October 31, 1975

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The night of Halloween is always a big one at Hogwarts. And even if we weren't doing a group costume, it was still going to be epic. This year a few 6th years were planning the Gryffindor party and technically James and I were supposed to be there as prefects but I'm sure they had it all under control. Our goals were set elsewhere: in the Slytherin dungeons.

No matter what you might think Slytherin is famous for, you're wrong: it's their parties. Whether it's the large barrels of firewhisky or music that blares until 3 in the morning, they have it all.

By the time we had all met up in the middle of the craziness of the Gryffindor common room, we decided that we all wanted to go down to Slytherin. And by the time we got there and snuck in behind some 7th year Ravenclaws dressed as quidditch players (lame if you ask me), half of the firewhisky was already gone.

It took all of about ten seconds before I lost all the guys, so I headed to the back of the room to try and find Regulus.

"Hey Reggie" I said, sitting down next to the boy on the window ledge. "Not such a fun party?".

He looked out into the crowd of people, "It's fine, just not what I was hoping".

"And what were you hoping for?" I asked. 

"A girl"

"A girl?"

"Yeah. We sit together in potions and charms and I finally got the courage to talk to her the other day. Too bad she's dancing with Jacob now" he responded as he pointed straight ahead at a girl dressed as a mouse and a boy dressed as a pumpkin.

I found James in the crowd and smiled and waved. I think Regulus noticed.

"You like him don't you?" he asked. I didn't want to be honest because I didn't want him telling Sirius. "I won't tell anyone," he added.

I paused. "Yeah...I do". I couldn't help but smile. "Okay look. You're going to go out there and just start being social. If you just start talking and dancing, someone will do the same. Okay?" I patted him on the back and grabbed his hand to help him stand up.

"Thanks Y/n, you always know how to help" he said as he walked away into the crowd.

James came over and stood next me with a cup in his hand. "You look uptight".

"All right smarty-pants. It's just been a long night, and there's still a lot to go" I replied, checking the time on my watch only to see 10pm plastered on it.

"Come on, let's get some firewhisky in you," James told me as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the barrels.

The rest of the night was filled with strobe lights, tipsy dancing, and eventually just total blackout of any memories. There was music and yelling and then suddenly I was laying back in my bed.

I'm not sure if I was being delusional or it was the truth, but the last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep was a kiss being placed on my forehead and three short words coming from someone's mouth.

'I love you'

A/N: HUGE WOLFSTAR COMING NEXT CHAPTER OMG I'M SO EXCITED AND I HOPE YOU ARE TOO. Thinking about posting it tonight but then it might be a while before another chapter....hmmm maybe I'll have to think on it. Goodnight baes :)

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