl. I'm sorry about going through your stuff by the way. it's just well he was throwing a temper tantrum and I'm sorry about that and a lot of other stuff."

"It's okay, water under the bridge," I say. I'm not the type of person to hold a grudge especially if it's all resolved. Although I wanted to tell Dario myself there is no going back in time and fixing what is done. He knows and everything is fine. "So far so good. Morning sickness fucking sucks, but on the bright side I finally have boobs."

She smirks, an evil, malicious, teasing smirk. "Welcome to adulthood." I flip her off as she laughs her ass off. Dario chuckles beside me and I elbow him in the ribs. He grunts in pain and flicks my forehead.

"So...we have something we wanted to ask you two?" Lucas says, handing the baby to Talia. We nod, already knowing where this is heading. "Would you two like to be Von's godparents?"

"We would be honored," Dario answers. We already had a feeling this was going to happen. We talked about it on the plane. We were pretty much the godparents of Kaden and we haven't decided who would be the godparents of our child. Most likely my brother and Avalon or Juan and Vader. I know for sure that Dario will not allow Anatoly to be the godfather to our child.

"Great!" Talia exclaims. "Now when are you telling everybody you're expecting?"

"Umm, we don't know yet." Dario and I say in unison.

"Why not tell them now when we announce the name and who we chose as the godparents."

"Oh no, no. We don't want to spoil anything. This is your guys' week. All the attention should be on you two and Von." I say. She gives me an 'are you serious look.' A knock is heard on the door and Dario opens it. Our families are standing on the other side.

Talia beckons for them to come into the room and they all pile in. "We have an announcement and then Dario and King have an announcement to make." Our heads snap to hers and she smirks and winks. Lucas mouths 'it's okay' and we nod. If they say It's okay then I guess it's okay.

"We would like you to meet Von Marcello DaVino and we have decided King and Dario will be his godparents," Lucas announces.

Variations of 'congratulations' and that's such an adorable name go around the room. Hugs are shared, little kisses to the baby's forehead are shared, and cute little knitted beanies are shared. Once everyone gets settled and all the cuteness and gifts are exchanged everyone looks at Dario and I expectantly.

"What?" I ask. I, of course, know what, but I'm hoping they forgot about it because I don't really want to take the spotlight off of the new parents and baby.

"Talia said you had some news," My father offers. Dario and I look at Talia and Lucas again, making sure we have their permission.

"Oh just tell them already," Talia huffs.

" don't freak out and go murder someone and by someone I mean Dario." I grab Dario's hand for reassurance. He gives it a little squeeze and kisses the top of my head. "Okay so I'm pregnant and we're having a girl." I blurt out and everyone gasps. My father and brother look at Dario with a murderous expression before their eyes soften as they look at me.

"I don't understand you've only been home for three weeks how could you know the gender already?" Gianna asks.

"Mom what was four months ago?" Dario asks rhetorically, trying to help his mother out. Her mouth gapes open in realization.

"The first female Donna of the American Italian mafia," Marco muses. "I like it."

"Papa, are you okay?" I ask timidly. "Andres?"

My papa looks at me, tears threatening to spill out of his grey eyes. "I'm going to be an Abuelo! I'm going to be an Abuelo!" He cheers. And then everyone is cheering. "I'm going to be an Abuela! I'm going to be a Tio!" And variations of that in Italian and Spanish.

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