October 31, 1974

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Our halloween costume this year was a little unconventional. Peter, Remus, and I convinced James and Sirius that we should go as this muggle TV show. It was called Scooby Doo and I felt like we were very similar to them. They agreed, and we got to work on costumes. I thought they turned out great. I was Daphne, James was Fred, Rem was Shaggy, Sirius was Scooby, and poor Peter was stuck as Velma. I don't think he really minded though because it fit his personality quite well.

James wanted to go to all the house parties but Sirius said that only the Slytherin and Gryffindor ones were worth going to so that was the plan. We knew the Gryffindor party would die out by around 11 and that's when the Slytherin party would get heated so it made perfect sense. I had to make the boys promise they wouldn't have any firewhisky, well at least not any at the Gryffindor party. Once we got to Slytherin's, they could do whatever they wanted.

I could already tell it wasn't working due to the fact I just saw Sirius sit on Peter and James cheering him on. The rest of the party was fun, really loud, but fun. Lily was there dressed as Little Red Riding Hood; brilliant costume and I wished I had thought of it. Especially with the big bad wolf and Moony. As soon as people started filing out, I decided that it was probably time to head to the dungeons.

It was easier than I thought to round up two tispy 14 year olds and their best friends. It takes about 30 minutes to get from Gryffindor towers to the Slytherin dungeons. It took about 45 with the boys. I held Sirius' hand to make sure he didn't wander off and Rem took James' hand. Once we got to the entrance of the common room and I put the password in (Regulus had told us beforehand).

"Y/n, I don't want to go to bed" Sirius said.

"I know. Good thing we're not going to bed"

"Where are we going? Disneyland?"

"No, even better. We're going to a party with-"

"FIREWHISKY" James shouted as the common room door opened and he ran to the firewhiskey.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Fawn?" Rem asked. Peter looked just as concerned.

"No, I'm not. But I think we should let the kids live a little. We just have to watch them. Unless you guys want to go back. I can take care of them"

The two of them looked at each other without another sound and then both said "Bye!" and ran off. I didn't really know what to do so I figured there was no harm in taking a shot of firewhiskey.

"Y/n it'll be fun!" James tried to tell me. It tasted like REALLY strong soda.

"I told you you'd love it," James shouted over the music. I tried not to have another otherwise I knew none of us would get back to the dorms. But when you're tipsy, it's hard to resist. SO I had another, and maybe another. But I really wasn't going to have anymore after that. I decided just to dance instead of try to drink anymore. I think it started to slowly wear off because I didn't feel tipsy anymore, just extremely tired.

"Come on boys we need to go" I said, grabbing Sirius' arm and pulling him away from some girl.

"Y/n I was having fun!"

"I know, but it's 2am we need to get back" I yelled at him when I spotted James, still taking shots.

"Christ James! That's got to be your 15th one. Let's go" I said, grabbing his hand as well and dragging them out of the common room.

I think it took more like an hour to get back to the Gryffindor Towers. Due to the fact that we had to keep stopping so Sirius could barf, and because James kept saying he "had the best idea" but he couldn't think of it when he was walking, and so I wouldn't fall asleep mid-staircase.

"Y/n, we're never going to make it. Let's just sleep here" Sirius said, pointing to an empty classroom.

"No, we can make it. We're really close" I said, gripping their arms tighter so they wouldn't run away. Once we got to the entrance of the common room, none of us could remember the password. We got so tired that we had to sit down and try to think of what it was.

Once we finally got it, I dragged the boys up the stairs. Their whining and moaning made it ten times harder. Once I got them in their room, I tried to be quiet, Peter and Remus were asleep.

I put the boys in their bed, after they each threw up one more time, but I didn't think I could make it back to the girls dorm. I made the wise decision to just sleep on the floor.

"Y/n don't sleep on the floor. Come in bed with me" James said.

"No, it's okay down here" I replied.

"Seriously, there's room" he said, opening the blanket and scooching over.

"Fine. But you better not remember this in the morning and you better not puke on me".

Let's just say that I woke up the next morning to several photos being taken of James and I. 

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