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Ashley .

"Heaven fix your dress, here he comes."

She huffed and dusted off her dress. Her attitude has been crazy lately but I understand that's why I've cut her some slack. I know she misses her daddy but she has a new daddy now and I'm not letting her around those toxic people.

"hey baby," he says kissing my lips.

"hey," I smiled.

"and let me guess you're Heaven?" He said bending down to her level.

"Mommy why are you kissing Auntie Londa's boyfriend." She said looking confused.

I rolled my eyes, I didn't even think she would remember him but yes me and Richie are seeing each other, we have for a while. Yes I knew about him and Yalonda's problems and him beating her but she should have did a wife's job that's all imma say.

Maybe it wasn't right for us to sleep together while they were still married but listen I'm grown and can do whatever. I love this man and fuck who doesn't like it.

"Baby that's not her boyfriend now say hi."

She looked up at him and back at him. "I want daddy."

"Heaven stop it right now, you're being rude."

"no no it's fine I understand, she's just a daddy's girl that's all."

We were currently at a restaurant so I just simply nodded. I didn't wanna spank her in front of all these people.

"shall we?" He said pulling out a chair for me.

I nodded. "Thank you."

Heaven had already sat down with her head rested on her hand. Maybe I should have just left her with her father. She doesn't wanna be here with me but she's my child.

Maybe she'll forget about her dad and warm up to Richie.

I sighed and picked up my menu. It wasn't long before a waiter came and took our orders.

Me and and Richie and I talked about the future and stuff like that. Heaven didn't say anything she just stayed in the same position the time. I really hated that she was unhappy but we have to start a new life.

This change isn't gonna be easy ..

August .

"thank you all for coming I will see you next Tuesday."

I helped Mo off the floor and grabbed ha bag for her. We been takin these damn pregnancy yoga classes and shit. Mo said she wanted to do it since we ain't do it with our first child so I agreed.

She due in like two weeks though and I can't wait. we finally gon have the missin peace to tha family. We decided to name ha Amoura Alise Alsina.

Mo came up wit the first name and my mama came up wit the middle name. I was cool wit it, I actually like da name.

"baby," she said rubbin ha stomach.


"lets go to McDonald's."

I looked down at ha and shook my head. "no what did we agree on .. only healthy food."

She sighed. "but baby I'm craving.. why can't today be a cheat day."

"no you been doing good."

"but baby please."

"no, now get in." I said opening the car door.

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