March 10, 1975

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James said today was the day he was going to carry out his prank. Why it had to be on my birthday I wasn't sure but he refused to tell me the plan anyway. He kept saying "You'll see". He knows I hate waiting.

"Are you sure James said the black lake?" I asked a very pushy Sirius who was forcing me outside the common room.


"I just don't think it's a good idea to be down there at night. You know that it's MY birthday right?"

"Actually it's Moony's birthday"

"So what am I? The tag along?"


We walked outside of the castle, Sirius hand gripped onto my shirt so I couldn't run away. I kept asking questions but he kept not answering.

"So are you guys playing the prank on me or something? Or am I supposed to just go along with whatever James had cooked up? If only you knew what I gave that boy-"

"Just calm down Y/n, we're not capturing you. At least I'm not"

"Is this another attempt for me to go on a date with James? 'Cause it's not going to work" Sirius didn't respond after that. I knew what he meant.

"Listen Y/n, please don't embarrass him. He's harmless"

"That's just because he doesn't harass you everyday. 'Please go out with me?' or 'What do I have to do to get you to like me?' It's exhausting!". I broke free from Sirius' grip. "Have a nice night with the boys but I'm leaving" I said as I walked off back towards the castle. 

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