January 5, 1973

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Christmas break was a tough one for the Lupin's this year. The full moon was expected today but it came 11 days early. On Christmas. After we had eaten Christmas dinner and played with all of our presents, I looked outside the window. Noticing the full moon, I went straight to dad. We told Remus what I had seen and we locked him downstairs, where there were no windows.

"Y/n, you should go to sleep. We'll see Remus in the morning" Mum told me as her and dad went to bed. How could I sleep? Eventually I got into bed but I just layed there. I was close to falling asleep before I heard a very loud scream. Somehow I was able to tell that it was Rem, not his werewolf form. I ran down to the basement as fast as I could. I unlocked the door to see Remus laying there on the ground.

"Rem!" I yelled, putting his head in my lap "It's okay, it's okay".

"Y/n? Is that you?" he asked, sounding like he had just woken up.

"Yeah, yeah it's me. It's okay, let's come upstairs and I'll get you cleaned up" I told him. He couldn't even stand on his own so I put him on my back and carried him upstairs. He kept mumbling random things. 

I brought him to the kitchen and took his shirt off. Noticing his bad scars, I used a wet cloth to clean all the blood off. For all of the smaller scars, I used a band-aid with some Neosporin. 

He still couldn't walk and I was too tired to carry him upstairs so I set him up on the couch.

I tried to walk upstairs back to my bed. "Y/n, it hurts," Rem said. I turned around and kneeled next to him.

"I know, I know. I promise it will get better. We're going to see James and Peter and-" I started to say.

"And Sirius?" Rem asked, a smile creeping up on his face. I just chuckled.

"Yeah. We're going to be with them very soon. I promise" I said. I decided that I didn't want to leave him there by himself so I curled up on the other couch.


"Remus, what are all those scars on your arm?" Sirius asked. Immediately, my heart started to pound. Don't say it Remus. I tried to give him my death stare.

"Oh um, it was a family thing," Remus said, looking at me. Sirius stood up and stood in front of me.

"Is he lying? You have to tell me if he's lying. As your best friend-"

"No. No, he's not lying. There was a-uh family fight. Remus was just trying to protect me" I lied. Sirius looked really concerned.

"It's okay Sirius. We're okay, it was just a one time thing" this didn't seem to settle his anxiousness. 

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