Year 4 (The Year of the Map) July 23, 1974

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(This chapter involves the ship name between you and Sirius at the beginning of second year).

Summer days at the Potter's felt like living out my greatest fantasy. I mean, who didn't love to spend all day in the lake and then coming in for dinner, only to go back outside and sit on top of the broom shed and stargaze. None of us knew any of the constellations so we started to make up names.

    "Look at that one" Sirius said.

    "No, this ones better," James replied, pointing in the opposite direction. We all sat there, laughing and pointing at random stars.

    We all went back into the house and got ready for bed. There was a queen bed and a king. I didn't want to have to share with James. Sirius and Peter climbed into the king bed and I tried to squeeze myself in with them before Rem layed down before me..

    "Rem.." I whispered, giving him a death stare.

    "Sorry Y/n," he said, before Peter interrupted him.

    "He paid us to do it," Peter replied, slightly hiding under the covers "a whole 5 galleons". I climbed into the other bed and covered most of my face in the blankets. James was still in the bathroom but when he came out, I saw him wink at Sirius. I scooted as far as I could to one side of the bed as James laid down on the other side.

    "Goodnight" someone said. The lights were turned off so I couldn't see anything.




    "Night" I said, turning my back to James and going to bed.

    I didn't know how much later it was, but I was suddenly woken up by someone calling my name. "Y/n, pssssss, Y/n wake up" Sirius called.

    "What? It's like three in the morning" I said, sitting up in bed.

    "I need to talk to you. I have a really good idea" he looked like a very happy child, wanting to share his ideas with the world.

    "Fine. What is it?" I asked, sitting down on the floor so we could sit next to each other.

    "Well I was thinking that we should have code names. Something to do with our animagus forms" he whispered. It actually wasn't a bad idea.

    "That's not a bad idea. I love code names. Don't you think it'll be hard to think of them though?" I asked.

    "Well yes, except for the fact that I've already thought of them"

    "SPILL" I said excitedly. I absolutely LOVE codenames.

    "Ok, so Rem is Moony"

    "LOVE" I interrupted.

    "And Peter is Wormtail"

    "Classic" I said with a giggle.

    "I'm Padfoot"


    "You're Fawn"

    "That's the best one"

    "And James is Prongs"


    "Moony, Wormatil, Padfoot, Fawn, and Prongs. It's got a nice ring to it"

    "It really does. Should we wake up the others?" I asked.

    "Are you kidding? I'm THE Padfoot. Course I want to make everyone miserable" he smiled. We both stood up and started making as much noise as possible until everyone was up.

    "Bloody hell what's this all about?" James said, rubbing his eyes.

    "Impromptu Marauder's meeting NOW" Sirius called. Peter covered his head in his pillow but Rem threw it on the floor.

    "If I have to be up, so do you"

    "This is very important, Moony," Sirius said.


    "Nevermind. We have a very important announcement. (Ship name), well really just me but I'll let Y/n take part of the credit. Anyway, we have code names for each of us. Rem, Moony. Peter, Wormtail. Me, Padfoot. Y/n, Fawn. And James, Prongs"

    No one spoke for a few seconds. "That's what you woke me up for?" Rem said annoyed.

    "Well yeah-"

    "Don't get me wrong, they're cool. But it really could have waited 'till morning. Come on Y/n, come back to bed" James said. I rolled my eyes at Sirius, mouthed sorry, and crawled back into bed.

    (I know I said something bad was going to happen but I couldn't think of anything so let's just pretend I never said it).

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