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I grabbed my drivers hand as he helped me out the limo. We had just pulled up to the little fancy bar in town. Once I was fully out I slid my hands down my dress and walked inside. I had to have a very important talk with somebody about this whole ordeal.

I looked around to see if he was here yet but he wasn't so I took a seat. "What can I start you off with ma'am," the bartender says.

"Wine would be fine."

He nodded before pouring me a glass of wine. He placed it in front of me and I thanked him before I placed two fingers at the bottom of the glass and looked around.

"looking for somebody."

I chuckled and turned around to face him. He smiled and engulfed me in a big hug. "where have you been?" I laugh.

"just here and there. How is everybody at home?"

I shrugged. "haven't been around in a while."

He nodded and I took a sip of my wine. "So.." he trailed off. "you got her out huh?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded. "I had no choice because I wasn't about to give him the money back."

"You know he just got out the hospital." I frowned.

"Really for what?" I ask.

"Some nigga  caught him slippin."

"Damn Kash," I mumble. "So what's the plan?"

"I really don't give a fuck about them people BUT I'm working with some people and they want them dead and that's where you come in."

I nodded. "So what do I have to do."

"Get closer to Kash and then you snap." I nodded.

"when the job is done I'll give you your money." I nodded.

He pulled out a wad of money and placed it on the table before standing up. "It's only the beginning fam." He says before walking away.

I looked around to see if anybody was watching before I placed the money in my small purse.

I got up from my chair and fixed my dress before I paid for my drink and left. It was still early in the day so I decided to head over to Kash's house. Ain never been on no snake shit but this person was closer to me than Kash was so my loyalty lies with HIM.

The limo had pulled up and Kash's house so I got out with the drivers help. I fixed my dress once again before I went up to the door and knocked.

About a minute later his little minion came to the door. I couldn't stand that bitch.


"Can I help you," I say looking at Draya who was standing in the doorway.

"I need to speak with Kash. I got some new information on ole girl."

I stood there for a second before I let the bitch in. Lord knows I could stand her sneaky ass.

"Kash! You have company!"

"I'm comin," he yelled from upstairs.

A few moments later he came downstairs with his little white bandage on his head. I was just glad he was okay after all of that.

"Yo," He says giving her a side hug.

She halfway smiled before glancing up at him. "What happened you you."

"Nothing much, what brings you over?"

"I got news on your baby mama." She said.

He nodded. "Word?"

She nodded. "I have a few sources down town and they say she be down there in the hills with some nigga and the girl she's always with of course. Her name is Danielle Hines, graduated from UCLA a year ago and been doing some undercover work with a bunch of drug dealers around her. She's sneaky but I can handle it."

She says making me scoff. If anything she's the sneaky one. I see straight through that bitch.

He nodded. "Imma look into but right now imma lay low so they won't suspect anything."

She nodded before looking over at me long and hard. I raised my eye brown and placed my hand over my hip. "Is there a problem." I say.

"Yes in fact there is." She says with a petty smirk. "It would be nice if you would let your "man" talk in private." She says adding hand gestures to the "man" part.

"Yo hold up she apart of this too." Kash says.

She smirked. "If anything she's the cause of it," Draya stated smartly.

Alright that's it. This bitch is done testing my patience.

"Then do something about it." I challenged her.

She smirked and walked over to me quickly as if she about to do something. As soon as she got in my personal space I caught he by her throat and pushed her back making her stumble and fall in her heels.

"I told you bitch." I say tying my hair up.

Kash just threw his hands up because it wasn't no stopping us.

She quickly got up and charged at me making both of us fall on the floor. I pushed us over and got on top of her and started punching her while she was punching me in my side.

This bitch couldn't fight at all. I could barely feel that shit. She started trying to grab my hair like the weak bitch that she is so I took her head and started ramming it into the floor.

"Get off of me bitch!"  She yelled.

She managed to flip us over and get on top of me so I wrapped my legs around her neck and started punching her dead in the face. All she could do was kick and try to get from under my legs.

She started trying to bite me so I let her go and kicked her in the face.

She stood up and backed me into the wall making pictures fall so I kneed her in the stomach making her double over before I kneed her in her face making her scream in anger.

"Imma kill you!" She screamed.

I took her by the string of her dress and slung her body against the wall with so much force that she gasped out for air and fell on to the floor.

Before I could even kick her Kash grabbed me. "Alright baby that's enough. Y'all don' fought it out now leave it alone."

She struggled to get up off the floor and when she did she had to hold on to the wall. She moved as if she was drunk. "Go to sleep bitch!"

"I'm gonna kill you b-bitch," she pointed as she tried to walk towards me but Kash grabbed her.

"Y'all chill."

She snatched away from Kash and staggered a little bit.

"Kash you're gonna get what's coming to you." She said. "And for you," she says pointing at me. "You're gonna die bitch."

I laughed and she rushed it the door before slamming it. "Shit," Kash huffed before walking over to me.

"You good baby." He asked.

I nodded and he ran his hand across a scratch on my forehead making it start to burn. I hissed and moved my head back a little. "Come on so I can clean it."

I nodded and followed him upstairs. Draya not stupid enough to try  some dumb shit because if she does she WILL die just like everybody else on the list.

Here's an update! I didn't mean to take so long😔🤦🏽‍♀️.

BUT comment and vote for me guys. If I get 35 votes on this chapter I will be updating !

Enjoy 🔚.

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