June 23, 1974

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The first full moon that I was a real animagus. And an illegal one at that. I begged Remus to let me transform with him but he refused. Said I was still too new at this whole "doe" thing. So I decided to practice every night of the summer. With nothing to do but lounge around, I figured it was a good use of time. Although I did have to be careful. Remus and I had decided to not tell mum and Dad that we had told our friends about Remus' "condition" and that I was now an illegal animagus. Who knows what type of school they might have sent us off too.

I had to pinkie swear that I was not going to follow him into the cellar, even after he had transformed back. It was challenging, hearing someone scream out in pain and then trying to go to sleep. But like James had said all those months ago, I was strong, and I shall never forget it.

Summer already felt like it was dragging on forever. We had promised to visit each other as often as possible, although it was hard to find time for us all. It couldn't be anywhere near a full moon, couldn't interfere with all the galas Sirius had to attend, and we always had to get permission from Peter's parents. James was always free, we didn't have to worry about him. Unfortunately, I didn't really expect that our issues for getting together was probably a sign. And I shouldn't have pushed it.

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