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Me and the girl both looked at each other before we looked down. I looked back up at her in disbelief as she let out a shaky breath.

I quickly backed away while she laid on the grown holding her stomach. I didn't mean for it to happened I just didn't want her to kill me.

"I-I'm sorry."

Her chest was heaving up and down and she had tears running down the corner of her face. I quickly rushed back over to her and placed my hand over her wound to apply pressure to it.

Even though she tried to kill me I couldn't just sit there and not help her. "you're gonna be okay j-just don't panic okay."

"I don't wanna die here," she breathed out.

"You're not gonna die okay, you're not gonna die. I'm gonna get you some help okay."

She nodded as tears still escaped from her eyes. "where are you're keys?"

She held up her hands that we trembling and pointed to the table a few feet away from us.

I quickly got up and retrieved the keys and helped her off the ground. After struggling I finally got her inside the car, and I made sure she kept pressure on her gunshot.

"You're gonna be okay just please don't panic," I say driving off.

She just kept breathing heavily and groaning in pain. I felt so bad for what had happened. I just wanted to leave I didn't want nobody to get hurt.

I didn't know where I was going so I just kept driving straight until I saw some road signs or anything that could help me get to the nearest hospital.

"just hang in there okay."

There was a silence making me panic. I touched her hand and she didn't move at all. "no no no."

I quickly pulled over to check on her but I was too late. She was dead.


I took a deep breath before I walked up to the door and knocked. I didn't know why I was here but it's like my gut told me to come here.

"oh hell no, why the fuck you on MY doorstep." She said.

"look Keonna I know you don't fuck with me but I need some type of help. Everybody around me is getting killed."

She stared at me for a minute before she spoke. "I wonder why, all that plottin and scheming you was runnin around here doing is comin to bite you in the ass. God don't like ugly Jhania."

I sighed and put my head down. "I really wanna do yo ass for what you put my niece and my brother through but I know I'm better than that so just come in."

I sighed in relief and walked inside. I feel like a coward for leaving Vonte like that but I couldn't look at Danielle like that. I shouldn't have never got her in my mess.

I regret everything I did ...


I looked at Jhania for a second before I drew back and punched her in the face with all my might. she flew back and hit the wall holding her nose.

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