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"so why'd you leave without tellin me?" Kareem asked me.

He had me tied to a chair and he was sitting across from me in a chair with a gun in his hand.

"Kareem I didn't have to tell you nothing, you don't own me."

He chucked. "when you workin in my shit and bringin me money I do own you baby."

"Kareem I paid off my debt to you two weeks before I left so what are you talking about?"

He smirked. "it's just one thang you forgot to give a nigga." He said standing up and walking behind me with the gun in his hand.

I felt him rub his hand over my breast making me squirm. "I'm not sleeping with you Kareem."

"you don't have to say yes cause either way imma get it." He says untying my hands from the chair.

After I got free he snatched me up by my arm and drug me out of the room. "Kareem stop, you don't even have to do all this."


he pushed me inside a room with a bed in it and closed the door. I saw him lock it which made me go into full panic mode. The only thing that was on my mind was my baby.

"now you could either give it to me, or imma take it," he said grabbing my neck.

"Kareem please.."

"well I guess imma have to take it then," he says pushing me on the bed.

"no!" I yell kicking him.

"be yo ass still!" He yells, penning me arms down. 

"Kareem Stop! you're gonna hurt my baby!"

"fuck that baby!" He yells unbuckling his pants with his free hand.

"please," I cry.

"ion believe in sympathy ma," he smirked snatching my tights off.

He went to pull my panties down but the door busted open and all I heard was two gunshots.  I screamed and became weak once I felt all of Kareem's weight on me.

"Mo?!" I heard Marcus yell.

"Marcus," I yell trying to push Kareem off of me.

He ran over to me and pushed him off of me before he helped me up. "you Ight?"

I nod. "where's Aug?"

"he's at the house let's go," he said wrapping a blanket around me after I slid my tights back on that were ripped.

"how'd you find me?"

"don't worry about allat let's just get outta hea and get you home."

I nod and follow him down the stairs. There was dudes everywhere dead.

"Marcus you killed all these people?" I say looking at them. 

"It was either them or you," he said looking at me.

I nodded and we walked out. "what about Josh and my kids?" I say once I got in the truck.

"somebody already onat for me and the kids safe. They at the house."

"does Aug know?"

"he took the kids to his mom's after they got em back. They safe but he ain't know I was comin to get you."

I nodded.

The rest of the car ride was silent. I was just glad to be out of there and to know that my babies were safe.

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