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"Westbrooks!" A female guard yelled opening my cell.

"What," I say getting out my bed.

She turned me around roughly and pushed me against the wall putting handcuffs on me.

"Bitch are you fuckin crazy!"

She ignored me and snatched me off the wall and guided me out my cell.

She pushed me in a room and threw me my things. "Get dressed you're free to go."

"Stupid bitch," I mumbled picking my stuff up.

I took a quick shower and put my clothes on before putting my hair in a bun and walking out.

The guard guided me to the front and another police gave me something to sign and handed me my other belongings in a small bag.

I grabbed my shit and walked outside but I saw nobody, not even Kash. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the pay phone and put some change in it and called a taxi.

After explaining to them where I was they came about ten minutes later. I hurried and got in and told them where to drop me off at.

I wonder who got me out because if it was Kash he would be here.

"Stop right here," I say and he did as told.

"Thank you." I say handing him my last twenty dollars I found in my wallet.

I got out with my stuff and walked over to the door and knocked. I waiting for Kash to open the door but he didn't so I knocked again but got no answer.

"What the hell," I mumbled.

I twisted the door knob and to my surprise the door was unlocked. I walked in and closed the door.

The house was awfully quiet and something didn't feel right. "Kash!" I yelled walking up the stairs.

I looked in Bryleigh's room but she wasn't in there so I walked in me and Kash's room but stopped dead in my tracks.

Kash was sprawled out on the floor with blood coming from his head.

"Kash," I yelled running over to him.

I checked his pulse and he had a faint one so I grabbed his phone out his pocket since mine was dead and and dialed 9-1-1.

Operator- 9-1-1 what's your emergency
Me- I need an ambulance at 1241 N Kenmore Avenue!
Operator- ma'am what's going on?
Me- I-I don't know I just came home and found my boyfriend unconscious
Operator- okay does he have a wound anywhere
Me- yes, I think he was hit in the back of the head
Operator- okay just stay there with him the ambulance should be there within five minutes
Me- okay
Operator- where are you located in the house ma'am
Me- I'm upstairs in the master bedroom
Operator- okay just stay put they should be there any second now
Me- okay

I put the phone on speaker and and lifted Kash up so that he was laying on my legs. "It's okay baby they're coming I promise."

I kissed his cheek and looked over to the broken glass next to me. There was blood on the carpet and the room was in a mess.

I didn't know what happened but I was going to find out. The front door had busted open letting me know the paramedics were here.

"I'm up here!" I yelled.

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