August 11, 1971

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"Rem don't be such a downer!" I said, frowning at him "It's going to be fun!".

"Y/n, I don't really think I should. It could be dangerous" he replied.

"Oh come on! Mum and Dad gave us the go ahead and Dumbledore okayed it so I see no problem with it" I tried to tell him.

"MUM! REM AND I OUR HEADED TO DIAGON ALLEY" I shouted to her from the living room.

"Okay be back by dinner" she called back. I grabbed Remus's hand and we walked into London. Recently we had moved into a condo in the center of London, walking distance to Diagon Alley.

"This is so exciting! We're going to get to go to a real school and have real friends!" I said as we walked down the sidewalk.

"Yeah, who would want to be friends with this?" he said, pointing to his scars.

"No one's going to know. Dumbledore himself has made arrangements" I replied, poking him in the chest "just lighten up a bit".

"Fine, I'll enjoy myself, I'll think of it as a new opportunity to study" he said. His face always looked happy when he talked about school. Dad had constantly been taking me to Diagon Alley since I got my letter. I loved all the magic.

"Oh hey Hagrid," I said, talking to the half giant that always hung out in the pub guarding the entrance to Diagon Alley.

"Hey Lupin twins! What you doing here 'day?" he asked us.

"We're shopping for school," Remus said.

"That's 'xiting! I'll keep me eye out for 'ye at Hogwarts" Hagrid said as cheerily as ever. Rem and I walked to the brick wall and I opened it.

"That will always continue to amaze me" he said, I chuckled. This time, there were a lot more student's shopping than last time.

"Let's see... we're going to need a wand" Rem said, looking at his list.

"Yess, I've been waiting for this!" I said, pulling his arm and leading us into Ollivanders.

"Welcome to Ollivanders, the best wand shop in the world. Step right up and get the wand perfect for you".

Rem's wand was 10 1/4, Cypress, Unicorn hair. Mine was 10 1/2, Black Walnut, Unicorn hair. It just happened to be a 1/4 inch larger than his. 

"Cool! Now we're going to need some pets" I said, looking around for a pet store.

"I don't really want a pet. I can't really take care of one and it's not necessary" he said.

"Okay then I'm going to get an owl and then you can use it if you want" I told him. Once I got my barn owl (named him Newt) and we got all of our books, we headed home for the rest of the summer. 

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