February 14, 1973

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This was my first Valentine's Day with a boyfriend. And my first one with nosy friends. Daniel and I ate breakfast together and I wanted to give him my gift but I had to promise him I was going to wait because he wanted to give me his gift as well.

"So what are you guys going to do?" James asked.

"I don't know, he told me to meet him in the courtyard with my gift for him" I told the four of them.

"OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO Y/n and Daniel sittin in a tree K-I-" Sirius tried to sing.

"Shut up!" I said "Besides, you four are just jealous because you're all alone" I told them, crossing my arms.

"Actually, on the contrary" Remus added "We have each other".

"Oh Rem, how touching" Sirius said, putting his hand over his heart.

"You know how much I hate when you call me that"

"That's precisely why I do it," Sirius replied, booping his nose. Remus just brushed it off.

"Have they gotten married yet?" Peter asked.

"No, but they act like it," James said, smirking.

"What do you guys mean?" Sirius asked.

"Don't pretend like you don't know. You two act like you're practically married" I said.

"But-but Sirius is a boy," Remus replied with the reddest cheeks I've ever seen.

"And?? Why should that matter?" I asked.

"Y/n, I'm not gay" Remus said "I hope you know that" I got out of my seat and ruffled his hair.

"Whatever you say little bro. I'm off to find Daniel" I said, walking out of the common room.

"Y/n hey!" Daniel said as I walked into the courtyard.

"Hey Daniel! How was your day?" I asked, walking up to him.

"Much better now that you're here," he replied. We both smiled. I pulled my gift out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"Oh come on, open it!" I said excitedly.

"I want you to open mine first," he said, handing me a small box.

"Fine. But only because you're so darn cute" I replied. When I opened the box, I was stunned. It was a beautiful gold locket.

"It's perfect," I said, looking back up at him. He really did have the most beautiful eyes.

"Here, let me put it on you," he said. I turned around and moved my hair out of the way. When I heard the clasp clip, I turned back around and started down at it.

"Thank you, really," I told him. We made eye contact for a minute or two and then he moved some of my hair behind my ear. He leaned in towards me and put his mouth by my ear.

"I think we have some company," he whispered. It sent shivers down my spine. I slowly turned around to see none other than Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter's heads sticking out from behind one of the pillars. I could kill them! I thought. When they noticed me, they started to run away.

"Look, I gotta go Daniel. Open your present though and I'll see you at dinner. Bye!" I yelled back at him as I ran after the boys. I had chased them all the way back to the common room and into their dorm. Once I was inside, I locked the door behind me. I couldn't see any of them because they were all either hiding behind a bed or the dresser or in the bathroom. I knew they could hear me.

"You boys are idiots. What made you think that you had the right to do that?" I asked. I put my hand on my forehead. "I mean, you were spying on me. And just when it was about to get good. Ugh I could KILL you" none of them responded. Slowly, Peter emerged from behind a bed.

"I'm really sorry Y/n. I didn't even want to. James was the one that told us to-" Peter started to say before James opened the bathroom door and walked out.

"I did not! Don't blame this on me! I merely suggested we should make sure things didn't get frisky between the two of you" he said, looking at me. I just crossed my arms. "Besides, Remus thought it was a good idea and-" suddenly Remus appeared from behind the dresser.

"No I did not! I wanted her to have her privacy! What does it matter if she's with a boy? What's it to you JAMES?" Remus asked.

"Well, well it's nothing to me. Sirius was the one that told us what to do and-"

"Oh, REAL original James. She's my best friend, of course I advised against it" Sirius shouted, coming out from under his bed covers. James walked up to him and stuck his finger out.

"Or did you want to keep an eye on her BECAUSE she's your best friend?" James said.

"No actually" Sirius replied, walking towards James until he was pushed up against the wall. "I'm pretty sure it was you because you were the one that admitted she was the prettiest girl you had ever seen when we were in the common room-"

"I DID NOT SAY THAT DON'T LIE" James yelled. Then he slapped Sirius. It very quickly turned into a screaming match between the two of them.






Rem, Peter and I snuck out the door and sat down in the common room. "We're really sorry Y/n. I don't think either of us meant for this to happen" Peter said, looking very apologetic.

"Don't worry about it. I knew you two were innocent. I knew it had to be one of them" I said, rolling my eyes.

"What are you going to do now?" Remus asked.

"I'm- I'm going to break up with Daniel" I said, sounding more confident than I actually felt.

"But why? I thought you really liked him?" Peter asked.

"I do, but you guys are way more important to me and if he gets in the way of that, then it's not worth it" I told them.

"Y/n that's really sweet but I don't think anyone can peacefully coexist with us" Rem said. Peter just nodded.

"Guess I'll be single forever then" I replied, shrugging my shoulders and walking out of the common room. I found Daniel in the library.

"Daniel hey!" I said, sitting down next to him "Listen I'm really sorry but-" I started to say.

"Don't be sorry. It's sweet that they were being protective of you. I really don't mind" he said, taking my hand.

"That's really sweet. And it also makes this really hard, but I have to break up with you" I said, putting my hands over my mouth. "I'm sorry please don't hate me" I said.

"I don't hate you. But why? I thought you really liked me?" he asked.

"I do. But those boys are my family and there's obviously some bad blood between you guys. I'm sorry. I hope we can still be friends. You're a really great guy and I love playing quidditch with you" I told him.

"Thanks. You're a really great girl but I completely understand. You've got to stick with your family. Let's definitely play quidditch sometime though. I'd love to see a little more of those Lupin moves" he said, chuckling.

"Well I've got tons more. I'd love to show 'em to you" I replied. We talked for a little longer about the game coming up. He was always so nice, even now. I hope we really could be friends. 

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