January 1, 1976

804 21 9

Sirius' P.O.V.

    Happy New Year! I think I need to take more advantage of the fact that you said you're happy to go back to school. Maybe I can finally get you to do your schoolwork. Anyways, the gift was lovely and I'm sure I'll enjoy it for the rest of the break before I get to see you again. Give my worst to your entire family (except Regulus, please try to be nice to him).

Remus. (Moony)

James' P.O.V.

    Sorry it took me so long to write back to you, things feel very hectic at home. Hopefully this gets to you by the new year, in which case I hope you enjoyed the last few days of the year. Your present was lovely (I'm assuming the 16 chocolates were representative of the 16 days we've been together?). Either way, they were all delicious. I feel very lucky to have you too, and it makes it just that much more special to know I will see you again soon.

Y/N L.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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