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Authors pov .

Travis had just landed in Texas in search for his daughter. To hell with Ashley he wanted his child.

How could she be so stupid to be with a nigga that was putting his hands on her and their child. He had so many questions that needed to be answered and he was determined to get them.

"aye Trav," Dj said over the phone.


"I traced that phone number for you and got the address."

Travis nodded as if he could see him.

"alright send it to my phone."


Travis ended the call and seconds later Dj sent the address to Travis's phone. He punched the address in his gps and headed that way. It was only a fifteen minute drive.

The closer he got the more anxious he felt. He wondered if the guy was still there. If he was, there  was gonna be no conversation, he was just gonna take his daughter and put a bullet in his head. Ashley could suffer for all he cared.

"Heaven open this door!" Ashley yelled twisting the door knob.

Heaven had been locked in her room crying since Ashley and Richard's fight. She couldn't stand to look her so called mother in the face. She just wanted the pain in her heart to go away and her father to come save the day like he always did.

"Heaven!" Ashley yelled again.

Heaven sighed and threw herself from her bed and went over to her door and unlocked it. She didn't bother to open the door she just went back to her bed and lied down.

Once Ashley heard the lock click she walked in Heaven's room.

"what is wrong with you little girl? Did you not hear me calling you?" Ashley said snatching the cover from over Heaven's head.

To be so young she was so depressed. She didn't asked for any of this and wanted all of it to stop. She didn't care if her mom and dad wasn't together. She would understand that when she got older but she did want things to go back to normal. She didn't know what happened to her mom but she wanted the old her back.

The happy her, the fun her, the loving her. She can't even remember the last time she heard her mom laugh or the last time she'd seen her smile. Nowadays all you see her doing is crying over something Richard did or even yelling at him all the time.

She was starting to drank a lot and her weight was coming off of her. Her mom used to be the most beautiful woman ever to her but now .. she's not.

A tear rolled down the side of Heaven's face. "I want daddy ."

Ashley sucked her teeth. "listen you need to get over that man, he does not want you nor care about you."

Heaven felt herself become angry as she lifted herself up from the bed.

"no! you're the one who doesn't want me or care about me, all you care about is Richard!"

Ashley looked at her daughter as if she had two heads. "Heaven who are you talking to! I am your mother and you will respect me!"

"you don't respect me! you don't even respect yourself mommy! you just keep ruining my life! I'm only a kid, I'm supposed to be having fun and playing with my little cousins and enjoying weekends at grandmas like I used to do but you took that away from me just like you took daddy! I hate you!" She screamed with tears building up in her eyes.

Heaven started to run off downstairs but Ashley grabbed her. She too had tears building up in her eyes, because everything her daughter was saying was true but she refused to accept it.

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